Anyone who has ever had a muscle cramp in the calf of his leg knows that the pain is excruciating. For that matter, a cramp anywhere in the body can make you wish you'd just pass out so you couldn't feel it.
It turns out that a deficiency of Co-Q10 could be causing the cramps - and the use of Lipitor causes that deficiency. One study revealed that patients suffered a deficiency of more than 50% after using Lipitor for just one month.
Co-Q10 is a naturally occuring and vital enzyme in your body - one whose production diminishes with age, so all of us over the age of 20 should be supplementing with it.
If you're taking Lipitor for high cholesterol, talk to your doctor about a reduced dose, and do start taking Co-Q10!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Why did you catch that cold?
Cold and flu germs are everywhere around us this time of year - in stores, in offices, and at school. They could even arrive on your mail!
So why do some people catch one cold after another while others remain immune?
One answer could be attitude. If you study the Law of Attraction, you know that what you think about you're going to get. So if you go around saying or thinking "I get a cold every year about this time," you certainly will.
But sometimes, they can sneak up on you when you're at your busiest. Some believe that they're one of nature's ways to scream "Slow down!" when you're pushing yourself too hard. (Could it be that when you overdo, the subconscious part of you is wishing for an excuse to take a few sick days?)
Consider the mental causes for physical illness, and the next time a cold bug catches you, try the remedy found in Louise Hay's book: Heal Your Body.
She lists the source of colds as mental confusion - having too much going on at once - and holding on to small hurts.
The cure? Wellness affirmations such as "I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well."
You may or may not be a believer, but I've used the awareness and affirmations in "Heal Your Body" many times with almost unbelievable results.
Why not give it a try?
So why do some people catch one cold after another while others remain immune?
One answer could be attitude. If you study the Law of Attraction, you know that what you think about you're going to get. So if you go around saying or thinking "I get a cold every year about this time," you certainly will.
But sometimes, they can sneak up on you when you're at your busiest. Some believe that they're one of nature's ways to scream "Slow down!" when you're pushing yourself too hard. (Could it be that when you overdo, the subconscious part of you is wishing for an excuse to take a few sick days?)
Consider the mental causes for physical illness, and the next time a cold bug catches you, try the remedy found in Louise Hay's book: Heal Your Body.
She lists the source of colds as mental confusion - having too much going on at once - and holding on to small hurts.
The cure? Wellness affirmations such as "I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well."
You may or may not be a believer, but I've used the awareness and affirmations in "Heal Your Body" many times with almost unbelievable results.
Why not give it a try?
cure for colds,
heal your body,
law of attraction,
Louise Hay,
staying well
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Do you - or your children - get enough sleep?
As adults, we pull ourselves out of bed each morning, even if we haven't had enough sleep, and we trust that within an hour or so we'll be awake and functioning. Some down a few cups of coffee for a wake-up while others grab an apple - which is said to have the same benefit.
Our bodies suffer for it, so we go around foggy-headed, suffer from headaches, and feel generally lousy most of the time. Finally we come down with a cold or flu and are forced to take it easy for a while.
Given enough years of this kind of abuse, we can suffer from all sorts of maladies, because sleep time is necessary. It's when our bodies repair themselves. We need about 8 hours - we should take it!
In kids, it's when hormones that help them grow are released and when tissues not only repair themselves, but grow. Without sufficient sleep time, they can suffer real long term damage.
Inadequate sleep can also lead kids to do poorly in school and exhibit behavioral problems.
This need for sleep can be a real problem for kids who have to get up early to catch a school bus, and who get home late from a long bus ride. By the time they finish eating dinner they should be in bed.
Studies now show that kids between 5 and 12 years of age need 11 hours of sleep each night. So... if they have to be up at 6 a.m. to catch a bus, they need to have lights out by 7 p.m.
But of course, they do want to watch a favorite show, and sometimes there's homework to be done. I don't know what a parent can do about the homework, unless a talk with the teacher about the importance of sleep would get results. But as for the TV - parents need to "just say no." Your child's health is much more important than the "instant gratification" of watching a favorite show.
Even when you send them off to bed on time, often kids have trouble sleeping. We need to remember that they have worries too, and that can keep their minds reeling long past bedtime. Just because those worries seem trivial to us doesn't mean they aren't important to the kids.
So how about a nightly relaxation / meditation ritual with your kids? It would do you both good. It might also be helpful to schedule a little one-on-one time with each of them, so they can unload those worries. Sometimes just "getting it out" helps a worry go away.
Other steps you can take:
Most studies show they need 8 1/2 to 9 hours - but when they have to go to school they can't get it! It seems that biological rhythms change so that teens are often unable to fall asleep before 11 or midnight. Their body clocks then dictate that they should sleep until at least 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning. But when school starts at 7:30 they can't do it.
Some schools, recognizing this fact of nature, have changed their hours and now start later. They report kids being more alert and actually able to learn in that first hour, where before they were unable.
To learn more about teens and sleep - and how you can help your own kids, go to
Our bodies suffer for it, so we go around foggy-headed, suffer from headaches, and feel generally lousy most of the time. Finally we come down with a cold or flu and are forced to take it easy for a while.
Given enough years of this kind of abuse, we can suffer from all sorts of maladies, because sleep time is necessary. It's when our bodies repair themselves. We need about 8 hours - we should take it!
In kids, it's when hormones that help them grow are released and when tissues not only repair themselves, but grow. Without sufficient sleep time, they can suffer real long term damage.
Inadequate sleep can also lead kids to do poorly in school and exhibit behavioral problems.
This need for sleep can be a real problem for kids who have to get up early to catch a school bus, and who get home late from a long bus ride. By the time they finish eating dinner they should be in bed.
Studies now show that kids between 5 and 12 years of age need 11 hours of sleep each night. So... if they have to be up at 6 a.m. to catch a bus, they need to have lights out by 7 p.m.
But of course, they do want to watch a favorite show, and sometimes there's homework to be done. I don't know what a parent can do about the homework, unless a talk with the teacher about the importance of sleep would get results. But as for the TV - parents need to "just say no." Your child's health is much more important than the "instant gratification" of watching a favorite show.
Even when you send them off to bed on time, often kids have trouble sleeping. We need to remember that they have worries too, and that can keep their minds reeling long past bedtime. Just because those worries seem trivial to us doesn't mean they aren't important to the kids.
So how about a nightly relaxation / meditation ritual with your kids? It would do you both good. It might also be helpful to schedule a little one-on-one time with each of them, so they can unload those worries. Sometimes just "getting it out" helps a worry go away.
Other steps you can take:
- Do your best to maintain a set schedule - go to bed at the same time every night
- A hot bath just before bed
- Limit drinks with caffeine during the evening - that includes cola drinks and some others.
- Keep the bedroom dark and cool
- Keep televisions and computers OUT of the bedroom - some experts believe that the energy they give off, even when turned off, can disrupt sleep. And of course if they're turned on...
Most studies show they need 8 1/2 to 9 hours - but when they have to go to school they can't get it! It seems that biological rhythms change so that teens are often unable to fall asleep before 11 or midnight. Their body clocks then dictate that they should sleep until at least 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning. But when school starts at 7:30 they can't do it.
Some schools, recognizing this fact of nature, have changed their hours and now start later. They report kids being more alert and actually able to learn in that first hour, where before they were unable.
To learn more about teens and sleep - and how you can help your own kids, go to
children need sleep,
need for sleep,
sleep problems
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Can cheeseburgers cause Alzheimers?
According to research done at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, it just might.
Swedish research Susanne Akterin found similarities between the chemical makeup in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and rats fed a diet with the nutritional equivalent of burgers and fries. In other words, a diet high in calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat.
One of the new Alzheimer's findings is an excessive build-up of a protein called tau in "Alzheimer's brains." It is one of the few common threads researchers have found. At the same time, they found low amounts of arc - a protein that plays a key role in memory storage.
We've long been aware that fast food isn't good for us. Not only does it give us too much fat and calories, but living on fast food means we aren't eating the fruits and vegetables our bodies need. Until now we thought it was about obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
Now it seems that we need to lay off the junk food to protect our brains!
It doesn't look like we're doing a very good job of it. According to one report I read, McDonald's sales increased 8.2% in November alone. And it's not just Americans who are chowing down on burgers and fries - outlets in Europe, the Asian Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East are all doing quite well.
More research will be done before our public health officials will make any kind of statement about fast food, but Akterin is quoted as saying that it "can be a contributory factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease."
Hmmm... Go eat an apple.
Swedish research Susanne Akterin found similarities between the chemical makeup in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and rats fed a diet with the nutritional equivalent of burgers and fries. In other words, a diet high in calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat.
One of the new Alzheimer's findings is an excessive build-up of a protein called tau in "Alzheimer's brains." It is one of the few common threads researchers have found. At the same time, they found low amounts of arc - a protein that plays a key role in memory storage.
We've long been aware that fast food isn't good for us. Not only does it give us too much fat and calories, but living on fast food means we aren't eating the fruits and vegetables our bodies need. Until now we thought it was about obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
Now it seems that we need to lay off the junk food to protect our brains!
It doesn't look like we're doing a very good job of it. According to one report I read, McDonald's sales increased 8.2% in November alone. And it's not just Americans who are chowing down on burgers and fries - outlets in Europe, the Asian Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East are all doing quite well.
More research will be done before our public health officials will make any kind of statement about fast food, but Akterin is quoted as saying that it "can be a contributory factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease."
Hmmm... Go eat an apple.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Stress relief: How to let go of anger or guilt

Do you have something on your mind that you just can't let go of - or you feel like it just won't let go of you?
Say there's someone who is annoying you so much that you can hardly keep your mouth closed. But you know if you say anything you'll do damage to a relationship you treasure.
Say you've done something you feel ashamed of - a big thing or a little thing, but it keeps eating at you.
Say you're completely angry with someone you dearly love - so angry that if you try to talk about it you know you'll say more than you mean and really hurt that person.
Say you're just mad at the world and yourself because you've taken on too many holiday projects and you feel worn out and unappreciated. You're doing what everyone else wants done and none of what you want to do, but you're committed because you said yes one too many times.
Here's a simple solution that you won't believe until you try it. It's called "Write and Burn."
Go into a room by yourself and write it all down. Holler, yell, curse, say every nasty thing you want to say - to yourself or to them. Write down how you really feel about the situation and don't leave anything out. Keep writing until you feel like you've said it all.
Then, stick the letter and a book of matches in your pocket and go somewhere that you can burn the thing. And burn it.
You will be amazed at the relief you'll feel. It's as if the burden lifts - you've said it all, gotten it all out in the open, and you can think about other things again.
If you live where you can't possibly burn the letter, there's an alternative that works almost as well.
Say it all in an email. After you write it, read it one more time, and then delete the whole thing. Be sure not to put a name in the send line - you wouldn't want to accidentally send these private thoughts out into cyberspace!
Stress-relief through Meditation - for non-meditators
When you think of meditation do you think of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor making strange noises?
Plenty of people do - but you don't have to do that to get the benefits. Meditation is simply the act of clearing your mind and letting your body release tension - in other words, a great way to banish stress and optimize your natural health!
I'm sure the meditation purists will disagree with me - but that's OK. They can call this exercise something else and it won't bother me a bit. So here's the story...
Years ago I used to try meditating - with no results. No matter how I tried I couldn't sit there and visualize blank paper. When I tried, my mind kept saying "blank paper, blank paper." It was useless. And, even when all alone, I couldn't bring myself to make those strange noises. It felt silly. I was more tense from trying than I was from not trying.
Then I bought a couple of tape sets that brought things into focus. Using two methods together I could do it - and it felt wonderful!
The first set taught me to visualize numbers. Here's how that worked: Beginning with "3" visualize the number while saying it, 3 times. At the same time as you're doing this, inhale deeply and let the air out while saying "3, 3, 3" (I'll admit that I had to learn to breathe correctly before I could do it.)
Then do the same for 2 and 1. Then, after a few deep breaths and mentally saying "relax" the next step is to continue breathing deeply and count backwards from 10 to 1. Then think "relax" again a few times and let go with all your muscles.
That part was hard at first also - because the first tapes I had taught me to begin the relaxation process with my feet and work my way up to my head. The method that worked for me was to begin with the scalp, then the facial muscles, then neck, shoulders, chest, back, etc - ending with the feet. I learned that from a later tape.
By consciously releasing and feeling the relaxation in each part of your body, your thoughts are naturally taken away from whatever else is going on in your life and focused on your feeling.
When you become totally relaxed, just sit there and "feel" it. Enjoy the feeling of your body sinking into the chair, your hands laying relaxed, your feet at rest. If a stray thought tries to wander in, just visualize it being pushed aside and go on with "feeling."
You might stay for 5 minutes, or 25. Do whatever feels right and good.
The first set of tapes I had recommended coming back out of this state deliberately - The method is to count back up to 5 while telling yourself "At the count of 5 I will open my eyes and be fully alert, rested, and feeling better than I felt before." Say it when you begin, then at 3, then a variation of it at 5 - when you do open your eyes.
I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep at night. My mind was always racing ahead to what needed to be done tomorrow or worrying over what I didn't accomplish today. So I did this at bedtime and changed the ending - I told myself that when I opened my eyes I'd be very sleepy and would go to bed and fall asleep quickly - that I would sleep well and wake rested. And yes, it worked.
