Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Cancer Prevention through Diet

After years of ignoring diet and nutrition, medical researchers are finally admitting that what we eat does matter. The good news is that we can increase our chances of avoiding cancer by making some changes in our eating habits.

Check out these posts:

Prevent Cancer and Relieve Pain With a Common Spice

Inexpensive Super Food Helps Prevent Cancer

Can Asparagus Prevent Cancer - or even cure it?

Look to Nutrition to Reduce Cancer Risk

Monday, December 28, 2009

Not Just Women - Everyone at Risk from Radiation

My last post talked about the dangers of mammograms - that too frequent testing can lead to breast cancer.

Well, a few days after learning that, I read another report. This time it's about CT Scans.

While they can be a valuable tool for diagnosing an illness, they're being over used. And, when over used, they can cause cancer.

Read more on the cancer threat from CT Scans...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Have Women Been Duped?

If you read the report I found from Newsmax this morning, you just might decide that yes, for many years now, women have been duped.

That wouldn't be so bad if it was just about the money that doctors and hospitals have been raking in by scaring women into having regular mammograms. But it isn't just about the money - it's about putting women at an increased risk for breast cancer.

Please read this Blaylock report and think about it. This is way beyond scary.

Monday, December 14, 2009

New News on Cancer Prevention from Your Spice Shelf

Did you know that a spice that may be residing in your cupboard right now can help you prevent cancer - or help you recover and reduce the debilitating side effects if you are undergoing chemotherapy?

Not everyone uses it, but it's a staple in Indian cuisine. That spice is Tumeric. It's been used for centuries for pain relief - and that is, in fact, where I first heard about it. A friend who suffers from an old back injury recommended it.

Read the rest of the story at Natural Health in a Toxic World.

While you're there, look around - you'll find other cancer preventatives!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are you trying to lose weight and failing?

The reason may be that you aren't eating enough!

The fact is: Starvation Diets Can Make You Gain Weight

You may have bemoaned the fact that you’ve been on a near-starvation diet for weeks and haven’t lost a pound since the first week.

You feel miserable because you’re hungry, and you’re getting nowhere with their hopes for a slimmer figure.

Then, in a fit of self-pity, you indulge in a big juicy ...
[Read the rest of this and more at www.pharmfreehealth.com/wordpress]

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nutty news and a possible cure for migraine headaches

Just in case you haven't been to my new blog site, I thought I'd let you know that there are some article there you might not want to miss.

One is about walnuts - and the new research indicating that they just might prevent breast cancer.

The other is about steam... and how some folks are finding relief from chronic migraine headaches by steaming 3 or 4 times a day. Time consuming, but a lot less time consuming that being out of commission for days at a time.

To read these and other stories, visit my pharm-free health site blog.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Want More Articles in One Place?

You can view the natural health articles I've posted at EzineArticles.com by visiting my author page. While there, you can do a little research and see what other authors have to offer as well.

If you have natural health ideas you'd like me to research and report on, please feel free to add a comment.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Stop ADHD With Natural Cures

ADHD is growing as a concern for children and even for adults.

While doctors are always ready to prescribe a pill, those concerned about harmful side effects might want to take a look at some natural cures, as well as some methods of prevention.

Try these ideas
if you or your child suffers from ADHD. They're all natural and won't interfere with any other treatment you may be using.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Can green tea and mushrooms fight breast cancer?

A study published in the International Journal of Cancer suggests that ingesting fresh mushrooms and green tea may significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Why? Because ..... (read the rest)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I've moved!

Finally... I put Wordpress on www.pharmfreehealth.com so my blog and website are tied together. They say that helps with search engine optimization, you know!

So, I'll try to remember to come and remind you of new posts, but meanwhile, please visit me at www.pharmfreehealth.com and at the blog.

Get What You Pay for from Doctors

This morning's doctor column in the newspaper contained a request from a gentleman who had received his test reports from his doctor.

He asked the newspaper doctor to tell him what they meant. He wondered if he had a broken bone or ??

The newspaper doctor told him what the report said, but reminded him that he should have asked his doctor first - because of the time lag between him receiving a letter and the response being published.

That a person would have to ask for this information is outrageous. But if you are forced into that position, for heaven's sake do it! Call the doctor and insist on some of his or her time to explain the results to you.

You paid for that medical testing, and letting you know the results of the test is part of your doctor's job in treating you. No one should be presented with a print-out they don't understand and left on their own to interpret it.

Don't say you didn't pay - you did. One way or another, with cash, through insurance, or through paying income tax. At any rate, the doctor was paid for his or her services and thus should be responsible for providing those services.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Bottled Water is still a hazard to your health

Are you still buying water at the grocery store?

You might want to think twice about that. Hearings are underway this week in Washington to examine the whole situation, because the FDA has not been properly regulating what goes into those bottles.

Some of them contain toxic substances that you do not want you - or your children - to ingest.

You can read all about it at www.pharmfreehealth.com

Think about this, then install a good water filter in your home and start filling your own stainless steel bottles to carry with you.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Stop mosquito bite itch!

I got a hot tip from Twitter tonight from Cindy at "Living in Rhyme - Whole Life Wellness"

She said to take the itch from mosquito bites, dab on a bit of lavender essential oil.

I'm going to try it!

Meanwhile, if I had used some sense before I went to the garden, I wouldn't have been bitten. I know that splashing on a bit of vanilla from my kitchen cupboard will keep them away. The best part is, you smell good and don't get any yucky chemicals on your skin.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Natural Remedies for Gout & Arthritis

I've never experienced gout, but from what friends tell me, it's one of the most painful conditions known to humans. There is a prescription drug that keeps it at bay and my neighbor has been taking it every day for about 30 years.

If you prefer not to take a drug every day for life, or if you're sensitive to drugs, you might want to try natural remedies first.

According to the Journal of Nutrition (June 2003 & April 2006) sweet cherries have anti-inflamatory properties that help against both gout and arthritis.

Both sweet and sour cherries block an enzyme that causes inflammation.

The drawback, as with many natural remedies, is that you don't always get instant relief. It can take two or three weeks of using cherry juice daily before you see a real difference in your pain levels.

However... I had an elderly friend who had been suffering from gout and his doctor hadn't even offered anything for relief. He happened to mention it to a clerk in a grocery store one day and she told him to get cranberry juice and start drinking it immediately. He did, and by morning his pain was gone. He was pretty upset at his doctor for not telling him there was such an easy cure.

Thus, different bodies / different results.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Maybe you don't want to use Zicam

According to the FDA, there have been more than 130 reports of loss of the sense of smell after using Zicam products. These zinc-based products include the nasal gels and nasal swabs.

If this was a temporary loss, it wouldn't be so bad, but there seems to be no way to reverse the action. Those afflicted appear to have permanently lost their sense of smell.

130 people is a small percentage of those who have used the products, but even one is too many if it's you!

I think I'd rather have a few days of congestion than take the risk, how about you?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rebound Headaches Caused by Pain Relievers

In our over-medicated society, people are now suffering from headaches caused by too much pain relief!

Anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve arthritis pain are, quite understandably, being over used, since arthritis pain is more than a once-in-a-while thing. This is not just prescription drugs, but over the counter drugs such as Advil, Aleve, and Motrin IB.

The result, for many people, is headaches that occur just as soon as the medicine wears off. According to a report by Joe Saper,M.D., director of the Michigan Headache adn Neurological Institute, this is the result of brain receptors becoming overly sensitized.

Those who find themselves with worsening headaches may want to consider a topical medicine for arthritis pain, or non-drug approaches such as fish oil, boswellia, ginger, or turmeric.

Another recent report gives a second reason to cut back on these drugs. New studies are showing that continual use can lead to liver failure.

Meanwhile, because of recent deaths due to overdose, some are calling for stricter controls on over-the-counter drugs. While I do feel sorry for the families of those who over-do it, I sure don't want to see the day when we won't be allowed to keep a bottle of aspirin on the shelf!

I know my views on personal responsibility are not politically correct, but I just don't think I need Big Brother protecting me from myself.

Really, it's all ridiculous, since the same people who would limit our use of Tylenol or Advil are perfectly willing to approve drugs whose side-effects can kill, even when used according to prescribed directions.

What do you think?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Listen to Your Body, Not Just Your Doctor

So many of today's maladies are caused because people just don't listen to their bodies. They have headaches or joint pains or they're tired all the time - and they look to a doctor to "cure" it without stopping to consult with the one who really knows what's going on - their own bodies!

Some alternative health experts say that EVERY illness is caused by an allergy, and while I don't have any documentation to prove it, I tend to believe it. If your body is continuously irritated by something, it's going to react in some way. Just think about the warnings on pharmaceuticals - telling you that you should take this, "but oh by the way, it could cause cancer, or maybe death."

