Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cancer Prevention through Diet

After years of ignoring diet and nutrition, medical researchers are finally admitting that what we eat does matter. The good news is that we can increase our chances of avoiding cancer by making some changes in our eating habits.

Check out these posts:

Prevent Cancer and Relieve Pain With a Common Spice

Inexpensive Super Food Helps Prevent Cancer

Can Asparagus Prevent Cancer - or even cure it?

Look to Nutrition to Reduce Cancer Risk

Monday, December 28, 2009

Not Just Women - Everyone at Risk from Radiation

My last post talked about the dangers of mammograms - that too frequent testing can lead to breast cancer.

Well, a few days after learning that, I read another report. This time it's about CT Scans.

While they can be a valuable tool for diagnosing an illness, they're being over used. And, when over used, they can cause cancer.

Read more on the cancer threat from CT Scans...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Have Women Been Duped?

If you read the report I found from Newsmax this morning, you just might decide that yes, for many years now, women have been duped.

That wouldn't be so bad if it was just about the money that doctors and hospitals have been raking in by scaring women into having regular mammograms. But it isn't just about the money - it's about putting women at an increased risk for breast cancer.

Please read this Blaylock report and think about it. This is way beyond scary.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New News on Cancer Prevention from Your Spice Shelf

Did you know that a spice that may be residing in your cupboard right now can help you prevent cancer - or help you recover and reduce the debilitating side effects if you are undergoing chemotherapy?

Not everyone uses it, but it's a staple in Indian cuisine. That spice is Tumeric. It's been used for centuries for pain relief - and that is, in fact, where I first heard about it. A friend who suffers from an old back injury recommended it.

Read the rest of the story at Natural Health in a Toxic World.

While you're there, look around - you'll find other cancer preventatives!