Banishing stress from your mind and body will go a long way to keeping you healthy - so if you're thinking you don't have time for this because you have so many duties to your work and your family, re-think that position.
You're far more valuable to all of them when you feel good. Not only will you get more done, you'll be a lot more fun to be around.
The hectic Christmas season is a good time to let go of stress, so why not try this right now?
Plenty of people do - but you don't have to do that to get the benefits. Meditation is simply the act of clearing your mind and letting your body release tension - in other words, a great way to banish stress and optimize your natural health!
I'm sure the meditation purists will disagree with me - but that's OK. They can call this exercise something else and it won't bother me a bit. So here's the story...
Years ago I used to try meditating - with no results. No matter how I tried I couldn't sit there and visualize blank paper. When I tried, my mind kept saying "blank paper, blank paper." It was useless. And, even when all alone, I couldn't bring myself to make those strange noises. It felt silly. I was more tense from trying than I was from not trying.
Then I bought a couple of tape sets that brought things into focus. Using two methods together I could do it - and it felt wonderful!
The first set taught me to visualize numbers. Here's how that worked: Beginning with "3" visualize the number while saying it, 3 times. At the same time as you're doing this, inhale deeply and let the air out while saying "3, 3, 3" (I'll admit that I had to learn to breathe correctly before I could do it.)
Then do the same for 2 and 1. Then, after a few deep breaths and mentally saying "relax" the next step is to continue breathing deeply and count backwards from 10 to 1. Then think "relax" again a few times and let go with all your muscles.
That part was hard at first also - because the first tapes I had taught me to begin the relaxation process with my feet and work my way up to my head. The method that worked for me was to begin with the scalp, then the facial muscles, then neck, shoulders, chest, back, etc - ending with the feet. I learned that from a later tape.
By consciously releasing and feeling the relaxation in each part of your body, your thoughts are naturally taken away from whatever else is going on in your life and focused on your feeling.
When you become totally relaxed, just sit there and "feel" it. Enjoy the feeling of your body sinking into the chair, your hands laying relaxed, your feet at rest. If a stray thought tries to wander in, just visualize it being pushed aside and go on with "feeling."
You might stay for 5 minutes, or 25. Do whatever feels right and good.
The first set of tapes I had recommended coming back out of this state deliberately - The method is to count back up to 5 while telling yourself "At the count of 5 I will open my eyes and be fully alert, rested, and feeling better than I felt before." Say it when you begin, then at 3, then a variation of it at 5 - when you do open your eyes.
I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep at night. My mind was always racing ahead to what needed to be done tomorrow or worrying over what I didn't accomplish today. So I did this at bedtime and changed the ending - I told myself that when I opened my eyes I'd be very sleepy and would go to bed and fall asleep quickly - that I would sleep well and wake rested. And yes, it worked.
Banishing stress from your mind and body will go a long way to keeping you healthy - so if you're thinking you don't have time for this because you have so many duties to your work and your family, re-think that position.
You're far more valuable to all of them when you feel good. Not only will you get more done, you'll be a lot more fun to be around.
The hectic Christmas season is a good time to let go of stress, so why not try this right now?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Bach Flowers and the mind-body connection
For a long time now doctors have been talking about stress and high blood pressure - but they usually talk about type A executives, driving themselves beyond their endurance to succeed more and more.
Well, the rest of us have stress too. It just isn't quite so visible.
And finally, doctors are realizing that stress can do more to our bodies than cause high blood pressure. It can cause an overall degeneration of many body parts, because after all, those parts are all connected!
Bach Flower Essences can help rebalance our energies to remove that stress and make the ups and downs in our lives easier to manage.
Dr. Bach, of course, talked about how our spiritual self affects our physical self. He believed there could be no true physical healing without emotional and vibrational healing. I personally believe that's why some people who "should" be well continue to be ill, while others with challenging injuries can heal quickly.
Bach Flowers can be preventative medicine - treating emotional upheaval before it takes a toll on our bodies. And they can be healing medicine, working in concert with traditional medicine to allow bodies to recover. Either way, because it's both inexpensive and totally harmless, I think using Bach Flower Essences is an intelligent approach to health care.
If you're interested in trying this natural approach to wellness, here's another book that could help you understand and choose the correct essences: Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies

You'll find Bach Flower Essences in many places around the web, but for fast service and the best prices I've seen, I recommend Feel Bach! More important, they use the same formula that Dr. Bach perfected back in the 30's, while many other manufacturers have chosen to use a cheaper method.
Note: For a selection of books that cover everything from using Bach Flowers for stress to treating pets, just type "bach flower remedies" into the search box at the top of this page.
Yours for stress-free, joyful holidays,
Tomorrow: Meditation
Well, the rest of us have stress too. It just isn't quite so visible.
And finally, doctors are realizing that stress can do more to our bodies than cause high blood pressure. It can cause an overall degeneration of many body parts, because after all, those parts are all connected!
Bach Flower Essences can help rebalance our energies to remove that stress and make the ups and downs in our lives easier to manage.
Dr. Bach, of course, talked about how our spiritual self affects our physical self. He believed there could be no true physical healing without emotional and vibrational healing. I personally believe that's why some people who "should" be well continue to be ill, while others with challenging injuries can heal quickly.
Bach Flowers can be preventative medicine - treating emotional upheaval before it takes a toll on our bodies. And they can be healing medicine, working in concert with traditional medicine to allow bodies to recover. Either way, because it's both inexpensive and totally harmless, I think using Bach Flower Essences is an intelligent approach to health care.
If you're interested in trying this natural approach to wellness, here's another book that could help you understand and choose the correct essences: Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies
You'll find Bach Flower Essences in many places around the web, but for fast service and the best prices I've seen, I recommend Feel Bach! More important, they use the same formula that Dr. Bach perfected back in the 30's, while many other manufacturers have chosen to use a cheaper method.
Note: For a selection of books that cover everything from using Bach Flowers for stress to treating pets, just type "bach flower remedies" into the search box at the top of this page.
Yours for stress-free, joyful holidays,
Tomorrow: Meditation
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bach Flower Essences - to greet the Christmas season with joy
Do you know about Bach Flower Essences? They could help you enjoy the Christmas season this year.
The use of plants for healing dates back to Biblical times, so there's nothing new about knowing that plants are beneficial. But in the 1930's Dr. Edward Bach identified 38 different plants whose flowers affected not just physical well-being, but emotional well being.
Since modern science has no way to measure and quantify emotional vibration, no scientific explanation exists for why Bach Flower Essences work. But that doesn't matter to the millions of people who use them.
We all know that Christmas brings anxiety to many. Often it's the pressure of too much to do, and expecting too much of our own ability to do it all. Sometimes it's the dread of facing critical family members - and sometimes it's being that critical family member. Sometimes its overwhelming loneliness.
These are all emotional conditions tied to energy and our inner vibrations - and Bach Flowers can help bring things back into sync. The great part is that they're completely natural - there are no harmful side effects, no drug interactions, no worries about who can or cannot use them.
For generalized anxiety, many use a product called Feel5ive - it's Dr. Bach's original calmative formula to be used in times of stress. This is good for facing an important interview, visiting the dentist, taking an airplane ride, etc. It's also a great formula to use for pets under stress.
Treating other emotional situations requires a study of the 38 Bach Flower Essences and their qualities. Some rely on Bach Flower practitioners to help them choose the essences, while others do their own research. Feel Bach! offers a good explanation of each essence on their website, and will send you a quick reference brochure upon request.
If you'd like to learn more, I highly recommend the book I keep handy:
Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice
Tomorrow we'll talk about the mind-body connection. Stay tuned...
The use of plants for healing dates back to Biblical times, so there's nothing new about knowing that plants are beneficial. But in the 1930's Dr. Edward Bach identified 38 different plants whose flowers affected not just physical well-being, but emotional well being.
Since modern science has no way to measure and quantify emotional vibration, no scientific explanation exists for why Bach Flower Essences work. But that doesn't matter to the millions of people who use them.
We all know that Christmas brings anxiety to many. Often it's the pressure of too much to do, and expecting too much of our own ability to do it all. Sometimes it's the dread of facing critical family members - and sometimes it's being that critical family member. Sometimes its overwhelming loneliness.
These are all emotional conditions tied to energy and our inner vibrations - and Bach Flowers can help bring things back into sync. The great part is that they're completely natural - there are no harmful side effects, no drug interactions, no worries about who can or cannot use them.
For generalized anxiety, many use a product called Feel5ive - it's Dr. Bach's original calmative formula to be used in times of stress. This is good for facing an important interview, visiting the dentist, taking an airplane ride, etc. It's also a great formula to use for pets under stress.
Treating other emotional situations requires a study of the 38 Bach Flower Essences and their qualities. Some rely on Bach Flower practitioners to help them choose the essences, while others do their own research. Feel Bach! offers a good explanation of each essence on their website, and will send you a quick reference brochure upon request.
If you'd like to learn more, I highly recommend the book I keep handy:
Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice
Tomorrow we'll talk about the mind-body connection. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Natural remedies for your eyes
I just came across these eye-related tips in a natural health book ... They sound worth a try.
Two or three carrots a day, raw, cooked, or in juice are supposedly excellent for relieving problems with night vision. Also, blueberries when they're in season and watercress in salads or tea are said to help restore night vision.
Cleaning your eyeglasses: to avoid streaks use a lint free cloth and a touch of vinegar or vodka.
Eye drops: Commercial eye drops and eye washes can actually harm your eyes. The preparations to "get the red out" shrink the veins that cause redness, but that masks a problem. Your eyes are red because they're irritated, so listen to them!
Remove the irritant, get more sleep, or cut back on alcohol - but don't mask the problem with a product that can cause harm.
If you need and use artificial tears, be sure to use the kind that is preservative free. The preservatives can damage your eyes.
For a safe, natural remedy for tired or irritated eyes, try a carrot wash.
Wash a bunch of carrots and cut off the tops. Place a handful of the clean carrot tops in a jar of distilled hot water. Let it stand and when cool use the carrot water as an eye wash.
Or - mix 1 drop of lemon juice n one ounce of warm distilled water and use it as an eyewash. This is said to be particularly effective when your eyes have been exposed to external irritants such as smoke, dust, and harsh lights.
Two or three carrots a day, raw, cooked, or in juice are supposedly excellent for relieving problems with night vision. Also, blueberries when they're in season and watercress in salads or tea are said to help restore night vision.
Cleaning your eyeglasses: to avoid streaks use a lint free cloth and a touch of vinegar or vodka.
Eye drops: Commercial eye drops and eye washes can actually harm your eyes. The preparations to "get the red out" shrink the veins that cause redness, but that masks a problem. Your eyes are red because they're irritated, so listen to them!
Remove the irritant, get more sleep, or cut back on alcohol - but don't mask the problem with a product that can cause harm.
If you need and use artificial tears, be sure to use the kind that is preservative free. The preservatives can damage your eyes.
For a safe, natural remedy for tired or irritated eyes, try a carrot wash.
Wash a bunch of carrots and cut off the tops. Place a handful of the clean carrot tops in a jar of distilled hot water. Let it stand and when cool use the carrot water as an eye wash.
Or - mix 1 drop of lemon juice n one ounce of warm distilled water and use it as an eyewash. This is said to be particularly effective when your eyes have been exposed to external irritants such as smoke, dust, and harsh lights.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Natural, healthy stress relief
To improve your overall well-being and banish stressful feelings, a new report recommends singing. Yep, top of your lungs joyful song!
The report went on to say that there was some importance in knowing all the words to the song - but I have to wonder if that was an opinion rather than a fact. I say that because I hardly ever know all the words to any song, but get great stress relief by singing along to a really rockin' tune.
Better yet - dance! My email holds 4 or 5 great tunes that friends have sent over the years. If I let myself get down in the dumps I click over to one of them and get up and dance with myself.
The dogs look at me like I've lost it - but that's OK.
The Christmas season is here - and if it gets you down, try singing and dancing. You'll feel better both mentally and physically.
The report went on to say that there was some importance in knowing all the words to the song - but I have to wonder if that was an opinion rather than a fact. I say that because I hardly ever know all the words to any song, but get great stress relief by singing along to a really rockin' tune.
Better yet - dance! My email holds 4 or 5 great tunes that friends have sent over the years. If I let myself get down in the dumps I click over to one of them and get up and dance with myself.
The dogs look at me like I've lost it - but that's OK.
The Christmas season is here - and if it gets you down, try singing and dancing. You'll feel better both mentally and physically.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Antidepressant medications may trigger suicide!
Just read the news this morning about a young woman who was experiencing anxiety. Her doctor prescribed Klonopin and then gave her free samples of Cymbalta.
5 days later she was dead.
She started feeling bad the first day, but kept taking the pills; within 4 days she began talking about suicide, and the next day she did it.
According to the newspaper, the package inserts with prescriptions for Cymbalta clearly state that suicidal thoughts can be a side effect, but since she was given samples, neither she nor her family had seen a package insert.
Once again, this is a stark reminder to pay attention to your own body. Just because a doctor hands you something does NOT mean that it is good for you. It may be fine for someone else, but not for you.