The truth is, these drugs might well help one person and kill another - because one body was allergic and the other was not. We're all different.

Several years ago we started seeing an excellent acupuncturist who practiced NAET - Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique. Through him we learned to do muscle testing on ourselves, so that if someone didn't feel very well after a meal or after being exposed to some environmental substance, we could figure out what it was and treat it.

After a while, we became so in tune with paying attention to our body's signals that we could "know" when taking the first bite of a food we should avoid.

And anyone can do that!

Just think how much happier you could be if you knew ahead of time that the fancy dessert in front of you was going to give you a splitting headache. Or if you knew that the orange juice was about to make you have a pain in your knee.

A Google search for Muscle Testing yielded plenty of results, including some from people who don't believe in it. That's fine - they have a right to keep their headaches!

Meanwhile, this site has a good explanation of how it works, and gives a method of testing: http://www.naturalhealthtechniques.com/BasicsofHealth/muscle_testing.htm

This site has videos you can watch to learn more.

What bothers me is that since this is so easy to do - and free - that more doctors don't use it. A simple test in the office could tell them if you should or should not take a certain prescription drug. But, it isn't something they can test and measure, so too many consider it unreliable.

I knew a woman once who decided to have an elective surgery. She was allergic to the anesthetic and she died on the operating table. I think her family would have been a lot happier if her doctor had done a test ahead of time and learned that she had that allergy. It was small comfort to them for him to say "I'm sorry - she was allergic."

Even if you don't try muscle testing - pay attention to your body. If you have a headache or start feeling "yucky," stop and think about it. Write down what you ate, smelled, touched, and breathed in the hour or so before you started feeling bad. Then the next time it happens, do it again.

You'll probably find a pattern and learn what you should avoid. And if you really pay attention, after a while you'll be able to "hear" your body saying "Oh oh, stay away from this or you'll be sorry..."

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Could We Lose the Right to Natural Health?

Plenty of people are worried about this right now - the Obama health plan could mean that doctors wouldn't be allowed to use any treatment but that authorized by big pharm and that health care could be rationed.

Those are scary thoughts!

It could also mean that getting our natural supplements would either be impossible, or too expensive to contemplate.

I just read an email by Robert Jay Rowen, MD. that outlines what could happen unless we as taxpayers raise enough ruckus to make our Senators and Representatives know that if they go along with this, their careers are over.

He suggests that the only way to make sure they get the message is to make phone calls - lots of phone calls. Here's why, in his words:

"With mail being irradiated and opened off-site, and auto-emailers flooding servers, one-on-one phone calls are about the only thing our elected officials pay attention to any more. You can find phone numbers at www.senate.gov and www.house.gov."

If you'd like to learn more, or sign up for his newsletters, visit www.SecondOpinionNewsletter.com

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Drug prices - enough to make you sick and broke

You already know I think pharmaceuticals are dangerous. But they're not just dangerous to our health - they're also dangerous to our financial situations.

One email I received recently suggested that health care - especially surgical procedures and prescription drugs, are behind the economic crisis we're facing today. They simply drain too much money from too many people.

The following prescription drug prices are excerpted from an e-mail I received today - and they're enough to make you say "That must be a typo!"

I'm a firm believer in free enterprise and in businesses making a profit. They take a risk by running a business, and deserve to reap some rewards. But these mark-ups are just a bit over the top!

Do note that these prices reflect the cost of the active ingredients. The drug companies do have to pay to put those ingredients into a pill, bottle it, add a label - and of course, to print the insert containing the very fine print that tells you possible side effects and drug interactions. And then, the pharmacy that sells them to you has to make a profit - they do take a financial risk by buying the drugs and making them available when you want them.

But still - these profits seem a bit obscene.

If these were products with a low demand rate you might say that the retailer has to make more profit on each item because volume is low. But at the rate that doctors write prescriptions, we know that these pills are sold in high volumes!

Here are a few of the costs vs. selling prices:

Claritin 10 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $215.17 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.71 Percent markup: 30,306%

Lipitor 20 mg Consumer Price (100 tablets): $272.37 Cost of general active ingredients: $5.80 Percent markup: 4,696%

Norvasec 10 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $188.29 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.14 Percent markup: 134,493%

Prilosec 20 mg Consumer price (100 tablets): $360.97 Cost of general active ingredients $0.52 Percent markup: 69,417%

Xanax 1 mg Consumer price (100 tablets) : $136.79 Cost of general active ingredients: $0.024 Percent markup: 569,958%

The email also explained the profits to be made by pharmacies when they talk you in to using the generic equivalent of your name brand prescriptions.

If you had to buy a prescription drug, and bought the name brand, you might pay $100 for 100 pills. The pharmacist might tell you that if you get the generic equivalent, they would only cost $80, making you think you are “saving” $20.

What the pharmacist is not telling you is that those 100 generic pills may have only cost him $10!

It pays to shop around. The email I received gave several examples, but I'll tell you my own experience instead.

I had read before that Costco charged far less than drug stores, so last time I filled my husband's prescription for pain pills, I tried them out. It was true. The same bottle of pills that cost over $30 at home was $14 at Costco. You don't have to be a member to use the pharmacy, by the way.

The email I received cited many more examples - and you might be interested in seeing if a prescription you take is on the list. To read the entire article, go to:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Old time remedy has odd reason for fighting colds and flu

I had to chuckle when I read this one...

There's an herb used in Italian cuisine called asafetida - when cooked it has an onion-like flavor. Some believe that when added to lentils or beans it will reduce flatulence.

But back in the early days of the 20th century, mothers used it to prevent children from colds and flu. They tied it in a bag and hung it on the children like a necklace. And it smelled so bad that no one wanted to come near them - thus cutting down on the transmission of colds and flu.

I don't suppose that's why they used it - they probably thought that breathing the herb kept the kids well. And maybe it did - who is to prove otherwise?

On that same note, my Grandmother said that when she was a young child in school (in the late 1890's and early 1900's) the Italian children came to school with garlic around their necks. Since I had never heard of asafetida, I suppose it doesn't grow around here, and that's why they used garlic instead.

The result of going to school with all those "garlicky" children was that for the rest of her life, my Grandmother didn't want anything to do with garlic. I don't think she even had it in the house.

And if you think about it, who could blame her? Think of a one room school-house with a wood stove, and all those wet, dirty coats drying around it. Kids weren't bathed daily in those days, either, so it must have been ripe! The smell of garlic was probably forever connected in her mind with the smell of that school room.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Don't rely on medications - take care of yourself with diet as well!

Tonight I got word that a friend is in the hospital, too weak to talk, and will be starting on kidney dialysis. When I saw him a week ago he had gained 35 pounds in 2 weeks and looked like a balloon.

This friend believes in doctors and does not believe in natural cures. The stack of drugs next to his kitchen sink is staggering, and he doesn't know what most of the pills are for - just that various doctors told him to take them. He's been a walking toxic waste dump for a long while now.

Can you just imagine the inner turmoil caused from taking a couple dozen prescription drugs all at the same time?

He's a diabetic, and has had problems with both his heart and kidneys for the past few years. And yet... his breakfast food consists of candy bars, he skips lunch, and gets a burger and fries for dinner. And even though the doctors did tell him to cut out the salt-laden foods, he eats them because they taste good.

Obviously, he also doesn't believe that diet makes a difference. He must think that the pills can do it all.

I feel sad over the state he's in, but I'm not the only friend who has been urging him to pay attention to his diet - take vitamins to go with the drugs that deplete the system - and to talk to the doctors about the dangerous interactions possible when taking different drugs prescribed by several different doctors.

Stay out of the hospital... even if you're on medication for a condition, take care of yourself with proper diet, vitamin supplements, and common sense.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Natural Cures for stinky feet

Athlete's foot can make your feet stink, and wearing shoes and sox all day can compound the problem, so try some natural cures:

Soaking feet in a vinegar or baking soda solution for 15 minutes daily can help both problems, as is an Epsom-salt solution. After soaking, dry your feet well, especially between the toes.

Tea tree oil or topical garlic in olive oil can also destroy the athlete's foot fungus.

Meanwhile, now that summer is here, try wearing sandals to let the air get to those feet!

Friday, June 5, 2009

"Good deals" in restaurants "bad deals" for your health

Restaurants want your business - so they're piling plates higher than ever and encouraging you to eat more and more.

Unfortunately, eating more is not exactly good for your health. It's especially bad if the "more" consists of high saturated fat, high calorie, salty foods. According to a new article at Web MD, some restaurant meals provide enough of all 3 to last a normal person for 3 days.

Check out this article for guidelines about how much saturated fat and salt you should eat in a day. The read the list of restaurants and their specials to see which meals are best to avoid - or at least which you should choose less often.

