Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Reason Why Doctors Make You Wait

Now I know why doctors over-schedule their patients so that some are kept sitting in their offices for hours at a time. I learned the answer in a re-print of a newsletter from 1939.

According to a survey that had been done to support the building of a new hospital, an average of 1/3 of a doctor's time was wasted waiting for patients. I guess they decided that wasn't cost-effective, so it would be better if entire days were wasted by patients waiting to see doctors.

The report also mentioned that 4 out of 10 doctors did not keep up with the advances in medicine, and that medical care was the 6th largest industry in the U.s.

38% of small loans were made for the purpose of paying medical bills, but 20% of all doctor's bills were never paid.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The natural Diet / Health Aid in your kitchen: Green Tea

A study conducted by the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging found that drinking a daily dose of green tea aids in fat loss.

132 obese people participated in the study. The results of the study showed that after 12 weeks of eating the same diet and exercising the same number of minutes per day, the group who drank green tea lost twice as much weight and had larger declines in abdominal fat, subcutaneous abdominal fat, and triglycerides.

Scientists believe that green tea speeds the rate at which fat is broken down in the body. It may also lower the risk of diabetes by aiding the body's sensitivity to insulin. Green tea contains catechins, a powerful antioxidant - so aids in overall health.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Another cure for warts

A while back I wrote about my son finally getting rid of his Plantar warts by using duct tape on them. That worked for him, but since all bodies are different, it might not work for you.

Another cure I just read about is lemon juice. This is not just for plantar warts, but others as well. You use fresh lemon juice, applied 3 or 4 times a day.

The article also mentioned using castor oil, vinegar, Listerine, and even instant glue. Others have found success by taping the inside of a banana peel to their warts.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hippotherapy to Treat Disabilities?

Hippotherapy - sounds like it has to do with a hippopotamus, but no - it's horses. The name stems from the Greek word "hippos" for horse.

The "therapy" is horseback riding.

Students at Whitworth University have conducted research studies on the effects of hippotherapy, using a 6 year old boy with cerebral palsy as their test subject. The students measured the electromyograms in the boy's muscles before and each day after each therapy session. They found that he had better muscle coordination and balance for at least 2 days following his riding sessions.

But the little boy and his mom aren't measuring electromyograms - what they know is that he has been able to discontinue wearing leg braces and he can now sit up without help. This kind of exercise, in which the rider is required to use his or her muscles in sync with the movement of the horse, has strengthened his torso muscles in a manner that can't be duplicated in a clinic.

Horseback riding improves balance, posture, mobility, and muscle function. (Not just for those in need of therapy, by the way. It's helpful for all of us!)

For those suffering from mental and emotional disabilities, working with animals is safe. They might not be able to connect with other people, but most have no fear of loving, trusting, and communicating with animals.

Hippotherapy programs are few and far between, and often too expensive for people who may be living on disability. Thus, groups are springing up to raise money in an effort to expand programs to all who might benefit.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Did the FDA Warn YOU to Discontinue Hydroxycut?

I don't know who sent me the email I got today regarding Hydroxycut, but it contained a link to the information below:

"On May 1, 2009 the FDA sent out a warning to consumers to stop using Hydroxycut Products; dietary supplements used for weight loss as fat burners, as energy-enhancers, as low carb diet aids, and for water loss under the Lovate and MuscleTech brand names. Thus far Hydroxycut has been linked to at least one death and twenty three reports of serious health problems; consumers who use the products are at risk of serious liver injury."

This site issues the warning and invites you to contact them if you've experienced any of the symptoms listed. It appears to be a company interested in filing a class action lawsuit.

We all know that anyone can publish anything on line, so if you've taken this product, some research is in order...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Natural Heartburn Remedy?

Do you pop antacids like they were candy? I know quite a few people who do. They buy Tums in the super size bottle nearly every week.

Well, there might be a natural cure that can cut down on that expense. I just read it in the local newspaper, and since it costs nothing and doesn't involve any drugs, I think it's worth a try:

When you feel heartburn coming on, simply use both hands to press just below your sternum and continue pressing down to your stomach for about 30 seconds. Do it 3 times in a row.

I'm passing this one on to my Tums-buying friends.