Any time a medication makes you feel bad, you should quit taking it! This is true even if you begin experiencing headaches or nausea or any of a host of other side-effects - not just if you become suicidal.
Bad feelings are your body's way of telling you this is not a good thing. When you begin experiencing negative reactions after a change in medication it's a clear sign that the medication is harmful to you.
Go back to the doctor and explain your symptoms. Get a different drug if you must, but always remember that our bodies are all individual - one size does not fit all in clothing, foods, or medications.
5 days later she was dead.
She started feeling bad the first day, but kept taking the pills; within 4 days she began talking about suicide, and the next day she did it.
According to the newspaper, the package inserts with prescriptions for Cymbalta clearly state that suicidal thoughts can be a side effect, but since she was given samples, neither she nor her family had seen a package insert.
Once again, this is a stark reminder to pay attention to your own body. Just because a doctor hands you something does NOT mean that it is good for you. It may be fine for someone else, but not for you.
Any time a medication makes you feel bad, you should quit taking it! This is true even if you begin experiencing headaches or nausea or any of a host of other side-effects - not just if you become suicidal.
Bad feelings are your body's way of telling you this is not a good thing. When you begin experiencing negative reactions after a change in medication it's a clear sign that the medication is harmful to you.
Go back to the doctor and explain your symptoms. Get a different drug if you must, but always remember that our bodies are all individual - one size does not fit all in clothing, foods, or medications.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Home Remedies People Swear By... The raisin cure for arthritis
Several times lately people have mentioned the "raisin cure" for arthritis to me... so I found it for you!
You'll need:
1 lb. Golden raisins
1 pint Gin
Glass bowl
Glass jar with lid
Spread the raisins evenly on the bottom of the glass bowl and cover them with gin. Let them stay there until all the gin is absorbed by the raisins. This usually takes 5-7 days. do stir this occasionally to make sure all the raisins absorb the gin.
After all the gin is absorbed, transfer the raisins to the jar. Put the lid on. Do not refrigerate.
Each day eat 9 raisins. Only 9. This number seems to have some bearing on how this remedy works.
I am fortunate not to have this ailment, but I've heard this from people who do and they say it works wonders. Seems like it's worth a try, as long as you aren't allergic to raisins or gin.
You'll need:
1 lb. Golden raisins
1 pint Gin
Glass bowl
Glass jar with lid
Spread the raisins evenly on the bottom of the glass bowl and cover them with gin. Let them stay there until all the gin is absorbed by the raisins. This usually takes 5-7 days. do stir this occasionally to make sure all the raisins absorb the gin.
After all the gin is absorbed, transfer the raisins to the jar. Put the lid on. Do not refrigerate.
Each day eat 9 raisins. Only 9. This number seems to have some bearing on how this remedy works.
I am fortunate not to have this ailment, but I've heard this from people who do and they say it works wonders. Seems like it's worth a try, as long as you aren't allergic to raisins or gin.
Update on cayenne pepper to stop bleeding
Last time I wrote I told you that cayenne pepper halted a razor nick...
Well, a couple of evenings ago I was playing with one of the dogs and he accidentally tore a little triangular chunk of my skin loose - a little over 1/4 inch long on each side. (Not his fault - mine.)
Because it has so many healing and antibiotic herbs, I first sprayed Schneiders on it. (Sold in feed stores - it's marketed for horses and other livestock, but great for people, too.)
Then, because any time I poke a hole in my skin I generally bleed for quite a while, I got out the cayenne pepper and sprinkled it on my arm. The bleeding stopped instantly! Later that evening I did something to tear it loose so I sprinkled a little more... with the same result. Now, 2 days later, its healing so fast I feel like I can almost watch the progress!
I think I've found something wonderful!
Well, a couple of evenings ago I was playing with one of the dogs and he accidentally tore a little triangular chunk of my skin loose - a little over 1/4 inch long on each side. (Not his fault - mine.)
Because it has so many healing and antibiotic herbs, I first sprayed Schneiders on it. (Sold in feed stores - it's marketed for horses and other livestock, but great for people, too.)
Then, because any time I poke a hole in my skin I generally bleed for quite a while, I got out the cayenne pepper and sprinkled it on my arm. The bleeding stopped instantly! Later that evening I did something to tear it loose so I sprinkled a little more... with the same result. Now, 2 days later, its healing so fast I feel like I can almost watch the progress!
I think I've found something wonderful!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Are Olives a Miracle Drug?
The reading and research I've done over the past few days would lead me to believe so.
One of my clients is about to launch a new product that contains olive leaf, so to give "proof" to our claims of it's effectiveness, I started reading.
I learned that the use of dried olive leaf dates back to the ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean cultures, and is even cited in the Bible. That's a pretty long history of healing!
Clinical evidence has proven the blood pressure lowering effects of carefully extracted olive leaf extracts, and bioassays support its antibactrial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects.
But the benefits don't stop with the leaf. Olive oil offers protection against heart disease by controlling LDL cholesterol levels while raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It's protective function in the stomach has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis, and because it activates teh secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones more naturally than precription drugs, it lowers the incidence of gallstone formation.
Studies on rats are now showing that olive oil reduces the risk of colon cancer - rating almost as high as fish oil in that regard.
Every report I read recommended taking two tablespoons of virgin olive oil daily. Of course, they recommend using it to replace other oils in your diet rather than just adding olive oil.
While all olive oil is good, the best is Extra Virgin - because it has not been overly processed and does not contain any other oils. Thus it has higher levels of antioxidants.
I also learned that your olive oil should be kept in a cool dark place, tightly sealed.
Contrary to popular hype, canola oil does not have the beneficial properties of olive oil - and may even contain a dangerous fatty acid. (I've been trying to stay away from that one for years - which unfortunately limits eating out.)
Olive oil burns easily, so for frying, nutrition experts recommend coconut oil. Because of its composition, the heat won't transition the oil into dangerous trans fatty acids.
Yours for good health - and good eating!
One of my clients is about to launch a new product that contains olive leaf, so to give "proof" to our claims of it's effectiveness, I started reading.
I learned that the use of dried olive leaf dates back to the ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean cultures, and is even cited in the Bible. That's a pretty long history of healing!
Clinical evidence has proven the blood pressure lowering effects of carefully extracted olive leaf extracts, and bioassays support its antibactrial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects.
But the benefits don't stop with the leaf. Olive oil offers protection against heart disease by controlling LDL cholesterol levels while raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It's protective function in the stomach has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis, and because it activates teh secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones more naturally than precription drugs, it lowers the incidence of gallstone formation.
Studies on rats are now showing that olive oil reduces the risk of colon cancer - rating almost as high as fish oil in that regard.
Every report I read recommended taking two tablespoons of virgin olive oil daily. Of course, they recommend using it to replace other oils in your diet rather than just adding olive oil.
While all olive oil is good, the best is Extra Virgin - because it has not been overly processed and does not contain any other oils. Thus it has higher levels of antioxidants.
I also learned that your olive oil should be kept in a cool dark place, tightly sealed.
Contrary to popular hype, canola oil does not have the beneficial properties of olive oil - and may even contain a dangerous fatty acid. (I've been trying to stay away from that one for years - which unfortunately limits eating out.)
Olive oil burns easily, so for frying, nutrition experts recommend coconut oil. Because of its composition, the heat won't transition the oil into dangerous trans fatty acids.
Yours for good health - and good eating!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Coumadin and cranberries don't mix
Just caught this article this morning - and since turkey and cranberries season is nearly here, it seemed like a good time to warn you.
According to the People's Pharmacy, cranberries can increase the anticoagulent effect of warfarin - the ingredient in Coumadin. The combination can lead to serious bleeding problems.
So... if you're taking Coumadin, leave the cranberry juice in the fridge and avoid cranberry sauce with your turkey dinner this Thanksgiving.
Be safe!
According to the People's Pharmacy, cranberries can increase the anticoagulent effect of warfarin - the ingredient in Coumadin. The combination can lead to serious bleeding problems.
So... if you're taking Coumadin, leave the cranberry juice in the fridge and avoid cranberry sauce with your turkey dinner this Thanksgiving.
Be safe!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Could anti-depressants cause Alzheimers?
I just ran across a good article on depression on Frank Mangano's health site...
It's worth reading if you or anyone you love suffers from depression. The world offers dozens of natural cures - everything from good music to juice supplements, to vitamins and minerals - and none of them will create brain lesions.
Here's to natural health...
It's worth reading if you or anyone you love suffers from depression. The world offers dozens of natural cures - everything from good music to juice supplements, to vitamins and minerals - and none of them will create brain lesions.
Here's to natural health...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Does big pharm control the FDA?
My guess is yes, big pharm does control the FDA. Possibly because so much of the "research" done by the FDA is funded by pharmaceutical companies.
And big pharm does not want the sale of natural health products cutting into its revenues.
Thus my email last night held a message about a new assault on our freedom. It seems the FDA, under pressure from big pharm, is hiring more agents to monitor the advertising from people selling natural health products. Those who dare to say natural products might help someone avoid illness or become well will be subject to stiff penalties, and could be put out of business entirely.
Those who advertise and sell herbal remedies, for instance, must not even mention the name of a disease or a symptom of a disease in their advertising. Talk about a way to get rid of the competition!
I suppose it makes sense. As more and more people realize the benefits of herbs and other natural supplements, and as more and more people are becoming ill from pharmaceuticals, big pharm knows that many will shift from trusting them to mis-trusting them - and will switch to natural remedies with no evil side-effects.
So... they promote the idea that natural products should be regulated because they might be "dangerous" to the public. Never mind that nearly all of the products they sell carry the risk of serious disability or death.
Thank goodness we are all free to do our own research and find out just what good things herbs, vitamins, and supplements such as mangosteen can do for us. I keep a copy of Dr. Tanton's "A Drug Free Approach to Health Care" by my desk, because I know he's done years of research into natural health. It's a great place to start - and if I want to know more, there's always Google.
I firmly believe that every person should research the side effects before taking any medication - and should explore natural alternatives before taking the risk that pharmaceuticals present. Even if it does mean lost revenue for big pharm.
And big pharm does not want the sale of natural health products cutting into its revenues.
Thus my email last night held a message about a new assault on our freedom. It seems the FDA, under pressure from big pharm, is hiring more agents to monitor the advertising from people selling natural health products. Those who dare to say natural products might help someone avoid illness or become well will be subject to stiff penalties, and could be put out of business entirely.
Those who advertise and sell herbal remedies, for instance, must not even mention the name of a disease or a symptom of a disease in their advertising. Talk about a way to get rid of the competition!
I suppose it makes sense. As more and more people realize the benefits of herbs and other natural supplements, and as more and more people are becoming ill from pharmaceuticals, big pharm knows that many will shift from trusting them to mis-trusting them - and will switch to natural remedies with no evil side-effects.
So... they promote the idea that natural products should be regulated because they might be "dangerous" to the public. Never mind that nearly all of the products they sell carry the risk of serious disability or death.
Thank goodness we are all free to do our own research and find out just what good things herbs, vitamins, and supplements such as mangosteen can do for us. I keep a copy of Dr. Tanton's "A Drug Free Approach to Health Care" by my desk, because I know he's done years of research into natural health. It's a great place to start - and if I want to know more, there's always Google.
I firmly believe that every person should research the side effects before taking any medication - and should explore natural alternatives before taking the risk that pharmaceuticals present. Even if it does mean lost revenue for big pharm.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Natural cures for high cholesterol
Yesterday we talked about the dangers of Vytorin. I have learned since then that the drug Baycol was removed from the market after numerous deaths were attributed to its use.
Since all pharmaceuticals carry risk, and since cholesterol drugs seem to carry side effects that lead to death, it seems like it might be a good idea to see what you can do without drugs.
According to the Mayo Clinic site, the first thing to do is reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats in your diet. Unfortunately, that means staying away from store-bought cookies, crackers, and cakes. (unless you read the ingredients and find there are no trans fats)
Next, add some good foods: oatmeal and oat bran, walnuts and almonds (in moderation, of course, because they're high in calories), fish and omega-3 fatty acids (like ground flaxeed), olive oil, and foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols. (Look for this on the labels of margarines, orange juice, and yogurt drinks.)
What else can you do? Research has shown that the following natural supplements can be of benefit. Just remember that each body is different, and what works for one might not work for another.
• B Vitamins
• Carnitine
• Chromium
• Coenzyme Q10
• Garlic
• Grape Seed Extract
• Pantothine
• Red yeast rice
• Royal Jelly
• Soy
• Vitamin C
I always recommend doing your own research. You'll find a myriad of resources on line, as well as in natural health books.
One of my favorites is A Drug-Free Approach to Health Care by Dr. David Tanton. In it, Dr. Tanton outlines the many natural remedies available for all of our common health concerns - and some that are not so common.
Since all pharmaceuticals carry risk, and since cholesterol drugs seem to carry side effects that lead to death, it seems like it might be a good idea to see what you can do without drugs.