It really is no wonder that Americans are becoming fatter and fatter. After all, most of us were taught as children that we must clean our plates. It had something to do with not wasting anything - and children starving in some far-off country.

And now, with more people eating out rather than cooking at home, they're faced with plates piled with greasy, salty foods - and they eat the whole thing!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Cinnamon: Good taste, good medicine

Cinnamon adds zest to many foods, but it can also add zest to your life - because of it's ability to lower your cholesterol. Only about a quarter teaspoon a day can make a dramatic difference. And you don't have to try to just swallow it - you can sprinkle it on your cereal or toast, or even stir some into your coffee or cocoa.

Of course you can also eat cinnamon rolls, but the added fats and sugars might not be such a good idea.

One study reported that cinnamate, an ingredient in cinnamon, lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels even better than the statin drug lovastatin.

In addition to cholesterol control, research shows that cinnamon may improve insulin sensitivity. In a study published in Diabetes Care, December 2003, scientists confirmed that cinnamon can improve blood-glucose and lipid levels.

Isn't it nice to know that such a tasty addition to your meals can also be a health benfit?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Reason Why Doctors Make You Wait

Now I know why doctors over-schedule their patients so that some are kept sitting in their offices for hours at a time. I learned the answer in a re-print of a newsletter from 1939.

According to a survey that had been done to support the building of a new hospital, an average of 1/3 of a doctor's time was wasted waiting for patients. I guess they decided that wasn't cost-effective, so it would be better if entire days were wasted by patients waiting to see doctors.

The report also mentioned that 4 out of 10 doctors did not keep up with the advances in medicine, and that medical care was the 6th largest industry in the U.s.

38% of small loans were made for the purpose of paying medical bills, but 20% of all doctor's bills were never paid.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The natural Diet / Health Aid in your kitchen: Green Tea

A study conducted by the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging found that drinking a daily dose of green tea aids in fat loss.

132 obese people participated in the study. The results of the study showed that after 12 weeks of eating the same diet and exercising the same number of minutes per day, the group who drank green tea lost twice as much weight and had larger declines in abdominal fat, subcutaneous abdominal fat, and triglycerides.

Scientists believe that green tea speeds the rate at which fat is broken down in the body. It may also lower the risk of diabetes by aiding the body's sensitivity to insulin. Green tea contains catechins, a powerful antioxidant - so aids in overall health.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Another cure for warts

A while back I wrote about my son finally getting rid of his Plantar warts by using duct tape on them. That worked for him, but since all bodies are different, it might not work for you.

Another cure I just read about is lemon juice. This is not just for plantar warts, but others as well. You use fresh lemon juice, applied 3 or 4 times a day.

The article also mentioned using castor oil, vinegar, Listerine, and even instant glue. Others have found success by taping the inside of a banana peel to their warts.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hippotherapy to Treat Disabilities?

Hippotherapy - sounds like it has to do with a hippopotamus, but no - it's horses. The name stems from the Greek word "hippos" for horse.

The "therapy" is horseback riding.

Students at Whitworth University have conducted research studies on the effects of hippotherapy, using a 6 year old boy with cerebral palsy as their test subject. The students measured the electromyograms in the boy's muscles before and each day after each therapy session. They found that he had better muscle coordination and balance for at least 2 days following his riding sessions.

But the little boy and his mom aren't measuring electromyograms - what they know is that he has been able to discontinue wearing leg braces and he can now sit up without help. This kind of exercise, in which the rider is required to use his or her muscles in sync with the movement of the horse, has strengthened his torso muscles in a manner that can't be duplicated in a clinic.

Horseback riding improves balance, posture, mobility, and muscle function. (Not just for those in need of therapy, by the way. It's helpful for all of us!)

For those suffering from mental and emotional disabilities, working with animals is safe. They might not be able to connect with other people, but most have no fear of loving, trusting, and communicating with animals.

Hippotherapy programs are few and far between, and often too expensive for people who may be living on disability. Thus, groups are springing up to raise money in an effort to expand programs to all who might benefit.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Did the FDA Warn YOU to Discontinue Hydroxycut?

I don't know who sent me the email I got today regarding Hydroxycut, but it contained a link to the information below:

"On May 1, 2009 the FDA sent out a warning to consumers to stop using Hydroxycut Products; dietary supplements used for weight loss as fat burners, as energy-enhancers, as low carb diet aids, and for water loss under the Lovate and MuscleTech brand names. Thus far Hydroxycut has been linked to at least one death and twenty three reports of serious health problems; consumers who use the products are at risk of serious liver injury."

This site issues the warning and invites you to contact them if you've experienced any of the symptoms listed. It appears to be a company interested in filing a class action lawsuit.

We all know that anyone can publish anything on line, so if you've taken this product, some research is in order...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Natural Heartburn Remedy?

Do you pop antacids like they were candy? I know quite a few people who do. They buy Tums in the super size bottle nearly every week.

Well, there might be a natural cure that can cut down on that expense. I just read it in the local newspaper, and since it costs nothing and doesn't involve any drugs, I think it's worth a try:

When you feel heartburn coming on, simply use both hands to press just below your sternum and continue pressing down to your stomach for about 30 seconds. Do it 3 times in a row.

I'm passing this one on to my Tums-buying friends.

Another cure that seems to work well for some is sauerkraut. Not too handy to carry with you, but if you experience heartburn at home, simply eat a small bowl of sauerkraut. I read that years ago in Germany, people kept a jar of sauerkraut juice on hand for this purpose.

Nationalized Health Care?

You know I believe in natural health - and stay as far away from doctors as I can. But there are times when people DO need mainstream medical care. For instance, when they need to have a tumor removed.

The liberals in Washington think that the answer to everyone having the care they need is let Big Brother handle it - and that we should follow Canada's lead into nationalized health care.

If you've been thinking they're right, watch this video:http://tinyurl.com/ytcxbj

Then send it to your friends.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Question of Bottled Water

As you know, not all bottled water is pure. We've been reading and writing about that for a year or more now. We've learned that the FDA doesn't regulate bottled water - that comes under the Environmental Protection Agency - and they don't pay much attention to it.

We also learned that the conscientious bottlers police themselves. But - very few bottlers belong to their associations.

So I thought it was interesting when I got the following in my e-mail. It might be fun to participate:

"Ever look at a bottle of water and wonder, "Where does the water come from? Is it purified? Did the FDA make sure it's safe and clean?"

Join EWG's Bottled Water Label Scavenger Hunt and get your questions answered.

Here's how to get involved (and win EWG prizes!):

1) The next time you buy a bottle of water (even we EWG'ers sometimes forget our reusable bottle) choose a non-sparkling, unflavored water bottled in glass or clear plastic.

2) Carefully remove the entire label from the bottle. We need all the information from the label, so if necessary, cut the plastic around the label to get it all off.

3) Write down:

the name and location of the store where you purchased the water

the date you purchased the water

your name, email and mailing address

4) Mail your labels and other information to:

Environmental Working Group
Attn: Nneka Leiba
1436 U St. NW, Suite 100
Washington, DC 20009

Whoever sends the most labels (duplicates not counting) by June 15 will win a stainless steel water bottle with the EWG logo and a jumbo-sized, reusable grocery tote printed with EWG's pollution solutions tips. Plus, everyone who participates will get a Shopper's Guide to Pesticides magnet!

Thank you in advance for helping us with our research to make sure bottled water companies are honest with you about the water you buy.


EWG Bottled Water Research Team"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Keep Your Pets Insect-free - Safely

If you have pets, you know that we're coming into flea and tick season - and that those parasites not only make your pets itch, they can cause serious health problems.

BUT - if you've read the labels on most flea and tick shampoos and sprays, you know that the chemicals can be just as harmful to your pets as the insects.

Not only that, if you or your children pet your animals, you are also at risk.

Two years ago when my dog Pepper got fleas, the vet treated him with one of the popular 30-day drugs that is applied to the skin on a dog's neck. The poor guy scratched continuously for a month until that drug worked its way out of his system. I vowed I'd never put him through that again, but finding safe products was not easy.

That's why I'm excited over a new product I just found: Defendex Pet Shampoo. It's made by the same company that makes Arthro-Ionx Healthy Joint Support for Pets - the product that gave our Ralph Dog back his mobility - so I trust it.

All natural, this product was formulated to be safe for use on children. And right now, it's on sale to boot.

Defendex Pet Shampoo - Buy 3 Get 2 Free(Plus Free Shipping to the US)

If you have pets, go read all about it.

We're just about out of Arthro-Ionx, so I'm ordering both tonight.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Obesity Raises the Risk of Birth Defects

Years ago a friend confided to me that her doctor "wouldn't let her" get pregnant unless she lost some weight - a lot of it. She never did lose the weight, or get pregnant, but she did adopt several children.

