Monday, May 26, 2008

Save on Mangosteen Juice!

Good news for those of us who love how mangosteen juice makes us feel! 
I found a source that's about $10 per bottle less than the cost at my local health food store - or the website I had been ordering from.
The same site has goji, noni, and much, much more to promote natural health.
Here's to feeling good!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chantix - a blessing and a curse

Last week's doctor column told a sad tale - a gentleman who wanted to quit smoking and was prescribed Chantix. He said the drug worked so fast he couldn't believe it. He quit smoking after nothing else had helped.

BUT, depression was slowly creeping up, and then one morning he awoke feeling such total despair that he thought he'd never be happy again. And he couldn't get help - not from mental health clinics and not from emergency rooms. Finally the doctor who had prescribed the Chantix called in an antidepressant. Right now the jury is still out - if it's going to help, it is taking a while.

What did the newspaper doc say about it?

The side effects are listed right there for all to see. They include depression, thoughts of suicide, and bizarre behavior. That's while you're taking it - and withdrawal symptoms can be just as bad.

So what's worse? Smoking, or not even wanting to live?

I'm thinking that I might try Feel Bach's flower essence "Stop Smoking" formula myself. I know it requires a commitment to take the flower essences 4 times per day, but there are no side effects, and the flower essences cost practically nothing compared to the cost of deadly pharmaceuticals.

Here's to a healthy body and a sane and happy mind...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Natural help for arthritic pets

Today Summer arrived in North Idaho - after a cold and dreary "non-Spring." That must mean it's time to celebrate with some good news instead of more warnings.

The good news is about my dog Ralph. Or I should say my husband's dog, since Ralph is his best friend.

Ralph came to us in January 2001, when he was a 6 month old pup with a broken leg. His owner didn't want to pay for the surgery so was going to have him put to sleep. We didn't see it that way, so Ralph came to live with us. (His former owner didn't find out he was alive until about a year later.)

Anyway, his leg is a little bit crooked, and as he aged he developed arthritis. Then last year he played too hard and tore a ligament. The vet didn't want to do surgery because it would put too much strain on the other leg, so he prescribed Rymadyl. That's the drug that killed my old dog, so I watched it carefully. Sure enough, one pill and he was throwing up. So they prescribed a different pill - same results.

Being determined to help this best friend of ours, I started searching on line for something natural - something with no nasty side effects that would make life miserable - or kill him. And what I found has made all the difference in the world. From not even being able to even get into the pickup (or his favorite chair), Ralph is now running and playing with the other dogs as if he'd never had an injury. I think the natural elements in this remedy actually have healed his joints rather than just killing the pain.

Whatever the reason, I'm more than thankful that we found it. So if you have a dog who suffers from joint pain, just click here to learn more about Arthro-IonX.

Yours for natural health!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Don't just trust your doctor, do your research

A couple of weeks ago the doctor's column in our local newspaper talked about using Milk of Magnesia to cure acne. A reader had written that they had tried everything the doctors could throw at her son - to the tune of about $5,000 - and nothing worked until he started using Milk of Magnesia on his face at bedtime.

Yesterday a dermitologist wrote a "dismayed" response to that. He claimed that Accutane will cure all acne when used properly for 8 to 10 months. Just keep the dosage low to prevent side effects. He even accused the reader of having made up the story.

So there are 2 differing opinions. People have a right to disagree.

But then... the newspaper doctor responded by saying that physicians are specifically warned not to prescribe Accutane for more than 5 months at any one time. They know that long term use can be dangerous. Side effects include depression, suicidal thoughts, aggressive behavior, inflammation of the pancreas, hearing loss, inflammatory bowel disease, and more.

I think before a doctor prescribes anything he or she should be aware of the risks and use due diligence in preserving a patient's health. After all, they're supposed to be in the business of making people well, not sick.

The bottom line is that some do and some don't. So the only responsible thing for any patient (or the patient's parent) to do is first read all the literature that comes with a prescription, and then go on line and see what else there is to be learned. After all, you and your loved ones are the ones to suffer when you become a victim of an improper prescription.

Big pharm doesn't care if you get sick. In fact, keeping you sick and coming back for more medication may be the unspoken plan.

Be smart - be responsible for yourself - do the research.