According to the Mayo Clinic site, the first thing to do is reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats in your diet. Unfortunately, that means staying away from store-bought cookies, crackers, and cakes. (unless you read the ingredients and find there are no trans fats)
Next, add some good foods: oatmeal and oat bran, walnuts and almonds (in moderation, of course, because they're high in calories), fish and omega-3 fatty acids (like ground flaxeed), olive oil, and foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols. (Look for this on the labels of margarines, orange juice, and yogurt drinks.)
What else can you do? Research has shown that the following natural supplements can be of benefit. Just remember that each body is different, and what works for one might not work for another.
• B Vitamins
• Carnitine
• Chromium
• Coenzyme Q10
• Garlic
• Grape Seed Extract
• Pantothine
• Red yeast rice
• Royal Jelly
• Soy
• Vitamin C
I always recommend doing your own research. You'll find a myriad of resources on line, as well as in natural health books.
One of my favorites is A Drug-Free Approach to Health Care by Dr. David Tanton. In it, Dr. Tanton outlines the many natural remedies available for all of our common health concerns - and some that are not so common.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Cholesterol Drug Vytorin ingredients possibly lethal
Isn't that nice? The FDA is beginning an investigation into ezetimibe and simvastatin, the two compounds found in Vytorin which are designed to lower cholesterol levels.
A 5-year trial was conducted to see if the combined ingredients could "reduce cardiovascular events in patients with a diagnosis of aortic stenosis." The trial found that no, there were no benefits. However, a larger percentage of those treated with Vytorin (as opposed to the placebo group) were diagnosed with and died from various forms of cancer.
Two other ongoing trials will end in 2010 and 2012. I feel for those patients taking part in the trials. Why would anyone take that kind of chance with their health?
Cases such as this are a good reason not to take any drugs that haven't been around for a good long while - unless, of course, your condition is terminal and they offer some relief.
If you're taking Vytorin, you might want to go back to your doctor and ask for something safer. Or, you might want to try treating your high cholesterol with diet, exercise, and some natural remedies. I'll tell you about those tomorrow...
A 5-year trial was conducted to see if the combined ingredients could "reduce cardiovascular events in patients with a diagnosis of aortic stenosis." The trial found that no, there were no benefits. However, a larger percentage of those treated with Vytorin (as opposed to the placebo group) were diagnosed with and died from various forms of cancer.
Two other ongoing trials will end in 2010 and 2012. I feel for those patients taking part in the trials. Why would anyone take that kind of chance with their health?
Cases such as this are a good reason not to take any drugs that haven't been around for a good long while - unless, of course, your condition is terminal and they offer some relief.
If you're taking Vytorin, you might want to go back to your doctor and ask for something safer. Or, you might want to try treating your high cholesterol with diet, exercise, and some natural remedies. I'll tell you about those tomorrow...
Monday, November 3, 2008
How to stop bleeding from a razor nick
Most people just stick a bit of tissue on the nick and in a few minutes the bleeding stops,right?
Well, sometimes it doesn't. That happened to my husband a few nights ago. He spent dinner dabbing at his chin to keep the blood from dripping into his plate. When it didn't stop after an hour or so, I went on line to find a remedy - and did!
I used the first one I found: Cayenne pepper. Just a teensey pinch of it, applied twice to the nick, and the bleeding stopped within about a minute and a half.
But not everyone has cayenne pepper on the shelf, so I'll tell you the other remedies I found:
Nasal spray
eye drops
Every household is bound to have at least one of those on hand.
According to what I read, the reason these work is they all act to constrict the blood vessels - shutting off the flow.
I'm glad I found these - I don't get many razor nicks, but sure do get "claw nicks" from a cat who insists she needs to be on my lap while I'm at the computer.
Yours for a happy November,
Well, sometimes it doesn't. That happened to my husband a few nights ago. He spent dinner dabbing at his chin to keep the blood from dripping into his plate. When it didn't stop after an hour or so, I went on line to find a remedy - and did!
I used the first one I found: Cayenne pepper. Just a teensey pinch of it, applied twice to the nick, and the bleeding stopped within about a minute and a half.
But not everyone has cayenne pepper on the shelf, so I'll tell you the other remedies I found:
Nasal spray
eye drops
Every household is bound to have at least one of those on hand.
According to what I read, the reason these work is they all act to constrict the blood vessels - shutting off the flow.
I'm glad I found these - I don't get many razor nicks, but sure do get "claw nicks" from a cat who insists she needs to be on my lap while I'm at the computer.
Yours for a happy November,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
If you MUST take prescription drugs, be careful
With shrinking paychecks and rising costs, many US citizens are thinking of buying their prescription drugs on line - and with good reason. They can save a bundle of money.
However, the web can be a deceptive place. We do trust the Canadian pharmacies, but not all those who claim to be Canadian really are. If the price is too good to be true, you might be dealing with drugs coming from "Hango Pango."
The People's Pharmacy offers a guide and tips on how to tell if an online Canadian pharmacy is legitimate. Just go to to order your copy for $2.
Meanwhile, if you're trying to wean yourself from dangerous pharmaceuticals, read Dr. David Tanton's A Drug-Free Approach to Healthcare - Revised Edition. It might be just what you need to start rebuilding your health and getting free of dangerous and expensive drugs.
Yours for good health,
However, the web can be a deceptive place. We do trust the Canadian pharmacies, but not all those who claim to be Canadian really are. If the price is too good to be true, you might be dealing with drugs coming from "Hango Pango."
The People's Pharmacy offers a guide and tips on how to tell if an online Canadian pharmacy is legitimate. Just go to to order your copy for $2.
Meanwhile, if you're trying to wean yourself from dangerous pharmaceuticals, read Dr. David Tanton's A Drug-Free Approach to Healthcare - Revised Edition. It might be just what you need to start rebuilding your health and getting free of dangerous and expensive drugs.
Yours for good health,
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Heart-healthy whole foods reduce men's risk of heart attack
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in men, according the the Centers for Disease Control. Along with several diseases and lack of exercise, one of the major causes is poor nutrition.
Unfortunately, with all the processed foods and junk foods so quickly and readily available, more and more people are suffering from poor nutrition.
If you want to boost your heart health, leave the processed food on the shelf and enrich your diet with these:
Beans (dried beans, lentils - even baked beans)
Fruits and vegetables
Start reading labels and cut down your intake of saturated and trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup. (Yes, HFC is bad for you, despite what the new commercials say.)
The women in your life will also benefit from good nutrition, so make eating right a family thing!
Unfortunately, with all the processed foods and junk foods so quickly and readily available, more and more people are suffering from poor nutrition.
If you want to boost your heart health, leave the processed food on the shelf and enrich your diet with these:
Beans (dried beans, lentils - even baked beans)
Fruits and vegetables
Start reading labels and cut down your intake of saturated and trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup. (Yes, HFC is bad for you, despite what the new commercials say.)
The women in your life will also benefit from good nutrition, so make eating right a family thing!
heart attack,
heart disease,
heart health,
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Poor Circulation affects your total health
Do you ever think about your circulatory system?
I hadn't thought much about it until I started doing research tonight for my friend at Renu Herbs. She has a new herbal formula that we'll be introducing next week so I wanted to learn more about the subject.
What I learned was that we all need to take steps to keep our blood flowing smoothly throughout our entire bodies. Poor circulation causes everything from heart disease to diabetes to lower leg pain and loss of memory. And a lot of things in between.
A wholesome diet and exercise are important, and quitting smoking is a good idea, too. And of course, natural remedies such as acupuncture, massage, and herbs top the list for prevention and cure.
I found an informative article at Article Alley - and since it's OK to republish those, I'll put it on my pharm-free health site as soon as I can figure out how to download it.
Yours for good health,
I hadn't thought much about it until I started doing research tonight for my friend at Renu Herbs. She has a new herbal formula that we'll be introducing next week so I wanted to learn more about the subject.
What I learned was that we all need to take steps to keep our blood flowing smoothly throughout our entire bodies. Poor circulation causes everything from heart disease to diabetes to lower leg pain and loss of memory. And a lot of things in between.
A wholesome diet and exercise are important, and quitting smoking is a good idea, too. And of course, natural remedies such as acupuncture, massage, and herbs top the list for prevention and cure.
I found an informative article at Article Alley - and since it's OK to republish those, I'll put it on my pharm-free health site as soon as I can figure out how to download it.
Yours for good health,
blood flow,
blood pressure,
leg pain,
poor circulation
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cold and Flu Season is coming, eat your Vitamin C
Just about everyone thinks first of oranges for a boost in vitamin C - and oranges are good, as are all citrus fruits. But a couple of other food choices are even better.
For instance, just one cup of green pepper will give you 3 times the amount of vitamin C needed for an adult - and an adult actually needs more vitamin C than do children. Other smart choices are broccoli and strawberries - and all dark green leafy vegetables.
The trend toward processed foods and limited fresh fruits and vegetables poses a real threat to families across the U.S. - so make the switch to wholesome foods and help your family stay healthy this winter.
Did you know...? Lack of Vitamin C can cause a condition known as scurvy - it used to be a real threat to sailors who were at sea for months and deprived of fresh foods. The condition, which causes muscle weakness and bleeding gums, could render an entire crew useless. To avoid scurvy, British sailors began stocking their holds with limes, and thus became known as "Limeys."
For instance, just one cup of green pepper will give you 3 times the amount of vitamin C needed for an adult - and an adult actually needs more vitamin C than do children. Other smart choices are broccoli and strawberries - and all dark green leafy vegetables.
The trend toward processed foods and limited fresh fruits and vegetables poses a real threat to families across the U.S. - so make the switch to wholesome foods and help your family stay healthy this winter.
Did you know...? Lack of Vitamin C can cause a condition known as scurvy - it used to be a real threat to sailors who were at sea for months and deprived of fresh foods. The condition, which causes muscle weakness and bleeding gums, could render an entire crew useless. To avoid scurvy, British sailors began stocking their holds with limes, and thus became known as "Limeys."
cold prevention,
flu prevention,
vitamin C
Natural Cure for Heartburn
Prescription drugs and over-the-counter heartburn relief medications don't work for everyone. And even when they do, they're expensive.
A natural alternative that works well for many heartburn sufferers is apple cider vinegar. 3 tablespoons in a small glass of water three times per day has completely eliminated heartburn for many - and a whole month's treatment comes in under $2.
Check the natural foods section in your supermarket for organic apple cider vinegar, or stop by your local health food store... Reports are that after 4 or 5 days, heartburn symptoms will simply go away.
A natural alternative that works well for many heartburn sufferers is apple cider vinegar. 3 tablespoons in a small glass of water three times per day has completely eliminated heartburn for many - and a whole month's treatment comes in under $2.
Check the natural foods section in your supermarket for organic apple cider vinegar, or stop by your local health food store... Reports are that after 4 or 5 days, heartburn symptoms will simply go away.
apple cider vinegar,
natural cures,
natural health
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Breast pain - it could be arthritis
According to a recent report, breast pain affects as many as 7 in 10 women at some point in their lives - being most common in premenopausal women.
And of course, pain generates fear. Breast cancer becomes foremost in a woman's mind. The fact is, pain rarely signifies breast cancer. Often it is the result of arthritis that has developed in the intercoastal spaces, and the pain simply radiates into the breast.
Of course worried women should have an exam and tests necessary to rule out cancer, but in the meantime, discomfort may be relieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs, evening primrose, vitamin E, or hot and cold compresses.
Fear and panic could be the very things that weaken your system and allow disease to take a foothold, and according to the Law of Attraction, continual thoughts of disease can bring it to you. So if you're worried, have the tests, set your mind at ease, and banish those thoughts!
And of course, pain generates fear. Breast cancer becomes foremost in a woman's mind. The fact is, pain rarely signifies breast cancer. Often it is the result of arthritis that has developed in the intercoastal spaces, and the pain simply radiates into the breast.
Of course worried women should have an exam and tests necessary to rule out cancer, but in the meantime, discomfort may be relieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory over-the-counter drugs, evening primrose, vitamin E, or hot and cold compresses.
Fear and panic could be the very things that weaken your system and allow disease to take a foothold, and according to the Law of Attraction, continual thoughts of disease can bring it to you. So if you're worried, have the tests, set your mind at ease, and banish those thoughts!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Your daughter is at risk - so are you, if you wear makeup
Girls like cosmetics - they like to spend hours trying out different makeup colors and creating new looks for their faces. It's part of growing from little girl to woman.
And that would be fine, if it weren't for the dangerous chemicals in those cosmetics.
It seems that cosmetics manufacturers don't really have any rules to follow, so they can put anything they want into those bottles, jars, and tubes - no matter what the danger to young women's health.
The result: girls are showing dangerous levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals in their bodies. This, along with the estrogen-mimicking chemicals found in plastics, teflon, and other products, could well be the reason why kids bodies are maturing too soon.
The good news is, some manufacturers are responsible, so your girls don't have to give up makeup - they just need to be careful and read labels. You'll find a comprehensive list of ingredients and products to avoid at: The Environmental Working Group's website.
And that would be fine, if it weren't for the dangerous chemicals in those cosmetics.
It seems that cosmetics manufacturers don't really have any rules to follow, so they can put anything they want into those bottles, jars, and tubes - no matter what the danger to young women's health.
The result: girls are showing dangerous levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals in their bodies. This, along with the estrogen-mimicking chemicals found in plastics, teflon, and other products, could well be the reason why kids bodies are maturing too soon.