I didn't ask, and don't know if her doctor was concerned for her, or for the effects on a baby, but new studies are now showing that there is a definite correlation between obesity during pregnancy and birth defects.

With obesity rampant in the U.S., authorities say that now about 1/3 of all women of reproductive age are obese. Pregnancy raises their risk of hypertension and diabetes, among other things. Risks for the baby include pre-term birth and defects such as cleft palate, hydrocephaly, limb reduction, and more.

About 3% of all babies suffer from birth defects, compared to 4% of babies of obese mothers.

While researchers have not yet determined the cause, they speculate that it could be undiagnosed diabetes, or a nutritional deficiency in the mother. (Yes, you definitely can be nutritionally deficient and still overweight.)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Save Your Eyes - With Exercise

We've all known that our bodies work as a total unit - and that overall fitness is a very good thing. Now 2 new studies are showing that the same exercise that leads to cardiovascular fitness could also lead to reduced risk of macular degeneration and cataracts.

Overlaps in health include higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol being associated with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration, and the fact that high levels of C-reactive protein, which occur during periods of inflammation, may lead to cataracts.

Exercise typically boosts HDL and reduces C-reactive protein.

Other studies show that regular exercise of the eyes themselves helps to maintain good eyesight. This includes focus and rotation exercises, which strengthen the myriad of muscles surrounding our eyes.

So let's change that old schoolyard chant: "Look up, look down, look at my thumb - Gee you're SMART!"

Then get up and get some whole body exercise - eyesight is too precious to lose.

* The study reporting these results appeared in the January issue of Investigative Ophthamology & Visual Science.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Childhood eczema

Pediatricians estimate that today nearly one in ten babies has eczema - a definite increase from years past.

Some doctors attribute the rise to allergies - created in part because we're keeping our homes - and our babies - cleaner. Kids don't get a chance to build any resistance in their immune systems. That makes sense when I think about children I've known who lived in what most people would term a "sty," but who never got sick.

My suspicion is that children are also exposed to many more environmental toxins today - As an example: Once upon a time a baby crawled on a wood or linoleum floor - where dust, dirt, and pet hair were the biggest hazards. Now they're crawling on chemical-laden carpet.

Their food is different, too. Baby food used to be pure food. Now they get formula and prepared food that contains preservatives. And what about those plastic baby bottles?

We've all been cautioned about drinking water from bottles that have been in the car and gotten warm, because heat makes toxins in the plastic leach out into the water.
Just a few days ago I read that manufacturers are NOW working on changing the plastic in baby bottles to get away from that problem. Meanwhile, how many baby bottles have been warmed and the contents feed to infants?

Eczema is treated with use of hypoallergenic soaps, antihistamines, daily moisturizing, oatmeal baths, and occasional use of steroid creams and/or antibiotics. But these are just treatments to reduce the redness and itching. There is no "cure" for childhood eczema.

The good news, according to physicians, is that most children outgrow it by the time they reach their teens.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Worried about Swine Flu?

I'm still wondering why Swine flu is taking up so much air time on the television lately. After all, it has killed 42 people world-wide, while "regular" flu kills about 36,000 each year.

One reporter, mentioning this fact, said that car roll-overs kill one person every hour - so perhaps we should outlaw cars.

That made me think about domestic abuse... Ten women are killed as a result of domestic abuse every day, so maybe we should outlaw co-habitation.

(Seriously, we do need to make it easier for women to get out of abusive situations.)

But back to the Swine Flu: It seems like an unwarranted panic, but that's no reason to take chances. The same precautions that can save you from other flu will help you prevent catching this one:

Keep up your immune system.
Eat well
Get plenty of rest
Wash your hands frequently
Disinfect surfaces that could be infected
Steer clear of people who are coughing and sneezing

For an in-depth report on swine flu and what to do to protect yourself, read this report from Al Sears: http://www.alsearsmd.com/reports/swineflu.pdf

I think when you do, you'll find less reason to panic.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu - What to do?

Seems like the world is getting into a panic over the swine flu, even though it has caused a lot less trouble than the "garden variety" flu people suffer from every year.

I have my suspicions about this - is it an excuse for the current administration to herd us all in for some kind of inoculations? Thanks, but I'll pass on that one.

It makes sense to stay away from crowds - but that makes sense in any flu season. However, I'm sure our Vice President is taking all sorts of heat for saying that it might be smart to stay out of airplanes and subways.

Meanwhile, there is a host of natural remedies to help protect you from the flu - the swine flu or any other. Check them out at naturalnews.com

I believe it's smart to use other precautions, such as washing your hands regularly, or using sanitizing wipes when you come out of a store, etc. But I am reading that face masks are no help, and relying on them could get you into deep trouble, health-wise.

If you're as suspicious as I am about the source of this, you may also want to read Sherry Baker's documentation of the U.S. government's "viral mixing" experiments from 2004, which seem to have been toying around with precisely the kind of viral combination we're seeing today with H1N1 swine flu.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Natural Remedy for Ganglion Cysts: Frankincense oil

Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled sacs that form on joints such as the wrists, ankles, feet, fingers, and knees.

Because they sometimes disappear on their own, physicians often adopt a watch and wait approach and simply use a brace to immobilize the joint. However, if the sac presses on a nerve,it can be painful, so patients would prefer to "do something" about it.

Doctors can puncture and drain the cysts, but that does open up the possibility of infection.

Strangely, many patients have found relief by the application of Frankincense oil - usually applied twice daily.One man reported disappearance of his knee cysts after just 4 days' use.

Frankincense is resin from Boswellia trees, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Adult Acne Linked to Stress

Dermatologists are reporting being "busier than ever" despite consumers pulling back on non-essential services such as liposuction and botox injections.

The source of their increased business: Adult acne, eczema, and warts. These are all hits from the immune system, and all come from the fact that the nervous system and hormone systems work together.

Stressful incidents set off a rise in cortisol that causes a breakout, and now that so many citizens are continually stressed, their bodies are producing more and more.

Doctors recommend over the counter products with salicylic acid or glycolic acid or cortisone products. If those don't work, try benzoyl peroxide. A cortisone injection at a dermatologist's office can help get you through a time when looks are most important - such as a job interview or public appearance.

Meanwhile, some doctors are recommending stress relieving measures such as yoga and meditation or strenuous physical activity like racquetball or weight lifting.

Personally, when I feel stress creeping up, I take a 3-pronged approach. I get outdoors - either to walk or work in the yard. Pulling weeds is definitely a de-stress exercise for me!

Next I engage in negative-energy releasing exercises such as "Big sigh, look up" that I learned from a tape set called "Manifesting Your Life" from Nightingale Conant.

Then, in addition, I turn to Bach Flower Essences, which serve to balance energies without the harmful side-effect of drugs. The product Feel5ive is specially formulated for stressful situations and extreme nervousness. You can take it every day, or when you know you're going into a stress situation.

My system must work, because people often ask me how I can remain so calm and centered when others around me seem to be falling apart.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Health Freedom Could be Lost!

To tell your congressmen and President that you want your freedom to make health decisions yourself, without interference from government or big pharm, go here: http://tinyurl.com/cpp34c

Psoriasis Drug Raptiva Pulled from Market

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, about 2,000 patients in the U.S. are taking this drug. If you're one of them, pay attention!

First, kudos to Genetech for doing the right thing!

After three cases of a potentially fatal brain disorder were linked to long term use of the drug Raptiva, and two patients died, the company updated its U.S. FDA approved label to reflect the danger. But then, the company determined that the risk of this disorder outweighs the potential benefits of the drug - and decided to pull it from the market.

Considering that the FDA did not require the drug to be removed, and that 2008 sales of Raptiva came in at $108 million, the company is to be commended.

They warned that stopping treatment abruptly could worsen the psoriasis, so users should see their doctors to find alternative treatments. Current users will be able to get the drug, which is administered as a once-weekly injection, until June 8.

The brain disorder, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is the same disorder linked to the multiple sclerosis drug Tysabri, which is sold by Biogen Idec Inc. and Elan Corp.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

If it says "Sugar Free" leave it in the store!

Well, that's a little radical. Some fruits are packed in their own juice with no sugar added - and no artificial sweeteners either. So sugar-free is good for you, as long as the sugar hasn't been replaced by artificial sweetener.

So... Here I go again - passing along something from an e-mail. "Anonymous" will again tell me not to believe everything I read.

However, since I did considerable research on this subject a year or so ago when I was writing for a natural health client, I know it isn't just empty scare tactics.

Artificial sweeteners are dangerous.

Therefore, even though this e-mail doesn't name the doctor/scientist/researcher who supposedly wrote it, I urge you to consider it seriously, and then do more research on your own.

Here's the e-mail:

I have spent several days lecturing at the WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL CONFERENCE on 'ASPARTAME,' marketed as 'Nutra Sweet,''Equal,' and 'Spoonful.'

