Friday, February 29, 2008

Feeling better than ever before

Today I had company - company with a headache. He asked me if by chance I had a sinus pill in the house and I went to the cupboard to get one - and had a devil of a time finding it!

Not very long ago, I made sure there was a full box there, because I practically lived on the things. But when I thought about it today, I couldn't remember the last time I had looked for one. I also kept antihistamines, because I never knew when I'd eat, touch, or smell something that would give me a crushing headache.

I still have a few allergies, and still have my antihistamines, but I don't need them very often. I don't even need an aspirin very often.

What's the difference now? Why, after nearly 60 years do I suddenly not need these remedies?

Several things have probably brought me to this state.
  • I walked away from a job that had become a heavy burden. While I had loved it at one time, things had changed. It wasn't fun any more because it had become cutthroat. I'm now doing work that I love - copywriting, meeting people all over the world through the power of the internet, and writing about products and services I believe in.
  • I started practicing the kinds of things you read in "The Secret." I'm not as dedicated as most who practice it, but I focus on thinking about the things I want rather than the things I don't want, and expecting good in my life. I also practice thankfulness for all I have and for the good things that come into my life every day.
  • I started drinking mangosteen juice. The more I read about it, the more fascinated I become. I know, medical science says it just can't be as good as they say, but that's only because it doesn't fit their mold. And besides that, it's a fruit - big pharm can't patent it, so of course they'd say it doesn't work. But the people who use it know it works.
Do you feel good? Or do you need to make some of the kinds of changes I made?

I want you to know that you don't have to change everything. You don't have to give up everything. I still smoke, I still drink beer and coffee, and I eat what I want. I'll admit that I don't "want" processed foods - the list of chemicals in them makes me cringe - but I haven't given up bread or eggs or meat or any of the unprocessed foods that some think are so harmful.

Think about it. And if you aren't feeling good, start working on ways to make some changes. And start looking into mangosteen and the other "super fruits" that can speed you to health.

Yours for good health,

Thursday, February 14, 2008

An Exercise to Ease Back Pain

Does your back hurt so it's hard to sleep at night? Does that make you reach for a pain killer, even though you know the risks?

Today I read about an exercise that might do the trick better than the temporary and sometimes nauseating fix provided by a pill.

You need one of those big exercise balls - you know, that big blue or gray thing you bought thinking you were going to exercise a lot. Look behind the couch in the family room - it has to be somewhere.

Start by lying on your stomach on the ball. Keep your feet wide for balance. Slowly roll forward until the ball is placed in front of your hips. Allow your body to bend forward, rounding to the shape of the ball.

Relax your body completely and place your hands on the floor for support and balance. You should feel light to moderate stretching in your lower back, and possibly your hamstrings.

This stretch loosens the muscles that run up and down your spine, creating more space between each vertebra and easing the tension.

Best success!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Test drugs killed how many?

I only caught a part of that newscast - a major drug company doing a test on medications for diabetes and heart disease - and a huge percentage of the test subjects died.

Is that OK as long as the percentage was low?

I realize that drugs have to be tested, and I do hate the idea of testing on our 4 legged friends as if they were inanimate objects.

I know! Maybe the people who formulate these drugs, or the ones who stand to become wealthy selling them are the ones who should be the test subjects.

You can bet they'd be a bit more careful if that were the case.

One can hope that the FDA, that entity that's supposed to be protecting us, will crack down a little harder on big pharm after this episode. But I doubt it.

All of us who truly want to be healthy will just have to keep reading and learning about natural cures and preventatives - and fighting big pharm's efforts to ban the sale of vitamins and minerals without a prescription.