The good news is, some manufacturers are responsible, so your girls don't have to give up makeup - they just need to be careful and read labels. You'll find a comprehensive list of ingredients and products to avoid at: The Environmental Working Group's website.
dangerous makeup,
hormone disruptors
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
An Inexpensive Cure for Head Lice
But first... an apology. Someone wrote me a note about the Chantrix post and I tried several times to accept it... and it didn't work! Now it says there's nothing to accept. Technology!!
And now... the lice.
It sounds just terrible to think that your children - or you - could get head lice. The condition is associated with unwashed hair, dirty clothes, and dark little hovels for homes.
But that's not true, because lice are very easy to acquire. Especially since children in school all hang their coats and hats on a rack together. All it takes is one kid with lice to infect the entire classroom - and from there, it can keep going.
Those little insects just crawl from one hat or coat to another. Then, when your child comes home from school and flops on the couch, they jump off on the pillows to await the next person who lays down. In short, even people who are fastidious about cleanliness can get head lice.
The bad news is lice shampoo is stinky and expensive. The good news is a common product that's probably in your medicine cabinet can send them packing. The product: Listerine.
Soak the infected scalp with Listerine, top it with a shower cap and let it sit there for a couple hours before combing out the dead lice and washing the hair.
I know, you'll look funny running around in a shower cap for a couple of hours, but that's better than having bugs crawling around on your head! Curl up with a good book and the time will fly.
And now... the lice.
It sounds just terrible to think that your children - or you - could get head lice. The condition is associated with unwashed hair, dirty clothes, and dark little hovels for homes.
But that's not true, because lice are very easy to acquire. Especially since children in school all hang their coats and hats on a rack together. All it takes is one kid with lice to infect the entire classroom - and from there, it can keep going.
Those little insects just crawl from one hat or coat to another. Then, when your child comes home from school and flops on the couch, they jump off on the pillows to await the next person who lays down. In short, even people who are fastidious about cleanliness can get head lice.
The bad news is lice shampoo is stinky and expensive. The good news is a common product that's probably in your medicine cabinet can send them packing. The product: Listerine.
Soak the infected scalp with Listerine, top it with a shower cap and let it sit there for a couple hours before combing out the dead lice and washing the hair.
I know, you'll look funny running around in a shower cap for a couple of hours, but that's better than having bugs crawling around on your head! Curl up with a good book and the time will fly.
cure for head lice,
head lice,
kill head lice,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Will Chantrix make you violent?
Chantrix is a stop smoking drug, so as much as I don't trust pharmaceuticals, I have to wonder if it is the drug that causes violent behavior - or the nicotine withdrawal.
If you've ever tried to quit smoking - or have quit - you probably remember feeling just a bit hostile.
Nevertheless, our newspaper doctor said this week that Chantrix is known to make people violent - even with people they dearly love - and that particular side effect can be accelerated by using alcohol while taking it. So, if you're trying to quit and taking Chantrix, be aware of mood swings. If you start screaming at people you love or punching holes in the wall, go back to your doctor and ask for something different.
Too Many Pills!
In another Q&A, a woman wrote to ask if her Mother's prescriptions might be causing her forgetfulness and dizziness. Then she listed 12 prescriptions the poor woman was taking every day. The doctor's reaction was that some of those drugs weren't even appropriate for an elderly person, and that several of them could cause her symptoms - most especially when taken with the others.
That letter made me think of my Grandmother and what she went through before she changed doctors. I don't know if she was taking a dozen pills - it might have been 20. But she was becoming progressively sicker during my teen years. She even had monthly blood transfusions, and had pretty much withdrawn from everyone. She told me later that she had quit talking because she figured she was dying and so why get interested in anything.
Then, her doctor couldn't think of any more pills to push (this was 40+ years ago, remember), so referred her to a blood specialist.
He took her off everything and began trying just one remedy at a time until he found what worked. And... I got my Grandmother back. We enjoyed her company, and her involvement in our lives for almost another 30 years.
My wish for everyone is to find a doctor like him - dedicated to helping patients be well.
If you've ever tried to quit smoking - or have quit - you probably remember feeling just a bit hostile.
Nevertheless, our newspaper doctor said this week that Chantrix is known to make people violent - even with people they dearly love - and that particular side effect can be accelerated by using alcohol while taking it. So, if you're trying to quit and taking Chantrix, be aware of mood swings. If you start screaming at people you love or punching holes in the wall, go back to your doctor and ask for something different.
Too Many Pills!
In another Q&A, a woman wrote to ask if her Mother's prescriptions might be causing her forgetfulness and dizziness. Then she listed 12 prescriptions the poor woman was taking every day. The doctor's reaction was that some of those drugs weren't even appropriate for an elderly person, and that several of them could cause her symptoms - most especially when taken with the others.
That letter made me think of my Grandmother and what she went through before she changed doctors. I don't know if she was taking a dozen pills - it might have been 20. But she was becoming progressively sicker during my teen years. She even had monthly blood transfusions, and had pretty much withdrawn from everyone. She told me later that she had quit talking because she figured she was dying and so why get interested in anything.
Then, her doctor couldn't think of any more pills to push (this was 40+ years ago, remember), so referred her to a blood specialist.
He took her off everything and began trying just one remedy at a time until he found what worked. And... I got my Grandmother back. We enjoyed her company, and her involvement in our lives for almost another 30 years.
My wish for everyone is to find a doctor like him - dedicated to helping patients be well.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Too much of a good thing?
Today I listened to a discussion among people who are all taking medication for high blood pressure. One of them had done such a good job that when he went to the emergency room a couple nights ago, he had almost no blood pressure! Then another mentioned having frighteningly low readings.
The reason he went was a nose bleed that wouldn't stop, so the doctors there told him to quit taking his blood thinners until he went back to his regular doctor. Seems he was taking both a prescription blood thinner and an aspirin every day.
As he related his troubles, others chimed in with their own stories. And all of them had experienced trouble because of too much aspirin. They had all suffered from excessive bleeding any time they got the slightest scratch.
To give the benefit of the doubt, I think that none of them had actually told their doctors they were having that problem. Perhaps if they had, they'd have been advised to stop sooner. However, one woman said she took an adult aspirin every day - and after a year a nurse told her it should have been baby aspirin. The doctor hadn't mentioned that.
Hopefully, if you're on blood pressure medication you're checking it regularly. But keep an eye on that blood thinner and aspirin usage too. If you bleed profusely when you get a scratch, do tell your doctor! Maybe you can avoid going to the emergency room in the middle of the night because you got a nose bleed that wouldn't stop.
Yours for good health,
The reason he went was a nose bleed that wouldn't stop, so the doctors there told him to quit taking his blood thinners until he went back to his regular doctor. Seems he was taking both a prescription blood thinner and an aspirin every day.
As he related his troubles, others chimed in with their own stories. And all of them had experienced trouble because of too much aspirin. They had all suffered from excessive bleeding any time they got the slightest scratch.
To give the benefit of the doubt, I think that none of them had actually told their doctors they were having that problem. Perhaps if they had, they'd have been advised to stop sooner. However, one woman said she took an adult aspirin every day - and after a year a nurse told her it should have been baby aspirin. The doctor hadn't mentioned that.
Hopefully, if you're on blood pressure medication you're checking it regularly. But keep an eye on that blood thinner and aspirin usage too. If you bleed profusely when you get a scratch, do tell your doctor! Maybe you can avoid going to the emergency room in the middle of the night because you got a nose bleed that wouldn't stop.
Yours for good health,
blood pressure,
blood thinners,
high blood pressure
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Garlic - for good taste and health benefits, too
Although I've always loved garlic, my Mother and my Grandmother hated it. They just could not stand the smell.
Why? Because as children going to school in a one room school house with lots of Italian kids, they had gotten an overdose. As well as having "garlic breath, those kids wore garlic on a string around their necks all winter.
That smell had mingled in my Mother's and Grandmother's minds with the smell of wet, dirty wool coats drying by the pot belly stove, and sweaty kids. In those days, there was no such thing as a shower every night before bed. Mom pulled the washtub out and got everyone cleaned up on Saturday night – so by mid-week those active kids were pretty ripe.
That's why I had to chuckle today when I read the latest newsletter from
It's all about the benefits of garlic. Here's the quote: "Taking raw garlic or garlic supplements can also help to prevent colds and to treat colds as well. Many people start taking garlic when they have a cold and they actually notice that they begin to improve. Scientific studies show that garlic indeed does help boost the defense systems of the body, helping it to fight off problems, such as colds."
Other benefits are in preventing heart disease and cancer, and in reducing high blood pressure. To learn more, visit
Here's to good food that's good for you!
Why? Because as children going to school in a one room school house with lots of Italian kids, they had gotten an overdose. As well as having "garlic breath, those kids wore garlic on a string around their necks all winter.
That smell had mingled in my Mother's and Grandmother's minds with the smell of wet, dirty wool coats drying by the pot belly stove, and sweaty kids. In those days, there was no such thing as a shower every night before bed. Mom pulled the washtub out and got everyone cleaned up on Saturday night – so by mid-week those active kids were pretty ripe.
That's why I had to chuckle today when I read the latest newsletter from
It's all about the benefits of garlic. Here's the quote: "Taking raw garlic or garlic supplements can also help to prevent colds and to treat colds as well. Many people start taking garlic when they have a cold and they actually notice that they begin to improve. Scientific studies show that garlic indeed does help boost the defense systems of the body, helping it to fight off problems, such as colds."
Other benefits are in preventing heart disease and cancer, and in reducing high blood pressure. To learn more, visit
Here's to good food that's good for you!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Do you take Lipitor? Beware
I really am on a mission to bring you natural cures - good news about taking care of your health while avoiding the dangers of pharmaceuticals.
But then, when I read something tucked into a small corner of the newspaper and think I haven't heard it anywhere else, maybe I have a duty to tell you about it.
Such is the case with Lipitor. Now to begin with, I believe Dr. Al Sears when he says we should leave our darned cholesterol levels alone. We need cholesterol. But I know a lot of people are convinced that they need to reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol down.
So, many are prescribed Lipitor. One such person wrote to the "newspaper doctor" and told about taking Lipitor for a couple of months when he suddenly woke up one morning with amnesia. He didn't know what day it was, couldn't remember people's names, couldn't enter simple data on a spreadsheet because he had forgotten how.
Doctors did a myriad of tests over the next few weeks and diagnosed him with transient global amnesia - with no cause. When he asked if the Lipitor could be a cause, the doctor dismissed it with a casual "no way."
But he was suspicious, so quit taking Lipitor. He now takes prescription niacin and his cholesterol levels have dropped - but better yet, his memory is back, stronger than ever.
What did the newspaper doctor say about this? Amnesia is a not-uncommon side effect of statin-type cholesterol lowering drugs.
And yet, the man's doctor waved aside his concern with a curt "no way."
If you have a concern about a medication you're taking - and if your doctor waves you away when you express that concern - please do two things:
1. Do the research. The web is a goldmine of information.
2. Change doctors - find one who cares about helping you be healthy
Yours for abundant well-being,
But then, when I read something tucked into a small corner of the newspaper and think I haven't heard it anywhere else, maybe I have a duty to tell you about it.
Such is the case with Lipitor. Now to begin with, I believe Dr. Al Sears when he says we should leave our darned cholesterol levels alone. We need cholesterol. But I know a lot of people are convinced that they need to reduce the levels of "bad" cholesterol down.
So, many are prescribed Lipitor. One such person wrote to the "newspaper doctor" and told about taking Lipitor for a couple of months when he suddenly woke up one morning with amnesia. He didn't know what day it was, couldn't remember people's names, couldn't enter simple data on a spreadsheet because he had forgotten how.
Doctors did a myriad of tests over the next few weeks and diagnosed him with transient global amnesia - with no cause. When he asked if the Lipitor could be a cause, the doctor dismissed it with a casual "no way."
But he was suspicious, so quit taking Lipitor. He now takes prescription niacin and his cholesterol levels have dropped - but better yet, his memory is back, stronger than ever.
What did the newspaper doctor say about this? Amnesia is a not-uncommon side effect of statin-type cholesterol lowering drugs.
And yet, the man's doctor waved aside his concern with a curt "no way."
If you have a concern about a medication you're taking - and if your doctor waves you away when you express that concern - please do two things:
1. Do the research. The web is a goldmine of information.
2. Change doctors - find one who cares about helping you be healthy
Yours for abundant well-being,
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Recovering from a stroke
Ever wonder why some people seem to get continually better after a stroke, while others appear to be stopped?
I just read a very encouraging article that says walking can improve brain function - even if you start to exercise many years after the fact.
If you or someone you love has suffered a stroke, Frank Mangano's article is worth a read...
I just read a very encouraging article that says walking can improve brain function - even if you start to exercise many years after the fact.
If you or someone you love has suffered a stroke, Frank Mangano's article is worth a read...
Monday, September 22, 2008
5 ways to keep your kids healthy this school year
These should seem obvious, but in today's overly busy world, they're often overlooked. They shouldn't be, because they could make the difference between your child enjoying a healthy school year and being continuously ill from now until next summer.