In the keynote address by the EPA, it was announced that in the United
States in 2001 there is an epidemic of multiple sclerosis and systemic
lupus. It was difficult to determine exactly what toxin was causing this to be

I stood up and said that I was there to lecture on exactly that subject.

I will explain why Aspartame is so dangerous:

When the temperature of this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, the wood
alcohol in ASPARTAME converts to formaldehyde and then to formic acid, which
in turn causes metabolic acidosis.. Formic acid is the poison found in the
sting of fire ants.

The methanol toxicity mimics, among other conditions, multiple sclerosis and
systemic lupus.

Many people were being diagnosed in error.
Although multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, Methanol toxicity is!

Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as multiple sclerosis,
especially with Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi drinkers.

The victim usually does not know that the Aspartame is the culprit.
He or she continues its use; irritating the lupus to such a degree that it
may become a life-threatening condition. We have seen patients with systemic lupus become asymptotic, once taken off diet sodas.

In cases of those diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, most of the symptoms
disappear. We've seen many cases where vision loss returned and hearing loss
improved markedly...

This also applies to cases of tinnitus and fibromyalgia.
During a lecture, I said,'If you are using ASPARTAME ( Nutra Sweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc ) and you suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms, spasms, shooting, pains, numbness in your legs, Cramps, Vertigo, Dizziness, Headaches, Tinnitus, Joint pain, Unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision,or memory loss you probably have ASPARTAME poisoning!'

People were jumping up during the lecture saying,
'I have some of these symptoms..

Is it reversible?' Yes! Yes! Yes!

STOP drinking diet sodas and be alert for Aspartame on food labels!
Many products are fortified with it!

Dr. Espart (one of my speakers) remarked that so many people seem to be
symptomatic for MS and during his recent visit to a hospice; a nurse stated
that six of her friends, who were heavy Diet Coke addicts, had all been diagnosed with MS. This is beyond coincidence!

Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered, multiple SODIUM(salt) and ASPARTAME containing product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates.

It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight!

These products also contain formaldehyde, which stores in the fat cells,
particularly in the hips and thighs. Formaldehyde is an absolute toxin and is used primarily to preserve 'tissue specimens.'

Many products we use every day contain this chemical but we SHOULD NOT store
it IN our body!

Dr. H. J. Roberts stated in his lectures that once free of the ' diet
products ' and with no significant increase in exercise; his patients lost
an average of 19 pounds over a trial period.

Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics. We found that some physicians, who believed that they had a patient with retinopathy, in fact, had symptoms caused by Aspartame.

The Aspartame drives the blood sugar out of control. Thus diabetics may suffer acute memory loss due to the fact that aspartic acid and phenylalanine are NEUROTOXIC when taken without the other amino acids necessary for a good balance.

Treating diabetes is all about BALANCE.

Especially with diabetics, the Aspartame passes the blood/brain barrier and
it then deteriorates the neurons of the brain; causing various levels of
brain damage,
Manic depression,
Panic attacks,
Uncontrollable anger and rage.

Consumption of Aspartame causes these same symptoms in non-diabetics as

Documentation and observation also reveal that thousands of children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in their behavior when these chemicals have been removed from their diet.

So called 'behavior modification prescription drugs' (Ritalin and others) are no longer needed. Truth be told, they were never NEEDED in the first place!

Most of these children were being 'poisoned' on a daily basis with the very
foods that were 'better for them than sugar.'

It is also suspected that the Aspartame in thousands of pallets of diet Coke
and diet Pepsi consumed by men and women fighting in the Gulf War, may be
partially to blame for the well-known Gulf War Syndrome.

Dr. Roberts warns that it can cause birth defects, i..e. mental retardation,
if taken at the time of conception and during early pregnancy.
Children are especially at risk for neurological disorders and should NEVER
be given artificial sweeteners.

There are many different case histories to relate of children suffering
grand mal seizures and other neurological disturbances talking about a
plague of neurological diseases directly caused by the use of this deadly

Herein lies the problem:

There were Congressional Hearings when Aspartame was included in 100
different products and strong objection was made concerning its use. Since
this initial hearing, there have been two subsequent hearings, and still
nothing has been done.

The drug and chemical lobbies have very deep pockets.

Sadly, MONSANTO'S patent on Aspartame has EXPIRED! There are now over 5,000 products on the market that contain this deadly chemical and there will be thousands more introduced. Everybody wants a 'piece of the Aspartame pie.'

I assure you that MONSANTO, the creator of Aspartame, knows how deadly it is.

And isn't it ironic that MONSANTO funds, among others, the American Diabetes
Association, the American Dietetic Association and the Conference of the
American College of Physicians?

This has been recently exposed in the New York Times. These [organizations] cannot criticize any additives or convey their link to MONSANTO because they take money from the food industry and are required to endorse their products.

Senator Howard Metzenbaum wrote and presented a bill that would require
label warnings on products containing Aspartame, especially regarding
pregnant women, children and infants.

The bill would also institute independent studies on the known dangers and
the problems existing in the general population regarding seizures, changes
in brain chemistry, neurological changes and behavioral symptoms.

The bill was killed.

It is known that the powerful drug and chemical lobbies are responsible for
this, letting loose the hounds of disease and death on an unsuspecting and
uninformed public. Well, you're informed now!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Can asparagus cure cancer?

As well all are painfully aware, the medical community isn't always open to natural cures, and my suspicion is that they don't much like prevention. After all, for them to profit, people have to be ill.

Thus I wasn't too shocked at the contents of an e-mail I received today, telling about the long-known benefits of asparagus. Rather that paraphrase, I'll copy part of it here. The message ended with the statement that this bio-chemist believes that a cure is also a prevention, so he and his wife take 2 Tablespoons of asparagus puree each day. Neither of them has cancer, but other aspects of their health have improved.

He ended with "It won't hurt...and might help. So why not do it?" I agree, and since I love asparagus, it will be on my menu more often.

He referenced the existence of an article - "Asparagus for cancer" printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. Also note the dates on the case studies ...

From the e-mail:

Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.

Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.

Case No. 3, a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th 1971 , he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it.By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared.. He is back at his regular business routine.

Case No. 4, a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by asking specialist as advanced.... Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cure her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.

I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of materia medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania , stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones.

We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.

For the treatment,asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh.

Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.

Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fear & Anxiety Can Cause IBS Symptoms

Sometimes, problems snowball until they appear to be something completely different.

Take the case I recently read about: A man had a serious bout with a stomach virus about 2 years ago. Even when it appeared to have passed, he began experiencing headaches, fatigue, stomach cramps, nausea, bloating, gas, loss of appetite, serious weight loss and more.

All this worried him, so he began going to doctors and undergoing one test after another. Everything else looks normal, so the doctors diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Because of his fear of vomiting, the man has almost stopped eating, and has dropped 75 pounds - although he was not overweight to begin with.

Now, because he eats irregularly, his intestines react irregularly too - so he experiences even more of the discomforting symptoms that started the whole problem. It's a problem that has taken on a life of its own.

This gentleman was advised to take anti-anxiety medication, but refuses to do so because he fears the side effects of pharmaceuticals even more than he fears his present condition.

I wish I could meet him. I'd suggest Bach Flower Essences, starting with the Feel5ive formula for stress. Had he been taking it two years ago when all this started, his original stomach virus would likely be a distant memory.

If you suffer from stress, try it before the anxiety begins to affect your physical health as well as your emotional well-being. Bach Flower Essences are natural - there are no harmful narcotics or pharmaceuticals of any kind. There are no side effects - only beneficial changes in your body as it begins to heal.

If you're unfamiliar with them, go to the FeelBach! website and read about Dr. Bach and the Flower Essences. They could be just what you need - and a bonus is that they cost nothing compared to prescription medication.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fake-bake: the tan is not worth the risk

According to a study released in 2002, one quarter of teens aged 15 to 18 had used tanning beds within the previous year - and they're taking a huge risk.

According to the American Cancer Society, overexposure to ultraviolet radiation early in life can increase the risk of getting cancer later. No one knows if tanning beds are the reason, but approximately 500 people aged 19 and under were diagnosed with skin cancer in 2005.

In reaction to this and findings from other studies, 17 states, including Hawaii and Florida, are considering laws that would restrict indoor tanning by minors. The World Health Organization, California-based Aim at Melanoma, and the American Academy of Dermatology all support a movement that would require parental consent for use of tanning beds in all states.

Opponents of the new regulations argue that sunshine is just as damaging, and no one regulates how much sun children can be exposed to.

However, it is more likely that children going out to work or play in the sun will be wearing a sunscreen - whereas teens using tanning booths are there to get the tan.