Another cure that seems to work well for some is sauerkraut. Not too handy to carry with you, but if you experience heartburn at home, simply eat a small bowl of sauerkraut. I read that years ago in Germany, people kept a jar of sauerkraut juice on hand for this purpose.

Nationalized Health Care?

You know I believe in natural health - and stay as far away from doctors as I can. But there are times when people DO need mainstream medical care. For instance, when they need to have a tumor removed.

The liberals in Washington think that the answer to everyone having the care they need is let Big Brother handle it - and that we should follow Canada's lead into nationalized health care.

If you've been thinking they're right, watch this video:

Then send it to your friends.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Question of Bottled Water

As you know, not all bottled water is pure. We've been reading and writing about that for a year or more now. We've learned that the FDA doesn't regulate bottled water - that comes under the Environmental Protection Agency - and they don't pay much attention to it.

We also learned that the conscientious bottlers police themselves. But - very few bottlers belong to their associations.

So I thought it was interesting when I got the following in my e-mail. It might be fun to participate:

"Ever look at a bottle of water and wonder, "Where does the water come from? Is it purified? Did the FDA make sure it's safe and clean?"

Join EWG's Bottled Water Label Scavenger Hunt and get your questions answered.

Here's how to get involved (and win EWG prizes!):

1) The next time you buy a bottle of water (even we EWG'ers sometimes forget our reusable bottle) choose a non-sparkling, unflavored water bottled in glass or clear plastic.

2) Carefully remove the entire label from the bottle. We need all the information from the label, so if necessary, cut the plastic around the label to get it all off.

3) Write down:

the name and location of the store where you purchased the water

the date you purchased the water

your name, email and mailing address

4) Mail your labels and other information to:

Environmental Working Group
Attn: Nneka Leiba
1436 U St. NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20009

Whoever sends the most labels (duplicates not counting) by June 15 will win a stainless steel water bottle with the EWG logo and a jumbo-sized, reusable grocery tote printed with EWG's pollution solutions tips. Plus, everyone who participates will get a Shopper's Guide to Pesticides magnet!

Thank you in advance for helping us with our research to make sure bottled water companies are honest with you about the water you buy.


EWG Bottled Water Research Team"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Keep Your Pets Insect-free - Safely

If you have pets, you know that we're coming into flea and tick season - and that those parasites not only make your pets itch, they can cause serious health problems.

BUT - if you've read the labels on most flea and tick shampoos and sprays, you know that the chemicals can be just as harmful to your pets as the insects.

Not only that, if you or your children pet your animals, you are also at risk.

Two years ago when my dog Pepper got fleas, the vet treated him with one of the popular 30-day drugs that is applied to the skin on a dog's neck. The poor guy scratched continuously for a month until that drug worked its way out of his system. I vowed I'd never put him through that again, but finding safe products was not easy.

That's why I'm excited over a new product I just found: Defendex Pet Shampoo. It's made by the same company that makes Arthro-Ionx Healthy Joint Support for Pets - the product that gave our Ralph Dog back his mobility - so I trust it.

All natural, this product was formulated to be safe for use on children. And right now, it's on sale to boot.

Defendex Pet Shampoo - Buy 3 Get 2 Free(Plus Free Shipping to the US)

If you have pets, go read all about it.

We're just about out of Arthro-Ionx, so I'm ordering both tonight.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Obesity Raises the Risk of Birth Defects

Years ago a friend confided to me that her doctor "wouldn't let her" get pregnant unless she lost some weight - a lot of it. She never did lose the weight, or get pregnant, but she did adopt several children.

I didn't ask, and don't know if her doctor was concerned for her, or for the effects on a baby, but new studies are now showing that there is a definite correlation between obesity during pregnancy and birth defects.

With obesity rampant in the U.S., authorities say that now about 1/3 of all women of reproductive age are obese. Pregnancy raises their risk of hypertension and diabetes, among other things. Risks for the baby include pre-term birth and defects such as cleft palate, hydrocephaly, limb reduction, and more.

About 3% of all babies suffer from birth defects, compared to 4% of babies of obese mothers.