#1 - Get enough sleep. With kids having to get up super-early to catch busses, attending after school activities, and doing homework, it doesn't leave much time to spend with the family, let alone sleep. You as the parent need to insist - even if it means cutting back on extra curricular activities.
#2 - Eat breakfast. Every body needs some fuel to start the day. So even if you're all in a rush in the morning, make sure the kids get something nutritious. Not junk food - but something good for them. If all else fails, get some (real) juice or milk in small containers and keep boiled eggs and some fruit handy to grab and go.
#3 - Substitute real food for the junk food in your house. Cut back their intake of sugar - both natural and artificial. Prepare meals from scratch and avoid the processed stuff that's full of preservatives and who knows what other body-draining ingredients. Kids really can get through the day without soda pop, candy bars, and chips. You just have to show them how good they feel when they eat well, and they might even help you plan the shopping and cooking.
#4 - Teach the kids to wash their hands regularly. Schools are so filled with germs that if we could see them we'd run away screaming. Just think how many children are sent to school ill - and how often they touch the same things your kids are touching. Put some antiseptic wipes in their back packs too - and stress the importance of using them when they can't get to a sink and a bar of soap.
#5 - Choose your favorite anti-oxidant supplement and make sure they take it daily. Your kids are exposed to all kinds of toxins out there in the world, so give them the ammunition to fight them off.
By the way - those good-health practices are good for you too - not just the kids.
Yours for health and happiness,
#1 - Get enough sleep. With kids having to get up super-early to catch busses, attending after school activities, and doing homework, it doesn't leave much time to spend with the family, let alone sleep. You as the parent need to insist - even if it means cutting back on extra curricular activities.
#2 - Eat breakfast. Every body needs some fuel to start the day. So even if you're all in a rush in the morning, make sure the kids get something nutritious. Not junk food - but something good for them. If all else fails, get some (real) juice or milk in small containers and keep boiled eggs and some fruit handy to grab and go.
#3 - Substitute real food for the junk food in your house. Cut back their intake of sugar - both natural and artificial. Prepare meals from scratch and avoid the processed stuff that's full of preservatives and who knows what other body-draining ingredients. Kids really can get through the day without soda pop, candy bars, and chips. You just have to show them how good they feel when they eat well, and they might even help you plan the shopping and cooking.
#4 - Teach the kids to wash their hands regularly. Schools are so filled with germs that if we could see them we'd run away screaming. Just think how many children are sent to school ill - and how often they touch the same things your kids are touching. Put some antiseptic wipes in their back packs too - and stress the importance of using them when they can't get to a sink and a bar of soap.
#5 - Choose your favorite anti-oxidant supplement and make sure they take it daily. Your kids are exposed to all kinds of toxins out there in the world, so give them the ammunition to fight them off.
By the way - those good-health practices are good for you too - not just the kids.
Yours for health and happiness,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
How to treat yellow jacket stings
The yellow jackets and other bees are angry this time of year! From what I read, it has to do with not having enough good food available. They're hungry, so they're mad.
The result is that when we get into their space, we're apt to get stung.
Much as I shy away from pharmaceuticals, I know there are some that are beneficial - like antihistamines.
I do believe that if you already know you're allergic you should be carrying a yellow jacket kit to give instant attention to combating the venom. After all, people do die from it.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, call 911 or race to a nearby clinic immediately (which ever will get you help the fastest!)
- Difficulty swallowing
- Slurred speech
- Wheezing or difficulty breathing
- Confusion or jumbled thoughts
- Tightness in the throat or chest
- Coughing or hoarseness
- Weakness leading to fainting
I've never been allergic, so the way my ankles reacted to stings this year was a shock - a painful shock. But I'm pretty well over it now. My ankles are just a bit sore.
So... if you are allergic, get the shot immediately and then work on relieving the pain at the sting site. If you aren't, you can go straight to pain relief. (Although I'd take an antihistamine just to be on the safe side.)
You can buy little vials of sting relief to carry with you, but if you don't happen to have them, here are a few home remedies that have helped other people alleviate the pain and swelling:
- Dab ammonia directly on the wound.
- Apply a paste of baking soda and water
- Apply a poultice made of an enzyme based meat tenderizer
- Apply a paste made of activated charcoal and water
- Apply a mudpack (good to remember if you happen to be out fishing when you're stung)
If you use baking soda or any of the other pasty remedies, try to find something to wrap it with so it doesn't fall off immediately.
The best thing of all is to stay out of their way.
So my recommendation is to avoid mowing the lawn for the rest of the season. (I think it's a good excuse!)
Yours for good health,
The result is that when we get into their space, we're apt to get stung.
Much as I shy away from pharmaceuticals, I know there are some that are beneficial - like antihistamines.
I do believe that if you already know you're allergic you should be carrying a yellow jacket kit to give instant attention to combating the venom. After all, people do die from it.
If you experience any of the following symptoms, call 911 or race to a nearby clinic immediately (which ever will get you help the fastest!)
- Difficulty swallowing
- Slurred speech
- Wheezing or difficulty breathing
- Confusion or jumbled thoughts
- Tightness in the throat or chest
- Coughing or hoarseness
- Weakness leading to fainting
I've never been allergic, so the way my ankles reacted to stings this year was a shock - a painful shock. But I'm pretty well over it now. My ankles are just a bit sore.
So... if you are allergic, get the shot immediately and then work on relieving the pain at the sting site. If you aren't, you can go straight to pain relief. (Although I'd take an antihistamine just to be on the safe side.)
You can buy little vials of sting relief to carry with you, but if you don't happen to have them, here are a few home remedies that have helped other people alleviate the pain and swelling:
- Dab ammonia directly on the wound.
- Apply a paste of baking soda and water
- Apply a poultice made of an enzyme based meat tenderizer
- Apply a paste made of activated charcoal and water
- Apply a mudpack (good to remember if you happen to be out fishing when you're stung)
If you use baking soda or any of the other pasty remedies, try to find something to wrap it with so it doesn't fall off immediately.
The best thing of all is to stay out of their way.
So my recommendation is to avoid mowing the lawn for the rest of the season. (I think it's a good excuse!)
Yours for good health,
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Unexpected toxins can wreak havoc!
Last Saturday I was hit with some very unexpected toxins - in the form of multiple yellow jacket stings. I've never been allergic before, so this was a shock. In the past, I'd feel pain for a short while and then forget about it. Not this time.
The yellow jackets attacked my ankles, and in spite of a quick dose of Benadryl and a baking soda pack, my ankles began to swell and burn - and itch. Each felt like someone was holding a hot match to my skin. Instead of getting better, they got worse, so I barely slept that night.
I tried everything in the medicine cabinet to sooth the heat and stop the incessant itching. None of it worked.
The next night I sat with my feet in a bucket of cold water before bed, and that calmed them down enough for sleep. Meanwhile, going up and down stairs was awful because they hurt when I bent them.
Then, after 3 days of misery, I thought what to do. My husband regularly drinks detox tea, so I went to the refrigerator and poured myself a glass before bed. And it worked - by morning my ankles were their normal size and the burning had ceased.
We're exposed to toxins every day, and most of the time don't notice them. They come from vehicle exhaust, dry cleaning chemicals, plastics, teflon, our carpeting, and often from pre-prepared foods, not to mention pharmaceuticals. And they take a toll that's so incremental that we don't notice that either.
It took a dramatic episode for me to realize that the detox tea isn't just for my husband (because he still takes a couple of prescriptions)but for me as well. I'll go for prevention over cure any day...
Yours for good health,
The yellow jackets attacked my ankles, and in spite of a quick dose of Benadryl and a baking soda pack, my ankles began to swell and burn - and itch. Each felt like someone was holding a hot match to my skin. Instead of getting better, they got worse, so I barely slept that night.
I tried everything in the medicine cabinet to sooth the heat and stop the incessant itching. None of it worked.
The next night I sat with my feet in a bucket of cold water before bed, and that calmed them down enough for sleep. Meanwhile, going up and down stairs was awful because they hurt when I bent them.
Then, after 3 days of misery, I thought what to do. My husband regularly drinks detox tea, so I went to the refrigerator and poured myself a glass before bed. And it worked - by morning my ankles were their normal size and the burning had ceased.
We're exposed to toxins every day, and most of the time don't notice them. They come from vehicle exhaust, dry cleaning chemicals, plastics, teflon, our carpeting, and often from pre-prepared foods, not to mention pharmaceuticals. And they take a toll that's so incremental that we don't notice that either.
It took a dramatic episode for me to realize that the detox tea isn't just for my husband (because he still takes a couple of prescriptions)but for me as well. I'll go for prevention over cure any day...
Yours for good health,
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thinning skin? Try a change in diet, plus CoQ10
Yesterday we talked about how Advair can cause your skin to thin and become easily damaged. But what if you aren't taking Advair, or any other steroid medication, and you still have thinning skin?
My research tells me that one cause is aging, another is genetics, another is too much sun exposure. Of course, serious disease can be a cause too, but one shouldn't assume illness just because of thinning skin.
More research tells me that we can do a lot about it with diet and supplements. And water - drinking plenty of water is one of the keys to healthy skin.
Sugar seems to be a culprit - as it is in so many other cases. But back to the diet - try plenty of green leafy vegetables, anti-oxidant fruits such as blueberries and raspberries, and fish such as tuna and salmon.
Recommended supplements include CoQ10 (which is good for almost everything), multi-vitamins containing C and E, and alpha lipoic acid.
Seems like we keep coming back to the basics - plenty of water, good overall diet, a minimum of sugar, and anti-oxidant supplements to fight back against the pollutants in our modern environment.
Diet seems to be the toughest part - because we're all rushing around all day and it's so fast and easy to choose some kind of pre-prepared food from the grocer's shelf rather than buy ingredients and cook a meal.
But we do owe it to ourselves to try...
Yours for radiant health,
My research tells me that one cause is aging, another is genetics, another is too much sun exposure. Of course, serious disease can be a cause too, but one shouldn't assume illness just because of thinning skin.
More research tells me that we can do a lot about it with diet and supplements. And water - drinking plenty of water is one of the keys to healthy skin.
Sugar seems to be a culprit - as it is in so many other cases. But back to the diet - try plenty of green leafy vegetables, anti-oxidant fruits such as blueberries and raspberries, and fish such as tuna and salmon.
Recommended supplements include CoQ10 (which is good for almost everything), multi-vitamins containing C and E, and alpha lipoic acid.
Seems like we keep coming back to the basics - plenty of water, good overall diet, a minimum of sugar, and anti-oxidant supplements to fight back against the pollutants in our modern environment.
Diet seems to be the toughest part - because we're all rushing around all day and it's so fast and easy to choose some kind of pre-prepared food from the grocer's shelf rather than buy ingredients and cook a meal.
But we do owe it to ourselves to try...
Yours for radiant health,
Friday, September 5, 2008
Do you take Advair? Here's the side effects
This week's doctor's column tells about a woman who experienced thinning skin from the use of Advair for her asthma. Her lung specialist had insisted that the Advair wasn't responsible for her bruising, and deep gashes resulting from just a bump.
The newspaper doctor was surprised that a specialist could be unaware that Advair contains steroids and that steriods can affect the skin. The official prescribing information lists bruising and wounds as potential adverse reactions. Other dangers are higher risks of cataracts, glaucoma and penumonia.
But do doctors read that information? With all the new medications coming on the market, do they have the time to read all that information?
We know they could, if they considered research a part of their duties. But do they? Or are they so anxious to run the next patient through and collect the fee that research gets shoved aside?
I keep harping on this - but we really do all have responsibility for our own bodies. It's our duty to ourselves to really read those package inserts, or to go on line and look for the side effects.
Not all people experience the side effects, because we each have a different body. But if we know what they are, then we know to stop taking the medication if we begin to experience them.
Leaving your health in someone else's hands is just plain goofy.
So I say it again: read.
The newspaper doctor was surprised that a specialist could be unaware that Advair contains steroids and that steriods can affect the skin. The official prescribing information lists bruising and wounds as potential adverse reactions. Other dangers are higher risks of cataracts, glaucoma and penumonia.
But do doctors read that information? With all the new medications coming on the market, do they have the time to read all that information?
We know they could, if they considered research a part of their duties. But do they? Or are they so anxious to run the next patient through and collect the fee that research gets shoved aside?
I keep harping on this - but we really do all have responsibility for our own bodies. It's our duty to ourselves to really read those package inserts, or to go on line and look for the side effects.
Not all people experience the side effects, because we each have a different body. But if we know what they are, then we know to stop taking the medication if we begin to experience them.
Leaving your health in someone else's hands is just plain goofy.
So I say it again: read.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Can't sleep? Try Bach Flower Remedies
This week-end a friend without computer access called to ask me if I'd order some "Sweet Dreams" from Feel Bach! for him. He'd run out and was once again experiencing sleepless nights. I said of course I would, and I did. Then I started thinking about how much Bach flower essences have helped him.
This is a man who was constantly worn out. He was sleeping only an hour or two at a time all night, every night. He's ill and on a LOT of medication. I'm sure that fact has a lot to do with his sleeplessness. Not only is he full of chemicals, but he's worried. He's afraid of the medication, but afraid not to take it.