Some time ago I was having my hair cut by an independent salon owner who said she had gotten rid of her tanning bed. She said she didn't want to be a part of doing to other people what it had done to her. She didn't mention skin cancer, but said that at her age - early 30's - she certainly shouldn't have the thick, wrinkled skin that she did have. She attributed it to overuse of the tanning bed over too many years.

I understand wanting to look nice in a swimsuit - and sport a nice even tan. And we all know that kids think about how they'll look today - and not about how they'll look in ten or twenty years.

I also have friends who tell me that using a tanning bed in winter is wonderful because it warms you clear to the bone. I still would never try it - not because I'm afraid that occasional use at my age would cause trouble, but because I can't imagine laying down and having a lid lowered over me. Tight spaces are not my cup of tea!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Natural Remedy to Reduce Alcohol Cravings?

I'd never heard of this before - and didn't know there were prescription drugs to discourage alcohol consumption. But according to a news story I just read, there are, and there's also a natural herb that works well for some people.

The herb is kudzu root extract - it contains compounds that appear to be similar to an old drug called disulfiram that is prescribed to help alcoholics avoid drinking. The article referenced findings reported in the Journal of Medicinal Food, September 2007.

One woman quoted in the article said that the herb worked immediately to stop her habit of drinking wine all evening, every evening - but that it did cause constipation. (Was that the herb, or was that her body's reaction to going without the wine it had become accustomed to?)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Deadly Weight Loss Drugs: Don't take these!

The FDA has now issued a warning and a list: 72 over the counter weight loss drugs have now been identified as containing undeclared pharmaceutical ingredients - often in dosages that are considered unsafe.

Four of these drugs have not been approved for sale in the U.S. - one because it is suspected of causing cancer. One is a potent diuretic, while one is an anti-seizure medication.

All of these products pose a serious health risk because the pharmaceutical ingredients can cause problems such as high blood pressure, seizures, tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), palpitations, heart attack, and stroke. The higher the dosage, the bigger the risk.

This is not a trivial warning: taking too much of any of these products could result in death or permanent disability.

Because these weight loss products have been marketed as dietary supplements, they did not come under the scrutiny of the FDA. Had the manufacturers declared the pharmaceutical drugs contained in them, they would have been regulated and at least 4 would have been prohibited from sale in the U.S.

The FDA is now asking for a recall of these products. If it is not forthcoming, they have the authority to seize goods and initiate criminal charges.

To see the list of 72 tainted weight loss products, and learn more about the drugs they contain, go to http://www.fda.gov/cder/consumerinfo/weight_loss_products.htm

These products have been sold over the internet, in hair salons, and at other retail establishments. The FDA warns that more and more products tainted with prescription drugs, including drugs for erectile dysfunction, diabetes, and obesity, are finding their way into the U.S. marketplace.

Most of these products are being imported from other countries such as China, Brazil, Malaysia, and Peru.

If you wish to take weight loss products, be very careful to buy from a trusted source and do a search on the product name before you buy.

Meanwhile, if you are taking any weight loss products, go to the FDA website and check to see if its name is on the list of 72 deadly weight loss drugs.

That link is: http://www.fda.gov/cder/consumerinfo/weight_loss_products.htm

Monday, March 23, 2009

Suffering from diarrhea? Have a candy bar.

That's sounds pretty far fetched, but it's exactly what one woman did when she was on vacation and couldn't find either coconut macaroon cookies or shredded coconut. She found a coconut candy bar and got the same relief.

A little research told me that many people rely on coconut to combat spastic colon and to stop occasional bouts with diarrhea.

It might be worth a try, and if you're headed off to a vacation where the food and water will be vastly different from home, it might be a good idea to take some form of coconut along in your suitcase!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Will eggplant water lower blood pressure?

One thing is certain - every body is different.

While one body might respond beautifully to pharmaceuticals, another may rebel by exhibiting nasty side-effects. That's why trying safe natural remedies is smart. We've read before about garlic as a treatment for high blood pressure, but today I have two more suggestions for you:

The first is eggplant water. The article I read told of a person who not only lowered her blood pressure, but dropped 7 pounds. She felt that in addition to lowering her blood pressure, the eggplant water was helping her insulin resistance, which had made it hard for her to shed pounds. Of course, shedding weight is often the way to lower blood pressure, so...?

In that article, the person was taking 60 ounces a day! So perhaps the water intake also played a role in dropping her blood pressure and making it easier to lose weight. Other references I found recommended only one ounce a day - quite a difference.

The recipe called for floating half a dozen thinly sliced pieces of eggplant on 2 or 3 quarts of water. I would assume you'd leave it overnight, or at least for a few hours, before drinking.

The next suggestion I found was for apple cider vinegar. The person whose story I read had started taking it as a sleep aid and got the side benefits of lowered blood pressure and an end to indigestion.

Finding more than one reference to suggest that apple cider vinegar lowers blood pressure, I also found a variation in recipes. While one person took just a tablespoon full in a tea that included a teaspoon of honey, others believed in either drinking one ounce straight or mixing an ounce in a couple of ounces of water.

Since neither eggplant nor vinegar offer harmful side-effects (unless you have an allergy), try one at a time and see if they give you the blood-pressure lowering benefits that they gave these other people.

Finding a way to eliminate pharmaceuticals and still maintain a healthy blood pressure could be the most beneficial thing you do for yourself this year!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Selenium is good - in moderation

Benjamin Franklin cautioned "All things in moderation," and vitamin and mineral intake is one of the things you should do in moderation.

While selenium is necessary, too much (over 400 micrograms daily) can cause selenium toxicity. Symptoms are hair loss, brittle nails, fatigue, rash, digestive upset, irritability and garlic odor on the breath. In addition, some individuals report muscle cramping.

For nut lovers, this can become a problem. Brazil nuts are high in selenium, and just a half dozen contain more than 500 micrograms.

Some vitamins, such as vitamin C, will flush out of your body if you get too much. Others, such as D & E can build up, causing a vitamin "overdose." So pay attention to the labels. Take the recommended daily requirement and don't double it for good measure!

If you begin having odd symptoms - such as headaches, muscle cramping, aching joints, etc. take a look at your diet. If you've been eating anything in excess - or anything not in your usual diet - do some research and see if you've been over dosing yourself on any vitamin or mineral.

In addition to overdose, don't rule out allergies. Since we're all different and since our bodies are continually changing, you could have an allergy you don't know about.

One clue is a sudden food craving - When your body develops an allergy and is no longer using a food properly, it can become "hungry" for the nutrients in that food - and that hunger will trigger cravings.

Our bodies are complex - but if we pay attention to the warning signs they give us we can often avoid unpleasant symptoms and ward off illness.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Relief for chronic migraines

Do you suffer from migraines?

Do you take vitamins? New information shows that for some people, the addition of Vitamin B-2 can ease or even eliminate migraines.

Other non-prescription remedies include magnesium, coenyme Q10, and the herbs feverfew and butterbur. Since every body is different, what works for one may not work for another, but since migraines are so debilitating, giving these safe and natural remedies a try seems like a good idea.

And here's something else well worth trying: A water filter.

My Mother suffered from migraines most of her life, and often lost days at a time to the pain - and the after-effects of the medications she took to ease the pain. Her doctors didn't offer any solutions except those heavy-duty pain killers.

Then she moved to Arizona for the winter to get my Grandmother out of the cold. And since the water in Arizona wasn't so good, they installed a water filter in the house. And the migraines stopped almost completely.

When she came back home for the summer, the headaches started again, so they installed another water filter and they went away.

This was a standard under-the-sink installation which at that time cost about $29. I suppose they're $69 now, but worth it even if you don't suffer from migraines. It's good to get the contaiminates out of your water as a preventative health measure. The filter she used was the charcoal one - "for taste and odor" is what it says on the label.

We have no idea what was in the water to cause the migraines, because it happened everywhere. City water both in Arizona and Washington and spring water in Idaho all gave her migraines if they weren't filtered. Perhaps it was really the charcoal - and filtering the water through it gave her body a nutrient that it needed to prevent the pain. It didn't matter - what mattered was that she no longer suffered from those terrible headaches.

Of course we wished we'd known sooner, but I'll always be thankful for that accidental discovery.

If you have migraines, try these simple remedies. You might even be able to toss your pain pills!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vitamin D Deficiency can be Painful

We talked a while back about Vitamin D and important it is to overall health.

A deficiency can lead to brittle bones, joint pain, stiffness, and fatigue - and that makes it a real hazard for older folks, who are already candidates for broken hips, etc.

An article I read recently told about a gentleman who had so much shoulder pain that he could not raise his arm - his range of motion was so limited that it was difficult to put on a shirt or a jacket.