While researchers have not yet determined the cause, they speculate that it could be undiagnosed diabetes, or a nutritional deficiency in the mother. (Yes, you definitely can be nutritionally deficient and still overweight.)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Save Your Eyes - With Exercise

We've all known that our bodies work as a total unit - and that overall fitness is a very good thing. Now 2 new studies are showing that the same exercise that leads to cardiovascular fitness could also lead to reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Overlaps in health include higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol being associated with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration, and the fact that high levels of C-reactive protein, which occur during periods of inflammation, may lead to cataracts.

Exercise typically boosts HDL and reduces C-reactive protein.

Other studies show that regular exercise of the eyes themselves helps to maintain good eyesight. This includes focus and rotation exercises, which strengthen the myriad of muscles surrounding our eyes.

So let's change that old schoolyard chant: "Look up, look down, look at my thumb - Gee you're SMART!"

Then get up and get some whole body exercise - eyesight is too precious to lose.

* The study reporting these results appeared in the January issue of Investigative Ophthamology & Visual Science.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Childhood eczema

Pediatricians estimate that today nearly one in ten babies has eczema - a definite increase from years past.

Some doctors attribute the rise to allergies - created in part because we're keeping our homes - and our babies - cleaner. Kids don't get a chance to build any resistance in their immune systems. That makes sense when I think about children I've known who lived in what most people would term a "sty," but who never got sick.

My suspicion is that children are also exposed to many more environmental toxins today - As an example: Once upon a time a baby crawled on a wood or linoleum floor - where dust, dirt, and pet hair were the biggest hazards. Now they're crawling on chemical-laden carpet.

Their food is different, too. Baby food used to be pure food. Now they get formula and prepared food that contains preservatives. And what about those plastic baby bottles?

We've all been cautioned about drinking water from bottles that have been in the car and gotten warm, because heat makes toxins in the plastic leach out into the water.
Just a few days ago I read that manufacturers are NOW working on changing the plastic in baby bottles to get away from that problem. Meanwhile, how many baby bottles have been warmed and the contents feed to infants?

Eczema is treated with use of hypoallergenic soaps, antihistamines, daily moisturizing, oatmeal baths, and occasional use of steroid creams and/or antibiotics. But these are just treatments to reduce the redness and itching. There is no "cure" for childhood eczema.

The good news, according to physicians, is that most children outgrow it by the time they reach their teens.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Worried about Swine Flu?

I'm still wondering why Swine flu is taking up so much air time on the television lately. After all, it has killed 42 people world-wide, while "regular" flu kills about 36,000 each year.

One reporter, mentioning this fact, said that car roll-overs kill one person every hour - so perhaps we should outlaw cars.

That made me think about domestic abuse... Ten women are killed as a result of domestic abuse every day, so maybe we should outlaw co-habitation.

(Seriously, we do need to make it easier for women to get out of abusive situations.)

But back to the Swine Flu: It seems like an unwarranted panic, but that's no reason to take chances. The same precautions that can save you from other flu will help you prevent catching this one:

Keep up your immune system.
Eat well
Get plenty of rest
Wash your hands frequently
Disinfect surfaces that could be infected
Steer clear of people who are coughing and sneezing

For an in-depth report on swine flu and what to do to protect yourself, read this report from Al Sears:

I think when you do, you'll find less reason to panic.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu - What to do?

Seems like the world is getting into a panic over the swine flu, even though it has caused a lot less trouble than the "garden variety" flu people suffer from every year.

I have my suspicions about this - is it an excuse for the current administration to herd us all in for some kind of inoculations? Thanks, but I'll pass on that one.

It makes sense to stay away from crowds - but that makes sense in any flu season. However, I'm sure our Vice President is taking all sorts of heat for saying that it might be smart to stay out of airplanes and subways.

Meanwhile, there is a host of natural remedies to help protect you from the flu - the swine flu or any other. Check them out at

I believe it's smart to use other precautions, such as washing your hands regularly, or using sanitizing wipes when you come out of a store, etc. But I am reading that face masks are no help, and relying on them could get you into deep trouble, health-wise.

If you're as suspicious as I am about the source of this, you may also want to read Sherry Baker's documentation of the U.S. government's "viral mixing" experiments from 2004, which seem to have been toying around with precisely the kind of viral combination we're seeing today with H1N1 swine flu.