Anyway, the doctors had given him prescription sleep aids, which helped a little but left him groggy and lethargic all day. The same happened with over the counter medications - some relief, but feeling terrible all day. At least - as far as we know - he didn't get up in the night and go driving in his sleep, as others have done when taking pharmaceutical sleep aids.
When I gave him a bottle of Sweet Dreams to try I expected that it might take several days before they had an effect, but I was mistaken. He called me the very next day to tell me he'd had the best sleep he'd gotten in months, and he felt rested and awake.
If you have sleep issues, give Bach flowers a try. They're safe for everyone and very inexpensive. Go to and read all about them. Then choose which sleep problem you have, and order accordingly.
Yours for good health,
This is a man who was constantly worn out. He was sleeping only an hour or two at a time all night, every night. He's ill and on a LOT of medication. I'm sure that fact has a lot to do with his sleeplessness. Not only is he full of chemicals, but he's worried. He's afraid of the medication, but afraid not to take it.
Anyway, the doctors had given him prescription sleep aids, which helped a little but left him groggy and lethargic all day. The same happened with over the counter medications - some relief, but feeling terrible all day. At least - as far as we know - he didn't get up in the night and go driving in his sleep, as others have done when taking pharmaceutical sleep aids.
When I gave him a bottle of Sweet Dreams to try I expected that it might take several days before they had an effect, but I was mistaken. He called me the very next day to tell me he'd had the best sleep he'd gotten in months, and he felt rested and awake.
If you have sleep issues, give Bach flowers a try. They're safe for everyone and very inexpensive. Go to and read all about them. Then choose which sleep problem you have, and order accordingly.
Yours for good health,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dental health important to overall health
Who wants to go to the dentist? Surely not me. I've canceled more dental appointments in the last 20 years than I've kept. They terrify me.
And that's a very good reason to do my best to take care of my teeth.
Studies are showing that failure to brush and floss can bring on all sorts of other problems - such as diabetes, kidney disease, pre-term labor, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and even certain types of cancer.
Seems like the bacteria in your mouth can release toxins into your body that do pretty serious damage. Ditto for the infections in your mouth.
Until recently, doctors ignored the importance of dental health, and dentists behaved as if the mouth was separate from the rest of the body. Now they are finally beginning to realize that the mouth IS part of the body and that the two disciplines should work together.
I love what what Vincent J. Iancono, president of the American Academy of Periodontology said about the dangers of dental disease: "It is like setting up a garbage dump on the edge of a river. You wouldn't be surprised if the lake downstream ended up polluted with the garbage from the dump."
I doubt that anything could completely remove my fear of dentists - I spent too many terrifying hours in their chairs as a small child. So now, even though I know it doesn't hurt like it did then, and even though my own children laugh at me for being a sissy, I still don't want to go. Just thinking of the smell of a dental office kind of squeezes at my insides.
Another reason I used to have for my excessive fear was the headaches I'd have for a week after each visit. Finally one day I mentioned this to my acupuncture doctor and he tested me for allergies to the materials used in dental offices. Once he treated me for those allergies, post-dental headaches were eliminated.
If you suffer from post-dental headaches, find the nearest NAET practitioner and get your allergies eliminated. Then, if you have any dental problems, get yourself to the dentist and get them fixed before they poison your entire body.
Yours for good health,
And that's a very good reason to do my best to take care of my teeth.
Studies are showing that failure to brush and floss can bring on all sorts of other problems - such as diabetes, kidney disease, pre-term labor, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, and even certain types of cancer.
Seems like the bacteria in your mouth can release toxins into your body that do pretty serious damage. Ditto for the infections in your mouth.
Until recently, doctors ignored the importance of dental health, and dentists behaved as if the mouth was separate from the rest of the body. Now they are finally beginning to realize that the mouth IS part of the body and that the two disciplines should work together.
I love what what Vincent J. Iancono, president of the American Academy of Periodontology said about the dangers of dental disease: "It is like setting up a garbage dump on the edge of a river. You wouldn't be surprised if the lake downstream ended up polluted with the garbage from the dump."
I doubt that anything could completely remove my fear of dentists - I spent too many terrifying hours in their chairs as a small child. So now, even though I know it doesn't hurt like it did then, and even though my own children laugh at me for being a sissy, I still don't want to go. Just thinking of the smell of a dental office kind of squeezes at my insides.
Another reason I used to have for my excessive fear was the headaches I'd have for a week after each visit. Finally one day I mentioned this to my acupuncture doctor and he tested me for allergies to the materials used in dental offices. Once he treated me for those allergies, post-dental headaches were eliminated.
If you suffer from post-dental headaches, find the nearest NAET practitioner and get your allergies eliminated. Then, if you have any dental problems, get yourself to the dentist and get them fixed before they poison your entire body.
Yours for good health,
dental office,
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Allergies and your medications
Every time I read the doctor's column in our local newspaper I marvel at the fact that doctors don't seem to realize that all bodies are not alike!
A medication that may be fine for one person can be deadly for another, and yet they tell patients "It can't be your medication" when they complain of the very real side effects.
Today a lady wrote about using erythromycin for an infection and immediately starting to have heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The doctor didn't believe the medication had anything to do with it.
The newspaper doctor said that yes, some people do die as a reaction. It has to do with having "long QT intervals." You can only know if you have that by having an electrocardiogram, and there is a list of drugs that might be dangerous for you posted at
Meanwhile, if you take a drug and experience bad effects, it seems to me that you should stop it immediately, even if the doctor doesn't believe the drug can cause problems.
Each of us has an individual body with individual reactions. "One size fits all" just doesn't apply to our good health.
Seems like they could figure this out, considering that some people can eat gallons of peanuts and others can die from just one.
If you have allergies, consider treatment by a qualified NAET acupuncture practitioner. Those treatments have made a beautiful difference in my life, and the lives of many of my friends and family. If you Google NAET you can learn all about it - and ignore the ones who say it's all nonsense. Because it definitely isn't nonsense.
Yours for good health,
A medication that may be fine for one person can be deadly for another, and yet they tell patients "It can't be your medication" when they complain of the very real side effects.
Today a lady wrote about using erythromycin for an infection and immediately starting to have heart palpitations and shortness of breath. The doctor didn't believe the medication had anything to do with it.
The newspaper doctor said that yes, some people do die as a reaction. It has to do with having "long QT intervals." You can only know if you have that by having an electrocardiogram, and there is a list of drugs that might be dangerous for you posted at
Meanwhile, if you take a drug and experience bad effects, it seems to me that you should stop it immediately, even if the doctor doesn't believe the drug can cause problems.
Each of us has an individual body with individual reactions. "One size fits all" just doesn't apply to our good health.
Seems like they could figure this out, considering that some people can eat gallons of peanuts and others can die from just one.
If you have allergies, consider treatment by a qualified NAET acupuncture practitioner. Those treatments have made a beautiful difference in my life, and the lives of many of my friends and family. If you Google NAET you can learn all about it - and ignore the ones who say it's all nonsense. Because it definitely isn't nonsense.
Yours for good health,
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Are you allergic to oranges? Try buying organic oranges instead.
If you have frequent cold sores, citric acid may be the culprit - and it's difficult to trace because it's found in so many products.
An easy way to tell is by muscle testing, or taking yourself to a good NAET acupuncturist and letting him or her test. If citric acid is the problem, a few acupuncture treatments should end it.
One caution: If you choose to test at home, be careful that you aren't testing for the wrong thing. Allergies are such elusive little monsters, that you never know what symptom will manifest, and the citric acid may be completely innocent.
Years ago we took a vacation to Mexico during the dead of winter. My husband had a cold, so started drinking plenty of orange juice to help himself get well. His cold got better, but his knees hurt so bad that he could hardly walk around sight-seeing. And my dreams of going dancing crashed on the rocks below our hotel.
When we got home he visited our acupuncturist - and found that it was the orange juice that ruined my plans for evenings on the town. BUT - it wasn't the oranges themselves. It was the pesticides used on the oranges.
Our doc said that eliminating the allergy was almost impossible, because growers use so many different poisons, and combinations of poisons.
The solution: when my husband gets a craving for oranges I make a trip to the health food store and buy organic.
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff, Copywriter
An easy way to tell is by muscle testing, or taking yourself to a good NAET acupuncturist and letting him or her test. If citric acid is the problem, a few acupuncture treatments should end it.
One caution: If you choose to test at home, be careful that you aren't testing for the wrong thing. Allergies are such elusive little monsters, that you never know what symptom will manifest, and the citric acid may be completely innocent.
Years ago we took a vacation to Mexico during the dead of winter. My husband had a cold, so started drinking plenty of orange juice to help himself get well. His cold got better, but his knees hurt so bad that he could hardly walk around sight-seeing. And my dreams of going dancing crashed on the rocks below our hotel.
When we got home he visited our acupuncturist - and found that it was the orange juice that ruined my plans for evenings on the town. BUT - it wasn't the oranges themselves. It was the pesticides used on the oranges.
Our doc said that eliminating the allergy was almost impossible, because growers use so many different poisons, and combinations of poisons.
The solution: when my husband gets a craving for oranges I make a trip to the health food store and buy organic.
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff, Copywriter
allergy to oranges,
citric acid,
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Why do doctors defend harmful drugs?.
This morning's doctor column has a letter from a woman who is concerned about her Father. It seems he caught a cold a few months ago, so went to the doctor -and the doctor prescribed Prednisone. After 4 days he became delirious and nearly lost consciousness. His doctor was not concerned - he just said "Oh, yeah?"
Now, her Father suffers from fatigue, loss of energy, shortness of breath, and a fibrillating heart - none of which he had before.
The newspaper doctor said prednisone is not an appropriate treatment for a cold - only for severe bronchitis, penumonia, asthma, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.
But then - he went on to say that while prednisone has many side effects, including muscle weakness, potassium loss, high blood pressure, thin skin, headaches, seizures, congestive heart failure, and more - it may not have been the prednisone that caused her father's problems.
It could just be a coincidence.
He then mentioned that while she didn't say it, he assumed that since her father is 82, he is on medication to reduce cholesterol and to lower blood pressure, and is taking an anticoagulant such as warfarin or aspirin.
Huh? If he was healthy, why on earth would he be taking all that stuff?
Sounds to me like doctors prescribe based on your age, not on your health.
I mentioned in my last post that older people are too apt to trust doctors and big pharm, just because they did see some incredible medical advances during their lives.
I don't know the answer, or how we as children or grand-children can help raise their awareness, but we do need to try. Maybe just sitting down together and reading the package inserts would help - and making sure that the people we love know the risks and all the possible side effects before they pop that next pill.
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff, Copywriter
Now, her Father suffers from fatigue, loss of energy, shortness of breath, and a fibrillating heart - none of which he had before.
The newspaper doctor said prednisone is not an appropriate treatment for a cold - only for severe bronchitis, penumonia, asthma, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.
But then - he went on to say that while prednisone has many side effects, including muscle weakness, potassium loss, high blood pressure, thin skin, headaches, seizures, congestive heart failure, and more - it may not have been the prednisone that caused her father's problems.
It could just be a coincidence.
He then mentioned that while she didn't say it, he assumed that since her father is 82, he is on medication to reduce cholesterol and to lower blood pressure, and is taking an anticoagulant such as warfarin or aspirin.
Huh? If he was healthy, why on earth would he be taking all that stuff?
Sounds to me like doctors prescribe based on your age, not on your health.
I mentioned in my last post that older people are too apt to trust doctors and big pharm, just because they did see some incredible medical advances during their lives.
I don't know the answer, or how we as children or grand-children can help raise their awareness, but we do need to try. Maybe just sitting down together and reading the package inserts would help - and making sure that the people we love know the risks and all the possible side effects before they pop that next pill.
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff, Copywriter
Friday, August 15, 2008
Why Senior Citizens turn into Chemical Waste Dumps
Sorry - that sounds a bit harsh. But darn it, I believe it! Many of the seniors I know are taking so many pills every day, and looking worse all the time, that I fear for their lives.
Last week I thought I had the reason. I was talking with a neighbor about a herbal spray I'd found that really seems to cure cuts and other skin problems in a hurry. He said he wasn't into herbs - he'd had enough of that when he was a kid.
Instead, he uses whatever drugs his doctor prescribes. Thankfully, he isn't taking too many, so he still has energy and looks to be in good health. But many of my other friends do not.
It occurred to me then that many of our older citizens have seen fantastic advances in medicine during their lifetimes - and have grown to trust and believe in doctors and the pills they prescribe. Somehow that trust has kept them from noticing that a good number of today's medications can be deadly.
Then today I learned of a second, more serious reason why Americans are turning to pharmaceuticals when they'd be healthier with natural supplements, herbs, Bach Flower Essences, and even better nutrition.
It's the money.
Not the money that big pharm is raking in - the money that seniors on fixed incomes just plain don't have.
Medicade and other insurance programs will pay big bucks for prescription drugs, but they won't pay a dime for a bottle of CoQ10, or a quart of mangosteen juice.
I talked with a woman today who told me she pays from $1 to $3 each for her prescriptions - some of which would cost her as much as $300 if she didn't have insurance. She said the over-the-counter drugs she takes cost about $30 per month, and she can barely afford to use them. She tried Goji juice, and it did make her feel better if she took 2 or 3 ounces a day, but she simply can't afford it.