Fortunately for him, he had an endocrinologist who understood about vitamins, and he was tested for Vitamin D deficiency. After about 10 days on 2,000 units per day, his shoulder pain completely disappeared and he once again had full range of motion. The wife who wrote about it considered it a miracle, especially since the orthopedic doctors had been talking about surgery.

This time of year those of us in the Northern climes are especially likely to be low on Vitamin D and should be taking a supplement. When Spring comes we can instead make it a point to get out in the sun for about 15 minutes per day. But, for those who don't get outdoors at all, a supplement is called for year-round.

Joint pain can, of course, be a symptom of arthritis. That's the case for two members of my family: One husband, and one dog. Because I had lost a dog to the prescription drug Rimadyl, I was very careful when the vet prescribed it for this dog. And sure enough, after 2 pills he was throwing up. So we stopped that. The vet gave him a different pill with the same effect. That's when I became determined to find something to help him that wouldn't harm him.

I found it in a product called ArthroIonx - which is nothing more than all natural minerals. When he started on it he couldn't get up into "his" chair and my husband had to lift him into his pickup when they went anywhere. Now, although he is 2 years older, he runs and plays with the other dogs as if he'd never had a broken leg or a torn ligament - or arthritis.

But it gets better. After we saw how this product helped the dog I started wondering if it was safe for human consumption, so I called the company. They said "Absolutely, we just can't advertise it that way because of the FDA rules."

So, I started giving it to my husband. He teased and grumbled about it, so after a couple of months I stopped. A few days later he said "Where's my dog medicine?" I told him I'd quit because he complained and he informed me that he wanted it - he could tell the difference in how his knees felt when he took it.

And that's why I give my husband "dog medicine."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Old Wives Tales are Sometimes True

People make a lot of jokes about old wives' tales and how silly and unsophisticated they are, but did you ever wonder how they came about? Must have been because something worked, or because of repeated observations.

Such must be the case with colds.

Ever since nutrition started to be recognized as a factor in health, people have known that chicken soup really does help alleviate a cold. It seems there's something in the chicken broth, both when eating it and when breathing it, that helps clear congested sinuses.

Now how about going out without your coat in cold weather?

Sophisticated young people pooh-pooh the idea that temperature has anything to do with getting sick. They swear that the only factor is exposure to cold viruses. But recently researchers in Wales had 90 volunteers put their feet in cold water for 20 minutes, while 90 other control subjects did not. Then they tracked all 180 and found that those who had their feet in cold water were more likely to report cold symptoms within the next 5 days.

My own completely unscientific theory is based on watching the people around me. Those who eat good food, get plenty of sleep, and live under a minimum of stress get far fewer colds, no matter what temperatures they're exposed to.

But those who live on a junk-food diet, or who are under a great deal of mental or emotional stress, do get a cold if they become chilled - or if they even miss a few hour's sleep.

Another old wives' habit is to keep a pot of water on the stove during the winter to moisten the air in the house - and researchers now do say that will help prevent the flu from getting a hold on you. Flu bugs like dry air.

Old wives had to make do without all our over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs. When their families got sick they did what they knew to help them recover. But I wonder... I'll bet at least some of them used natural herbs.

You know how much I don't like drugs and all their side-effects. That's why this year I was so glad to learn about some homeopathic cold remedies. A few weeks ago I started to feel a sore throat coming on and started right away with a product called Coldcalm - and the sore throat backed off.

Since then my son told me he uses something called Zicam, and I found a sinus remedy called Sinusalia. The only drawback I can see to any of them is that you're supposed to start taking them at the first sign of a cold - and that isn't always possible.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Home remedies for ringworm

Ringworm doesn't really care who it affects - you, your dogs, or your cats. And since it spreads easily, if you've got kids in school, you may find yourself treating it.

It's not really a worm. It's a fungal infection of the skin that usually shows up in humans as raised red patches with defined edges... looking like a worm curled under the skin. It doesn't always look like a ring when it affects your pets, but it does make their hair break off over the affected area.

Ringworm can be transferred back and forth between pets and humans - pets and pets - or humans and humans. The fungal spores can live for a long time in the environment, so it's important to do a good anti-fungal cleaning if your home has had it.

But - I promised some home remedies, not a lecture on house cleaning, so here they are. Use most several times a day.

1. Aloe Vera
2. Tea tree oil
3. Honey and olive oil in melted beeswax
4. Apple cider vinegar
5. Listerine mouthwash
6. The oregano herb - mix with olive oil
7. Epsom salt solution - soak once a day
8. Nail polish - if you use it on pets, make sure it's dry before you turn them loose
9. Chewing tobacco - any wet tobacco. Use as a poultice and wrap it.
10. Diluted lime sulfur - one part to 16 to 32 parts water. Will stain!
11. Grapefruit seed extract
12. Raw papaya
13. Fresh garlic
14. Bleach - one part bleach to 6 parts water
15. Bag balm
16. Pure virgin coconut oil - also good for diaper rash!

Remember that everyone - pets and people alike - has a different system. Watch for allergic reactions and discontinue if they appear. Remember that allergies can take many forms - including headaches and muscle aches.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Arthritis pain relieved - by dogs?

It's not too often that the same information posted on my doggie blog would belong here, on my natural health blog ... but it happened today.

An article in the Ladies Home Journal prompted it. They have some kind of good dog story every month, but this time they told about the Xolo dog- and its amazing ability to help relieve pain for arthritis sufferers.

But rather than repeat myself - I invite you to visit my doggie blog for the rest of the Xolo story.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Be nutty - stay healthy!

While many have proven that laughter is the best medicine - and will not only help you stay healthy but can even effect cures - I'm not talking about that kind of nutty this time.

I'm talking about the real nuts - the kind that grow on trees.

USDA researchers say that just 1 1/2 ounces of nuts a day can reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. They also taste good, but surveys show that 66% of us don't eat any nuts at all.

Here are some of the most powerful:

Almonds: For delivering heart-healthy polyphenols, one ounce is equal to a cup of green tea plus 1/2 cup of broccoli combined , AND they've been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol.

Hazlenuts: Have high levels of vitamin E, folate, and B vitamins. They are also rich in arginine - an amino acid that can relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

Pistachios: A recent Pennsylvania State University study shows that a daily serving or two may decrease LDL levels by up to 12%

Just one ounce contains 10% of your daily fiber requirement, and pecans have the highest overall concentration of disease-fighting antioxidants of all nuts.

So next time you're reaching for a snack - instead of grabbing a sugar-filled candy bar from that rack, choose a bag of nuts. You'll find almonds and pistachios in most candy aisles, and you'll find the others in the baking aisle or the produce department.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Women - avoid stroke by drinking coffee, stopping smoking

This may be tough news for those of us who like to have a cup of coffee and a cigarette, but new studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, show that women who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a 20% reduced risk of stroke compared to women who had less than one cup per month. Drinking two to three cups per day reduced risk by 19%. Drinking a cup five to seven times a week reduced risk by 12%.

The study went on to say that for women who smoked, the risk was only reduced by 3%. High blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol also neutralized the coffee effect.

This benefit doesn't come from caffiene, but from some other substance which serves as a specific antioxidant - lowering inflammation and improving blood vessel function.

The study, taken over a period of 24 years, cautions that the results only apply to people who are healthy at the start - coffee isn't a cure once you're suffering from illness.

And of course, those who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, or heart problems should still avoid coffee.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Turn on the Humidifier BEFORE you catch the flu!

Moms all over the country turn on the humidifier when the kids are sick with colds and flu, but new research indicates that using it before anyone gets sick may a preventative.

And if someone in the house does have the flu... get that moist air going for the rest of the family!

Scientists have long known that flu spreads better in dry air - and dry air is exactly what winter brings us.

It turns out that relative humidity is a different thing than absolute humidity, so while hot summer air may seem drier, it can hold more water than cold winter air. 30% relative humidity in summer can equal 60% relative humidity in winter - meaning each holds an equal volume of water. Who knew?

Grandma used to keep a kettle of water on the stove in winter to keep the air in the house moist - perhaps because it made the temperature in the house feel more comfortable and helped alleviate that "winter dry skin" syndrome. But perhaps she instinctively knew something we've since forgotten - flu bugs thrive in dry air.

So if you have a wood stove, put the tea kettle on it and remember to fill it regularly. Otherwise, turn on the humidifier.

Do be careful not to overdo it - mold can be an even more serious problem than the flu.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What kills nearly 98,000 Americans each year?

Medial mistakes. Just simple "Oh, sorry, I goofed" kinds of things.

In addition to that, thousands more suffer from "preventable complications" of medical treatment - most often in hospitals. This, of course, means further treatment along with the human suffering. And that means more money.

According to today's Parade Magazine, the cost is so high that in October Medicare stopped paying hospitals to treat patients for some problems caused by mistakes made during their hospital stay. That's fine for Medicare, but do private insurers also refuse to pay? And if they do, do the hospitals demand payment from the patients?

Everyone I know who has been the victim of a hospital's mistake got the bill for treatment.

The good news is that since hospitals make so much money from Medicare, they are now exploring ways to cut down on mistakes. We knew it was about the money, but that statement certainly makes it clear!

The Parade article went into detail about how to protect yourself if you have to go to the hospital - you can read the full article here.

In addition to hospital-acquired infections, surgery on the wrong body parts, instruments left inside bodies, etc., one of the most serious threats is from medication. Inside the hospital you may be given the wrong medication or the wrong dosage, but be careful at home too.

I used to think it sounded crazy when the TV ads said to be sure and tell your doctor what medications you're taking - but since doctors don't read charts and you may have more than one doctor, it isn't so crazy. DO be sure you tell your doctor, and then ask about possible interactions and side effects.

Then, before you actually take any new medication, do your own research. Get on line and learn all you can before you risk your life!

The bottom line: keep working on staying healthy so you don't need hospitals or prescription drugs.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Health Freedom Gets a Boost

Good news from change.org!

When Change.org asked us what mattered, and presented a list of issues for us to choose from, Health freedom came in at #2 as most important for our government to address.

The top ten issues were presented to the transition team working with the President and change.org representatives were assured that the list would be taken seriously.

I didn't count how many choices there were, but my guess is hundreds - they covered every category of our lives from health to marriage to legal issues to the war.

To follow progress and even become actively involved in pushing this issue, visit http://www.change.org/ideas/view/health_freedom

Just because people in Washington recognize that we Americans want to maintain control of our own health decisions doesn't mean they'll stay behind us - unless we keep making our voices heard. You know that there are those on the other side of the issue that would prefer us not to have health freedom.

Oh - if you wonder what issue took the #1 spot: it was legalization of marijuana. To chime in on that issue, visit this blog.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another cure for warts...

A while back we talked about plantar warts - and how duct tape could remove them when over the counter remedies failed to do a thing. The duct tape really does work - although you must be patient. It works gradually.

Today I read about a cure that may be quicker: Lemon juice.

According to the article I read, one person used fresh lemon juice on a serious case of plantar warts that had not responded to any treatment. Using the fresh juice 3 or 4 times a day removed them within a month. Another woman wrote about warts on her daughter's hands... rubbing them with a slice of lemon 3 or 4 times a day removed them within 4 days.

Other home remedies for wart removal include topical applications of castor oil, vinegar, Listerine, and instant glue. The most inconvenient cure I found was banana peel. I can't quite imagine going through the day with a piece of banana peel taped to my skin.

Monday, January 26, 2009

On 60 Minutes: resveratrol - Plus, what drug companies don't want you to know

A recent 60 Minutes broadcast touted the benefits of resveratrol - a natural compound found in red wine, among other things.

Studies are showing that resveratrol thins your blood and improves blood flow because it slows the build-up of platelets in blood vessels, making them less sticky.

It also switches on your immune system, lowers inflammation, and acts as a powerful antioxidant, while it inhibits unhealthy cell growth and modulates hormones. Some researchers now consider resveratrol the best way to fight certain health disasters.

Since it sounds like the wonder drug of the century, pharmaceutical companies are rushing to try to duplicate it synthetically. How dumb.

Of course that's all about the money, so they don't want you to know that you can get resveratrol naturally - in substances that carry no harmful side effects, and for a lot less money than it will take when they come out with their "Anti-aging miracle."

I have to shake my head and wonder why anyone would wait to buy a pill containing a fake when the real thing is available naturally - right now - for a fraction of the cost.

Of course it's found in red wine, but if you don't like wine, then add the following to your diet:

* Raisins
• Red Grapes
• Blueberries
• Cranberries
• Purple Grape Juice
• Peanuts
• Mulberries

Living where I do, I've never tasted a mulberry - but it won't take many changes to our household's diet to add more of the others. I especially love purple grape juice!

Resveratrol is also available as a natural supplement at many health food stores.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Don't peel that apple!

According to scientists at Cornell University, an apple's peel contains triterpenoids, antioxidants which were proven effective in inhibiting the growth of colon, liver, and breast cancer cells. We already knew that apples - and all red fruits and vegetables - had other antioxidants.

Our ancestors may not have known the scientific names, but they knew it too. Remember the old "Apple a day keeps the doctor away?"

One thing however - be Sure to thoroughly wash that apple. Remember that the beneficial peel won't be so beneficial if it's coated with toxic pesticides or fertilizer residue.

Tip: If you also like drinking apple juice, make sure that it's made from whole apples so you get a good dose of triterpenoids.

Now... to convince my family that apple peelings belong in pie. Right now, my horse is getting the benefit of all those triterpenoids (not that I don't want him to be healthy, but he gets whole apples, too!)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Eat Your Berries

You know that raspberries, blueberries, etc. give you significant health benefits in the form of roughage, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They've long been considered as health food for all the goodness they bring to you, but new studies suggest that some berries are actually cancer fighters!

Read this article in the New York Times to learn about the studies.

Looks like a good reason to start a raspberry patch if you don't already have one!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Warning: Fosamax could kill you

Studies show that Fosamax can cause two conditions you definitely don't want to have:
esophageal cancer and jaw necrosis.

According to a report in New England Journal of Medicine, written by FDA Official Diane Wysowski, between October 1995 and May 2008 the FDA received reports of 23 cases of esophageal cancer linked directly to the drug Fosamax. Eight of the patients from these reports have died so far.

This may seem like a small percentage since use is widespread, but if you or someone you loved were one of the 23...

In the report, Ms Wysowski urged doctors not to prescribe oral bisphosphonates (Fosamax), especially to patients with Barrett’s esophagus, a condition that is often a precursor to esophageal cancer.

She noted that “use of oral bisphosphonates has been linked to inflammation of the esophagus, also called esophagitis, primarily in patients who have not used them according to directions.” Such irritation is said to be the kind of esophageal damage which may lead to cancer later on. There have been no studies to prove that these drugs cause cancer, but the risk is definitely there.

And then there's the necrosis. I find it ironic that the drug promoted to prevent osteoporosis actually causes deterioration of the bone in the jaw. That prompts me to wonder what it would actually be doing to the rest of the bones.

Dentists report that this is especially dangerous for any person requiring a tooth extraction. The necrosis is tied to infection and when the bone is exposed during dental surgery, healing is a long and difficult process.

Further danger lies in the fact that the drug has a 10-year half life in bone tissue. Thus, even with short-term usage, there remains long-term risk.

Not surprisingly, none of the patients affected had been warned of these side effects by their doctors.

Before you agree to take ANY drug, do your research. Read the fine print, consider the side effects, go on line and see how high the incidence really is, and then decide if the potential benefit of the drug is worth the risk you'll take.

Please don't depend upon the medical industry to protect you, because the fact is, you're more valuable to it sick than when you're healthy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drug-free treatment for ADHD

Studies on a group of children who couldn't focus and concentrate long enough to learn anything in the classroom have shown remarkable results with transcendental meditation.

In the study, children were asked to meditate for 10 minutes at a time, twice a day, over a three month period. Both parents and teachers reported of lower stress and anxiety levels, based on questionnaires given after the study. The teachers also reported improvements in attention, working memory, organization, and behavior regulation. Teaching and learning became possible.

The name "transcendental meditation" sounds like something mysterious or difficult. It isn't. It is merely the act of sitting still and repeating a sound, word, or phrase over and over in thought, while concentrating and focusing completely on that sound, word, or phrase. In other words, it fills the mind so that distracting (or distressing)thoughts have no room to enter.

This simple exercise also helps thousands of non-ADHD people gain a sense of balance and control in their lives - without the use of dangerous drugs.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Native American Health Food: The Wild Strawberry

Do you live where wild strawberries grow? I do - but of course not at the moment. Too much snow.

I recently ran across a history of their use - it may make you view them with new respect when you see them - and maybe make it worth your time to pick those tiny little gems.

The Indians here in the west used wild strawberries for colds - even though they didn't know about the vitamin C content! Mashed strawberries were made into a paste and used to clean teeth and to relieve toothache.

They used the juice to mix with water and bathe reddened eyes and to squeeze into inflamed sores and onto sunburned skin to speed healing.

A tea made from the dried leaves was used to relieve stomach troubles.

The strawberry's roots were harvested and made into bitters - for a Spring tonic and blood purifier.

My bet is that the settlers soon learned to copy them, since those old-time farm and ranch women had no corner drugstore.

In the East, during the American Revolution, Minutemen were saved from scurvy by drinking tea made from the fresh green foliage of the wild strawberry.

So it appears that the entire plant has been used for some health-giving function.

Next time you see a wild strawberry - do a bit of harvesting!