I understand why big pharm wants people hooked on drugs - it's money in their pocket. But why are insurance companies and Medicade unwilling to provide a cheaper, safer alternative? They'd save money, and perhaps even help people regain their health.
Could be they're controlled by big pharm. What do you think?
Yours for pharm-free health,
Last week I thought I had the reason. I was talking with a neighbor about a herbal spray I'd found that really seems to cure cuts and other skin problems in a hurry. He said he wasn't into herbs - he'd had enough of that when he was a kid.
Instead, he uses whatever drugs his doctor prescribes. Thankfully, he isn't taking too many, so he still has energy and looks to be in good health. But many of my other friends do not.
It occurred to me then that many of our older citizens have seen fantastic advances in medicine during their lifetimes - and have grown to trust and believe in doctors and the pills they prescribe. Somehow that trust has kept them from noticing that a good number of today's medications can be deadly.
Then today I learned of a second, more serious reason why Americans are turning to pharmaceuticals when they'd be healthier with natural supplements, herbs, Bach Flower Essences, and even better nutrition.
It's the money.
Not the money that big pharm is raking in - the money that seniors on fixed incomes just plain don't have.
Medicade and other insurance programs will pay big bucks for prescription drugs, but they won't pay a dime for a bottle of CoQ10, or a quart of mangosteen juice.
I talked with a woman today who told me she pays from $1 to $3 each for her prescriptions - some of which would cost her as much as $300 if she didn't have insurance. She said the over-the-counter drugs she takes cost about $30 per month, and she can barely afford to use them. She tried Goji juice, and it did make her feel better if she took 2 or 3 ounces a day, but she simply can't afford it.
I understand why big pharm wants people hooked on drugs - it's money in their pocket. But why are insurance companies and Medicade unwilling to provide a cheaper, safer alternative? They'd save money, and perhaps even help people regain their health.
Could be they're controlled by big pharm. What do you think?
Yours for pharm-free health,
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Saukerkraut, a versatile home remedy
Years ago I read that the "Old Germans" always kept a jar of sauerkraut juice on hand to cure indigestion. Since we like sauerkraut, we decided to give it a try, and sure enough - it works.
Instead of pharmaceutical antacids that sometimes work and sometimes don't, if one of us feels a little queasy, we just get a little dish of cold sauerkraut and soon the indigestion is forgotten.
But this week I learned about a second use: Curing "Scratches" on equines.
My neighbor's horse developed this condition - which is identified by a heavy gray, lumpy crust across the foot - it actually looks like dried mud. I've been going every day to help them tend to it, so I've been doing some research.
What I've been able to learn from talking with veterinarians and other horse people is that it is caused by damp footing and is a fungus. I suppose it starts with a scratch, but no one said so.
Anyway, first you use bag balm to soften the crust so it can be scrubbed off, then wash it daily with an antibacterial scrub, rinse, re-apply the bag balm, and wrap it to keep it clean.
Then, according to the vet, you use a cortisone cream to let the tissue underneath heal. But it doesn't always cooperate.
My farrier said he knew a horse with this condition on all 4 feet, and it just wouldn't heal no matter what they used - until an old Montana cowboy told the owners to make a poultice of sauerkraut.
Oddly enough, another friend mentioned the same remedy.
We're not at the stage yet of wondering if she'll heal, but I'm keeping sauerkraut in mind, just in case!
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff, Copywriter
Instead of pharmaceutical antacids that sometimes work and sometimes don't, if one of us feels a little queasy, we just get a little dish of cold sauerkraut and soon the indigestion is forgotten.
But this week I learned about a second use: Curing "Scratches" on equines.
My neighbor's horse developed this condition - which is identified by a heavy gray, lumpy crust across the foot - it actually looks like dried mud. I've been going every day to help them tend to it, so I've been doing some research.
What I've been able to learn from talking with veterinarians and other horse people is that it is caused by damp footing and is a fungus. I suppose it starts with a scratch, but no one said so.
Anyway, first you use bag balm to soften the crust so it can be scrubbed off, then wash it daily with an antibacterial scrub, rinse, re-apply the bag balm, and wrap it to keep it clean.
Then, according to the vet, you use a cortisone cream to let the tissue underneath heal. But it doesn't always cooperate.
My farrier said he knew a horse with this condition on all 4 feet, and it just wouldn't heal no matter what they used - until an old Montana cowboy told the owners to make a poultice of sauerkraut.
Oddly enough, another friend mentioned the same remedy.
We're not at the stage yet of wondering if she'll heal, but I'm keeping sauerkraut in mind, just in case!
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff, Copywriter
equine health,
fungus cure,
marte cliff,
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Why has quinine for leg cramps been banned?
Do you ever wonder WHY? Quinine seems to be the only thing a person can take to quickly put a stop to leg cramps, but it's been pulled from the market by the FDA. Why?
Because some people are allergic to it and have "life-threatening" reactions.
So... some people are allergic to peanuts, or milk, or perfume. And LOTS of people are allergic to some of the pharmaceuticals out there. The excuse I read was that it isn't worth the risk of having a bad reaction because leg cramps are not life-threatening.
(Tell that to anyone who is experiencing them - I've heard my husband wishing he could just die and get it over with.)
So why zero in on quinine? My thought? Because it's cheap, it works, and it most likely can't be patented by a pharmaceutical company.
The doctor's column in our newspaper suggested buying quinine water - the kind sold for use in mixed drinks. It's not as strong, but it does help some people. Meanwhile, a good friend swears that drinking plenty of water helps, as does eating two dried prunes each day. (I tried, couldn't get past the first one.) Other people say making bananas a regular part of your diet will keep leg cramps at bay.
And... the doctor's column has mentioned more than once that a bar of soap under your sheet near your legs will prevent cramps. Sounds really crazy, but plenty of people write in that it works.
Maybe if enough people holler, they'll "un-ban" quinine. I doubt it, but it might be worth a try!
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff
Because some people are allergic to it and have "life-threatening" reactions.
So... some people are allergic to peanuts, or milk, or perfume. And LOTS of people are allergic to some of the pharmaceuticals out there. The excuse I read was that it isn't worth the risk of having a bad reaction because leg cramps are not life-threatening.
(Tell that to anyone who is experiencing them - I've heard my husband wishing he could just die and get it over with.)
So why zero in on quinine? My thought? Because it's cheap, it works, and it most likely can't be patented by a pharmaceutical company.
The doctor's column in our newspaper suggested buying quinine water - the kind sold for use in mixed drinks. It's not as strong, but it does help some people. Meanwhile, a good friend swears that drinking plenty of water helps, as does eating two dried prunes each day. (I tried, couldn't get past the first one.) Other people say making bananas a regular part of your diet will keep leg cramps at bay.
And... the doctor's column has mentioned more than once that a bar of soap under your sheet near your legs will prevent cramps. Sounds really crazy, but plenty of people write in that it works.
Maybe if enough people holler, they'll "un-ban" quinine. I doubt it, but it might be worth a try!
Yours for good health,
Marte Cliff
cures for leg cramps,
leg cramp cures,
leg cramps,
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Lower cholesterol levels naturally
While doctors and pharmaceutical companies push and pound at you about high cholesterol and urge you to take their toxic drugs, a 2003 study showed that something you buy at the grocery store lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels even better than statin drugs.
Not only that, it could improve your blood-glucose and lipid levels. But of course, no one is talking about this, because they can't patent a natural product. There's simply no money in it for them.
What is it? Cinnamon.
A quarter teaspoon or so on your morning cereal or toast could do you more good than any expensive drug on the market. The side effects: some users report heartburn.
Keep reading all you can find - and trying natural products. Soon you could be free from prescription drugs and feeling better than you have in years.
Not only that, it could improve your blood-glucose and lipid levels. But of course, no one is talking about this, because they can't patent a natural product. There's simply no money in it for them.
What is it? Cinnamon.
A quarter teaspoon or so on your morning cereal or toast could do you more good than any expensive drug on the market. The side effects: some users report heartburn.
Keep reading all you can find - and trying natural products. Soon you could be free from prescription drugs and feeling better than you have in years.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Niacin for high cholesterol, and diabetes, too?
Yesterday I got into a conversation with a woman who does a lot of "doctoring."
She told me that her doctor had decided to take her off statins, and had prescribed Niacin to lower her cholesterol. I didn't mention that many studies show that cholesterol is not an enemy - she wouldn't have listened if I had, because she is really convinced that she needs to lower it.
She went on to say that she didn't know about her cholesterol, but in the short time she'd been taking Niacin, she'd been able to reduce her insulin intake by 52 units a day. The doctor hadn't told her that would happen, and she was happily surprised.
The one thing she didn't like was the Niacin "flush" she got after every mega-dose.
Hmmm... could it be that good old vitamins make more difference than most doctors are willing to admit? But what about those "overdoses"? Is that really good - or not?
This calls for more research - so if you've done it, let the rest of us know...
Yours for good health,
She told me that her doctor had decided to take her off statins, and had prescribed Niacin to lower her cholesterol. I didn't mention that many studies show that cholesterol is not an enemy - she wouldn't have listened if I had, because she is really convinced that she needs to lower it.
She went on to say that she didn't know about her cholesterol, but in the short time she'd been taking Niacin, she'd been able to reduce her insulin intake by 52 units a day. The doctor hadn't told her that would happen, and she was happily surprised.
The one thing she didn't like was the Niacin "flush" she got after every mega-dose.
Hmmm... could it be that good old vitamins make more difference than most doctors are willing to admit? But what about those "overdoses"? Is that really good - or not?
This calls for more research - so if you've done it, let the rest of us know...
Yours for good health,
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I don't want doctors to "practice" on me!
"That's why they call practice," my friend said, when I expressed horror over the phone message he'd found on his answering machine.
It instructed him to call his nurse first thing in the morning, because they had just realized that the new medication they'd given him could cause his kidneys to fail.
What? They prescribed medication without checking out something like that? And this is a man who has "endangered" kidneys already, as well as a problem with his heart that is sending him under the surgeon's knife in just a few days.
It goes to show that before you take any medication, you should do your own research. Begin with actually reading the package insert. The one that lists the side effects and all the possible drug interactions. After that, go on line and see what else you can learn.
Your doctor may say "Oops, sorry" if he kills you - but that apology won't do you or your loved ones a bit of good.
It instructed him to call his nurse first thing in the morning, because they had just realized that the new medication they'd given him could cause his kidneys to fail.
What? They prescribed medication without checking out something like that? And this is a man who has "endangered" kidneys already, as well as a problem with his heart that is sending him under the surgeon's knife in just a few days.
It goes to show that before you take any medication, you should do your own research. Begin with actually reading the package insert. The one that lists the side effects and all the possible drug interactions. After that, go on line and see what else you can learn.
Your doctor may say "Oops, sorry" if he kills you - but that apology won't do you or your loved ones a bit of good.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Safe and unsafe sleep aids
Today's newspaper once again has horror stories of things people do "in their sleep" while under the influence of prescription sleeping aids. Things like demolishing the neighbor's car and smearing their faces with chocolate pudding.
And of course we've all heard about people sleeping walking and sleep driving while under the influence of those pills.
After experiencing sleepless nights myself, I can understand why someone might be desperate enough to try the pills, even knowing the risks.
But there IS something better: It's called Sweet Dreams and it's made by Feel Bach! They're the premiere Bach Flower Essences manufacturers - the ones who offer several pre-mixed formulas designed to help with common problems. (That matters, because it costs far less to buy a bottle pre-mixed than to buy several bottles and mix them yourself.)
As a rule, because Bach Flowers work by rebalancing your energies, it takes a few days for the effects to kick in, but that's not always the case. I gave a friend a bottle of Sweet Dreams yesterday - and last night he got his first good night's sleep in months. Even I couldn't believe it could work so fast.
The best part is, Bach flowers have no harmful side effects. They're safe even for babies, the elderly, and pregnant women.
So before you resort to taking some kind of poison that could cause you to take a baseball bat to your neighbor's car... try nature's way.
Yours for good health,
And of course we've all heard about people sleeping walking and sleep driving while under the influence of those pills.
After experiencing sleepless nights myself, I can understand why someone might be desperate enough to try the pills, even knowing the risks.
But there IS something better: It's called Sweet Dreams and it's made by Feel Bach! They're the premiere Bach Flower Essences manufacturers - the ones who offer several pre-mixed formulas designed to help with common problems. (That matters, because it costs far less to buy a bottle pre-mixed than to buy several bottles and mix them yourself.)
As a rule, because Bach Flowers work by rebalancing your energies, it takes a few days for the effects to kick in, but that's not always the case. I gave a friend a bottle of Sweet Dreams yesterday - and last night he got his first good night's sleep in months. Even I couldn't believe it could work so fast.
The best part is, Bach flowers have no harmful side effects. They're safe even for babies, the elderly, and pregnant women.
So before you resort to taking some kind of poison that could cause you to take a baseball bat to your neighbor's car... try nature's way.
Yours for good health,
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Another Avian Flu Scare...
Some of us suspect a rat in the woodpile - and the rat's name is "Big Pharm." New news about a new avian flu is putting some people into a panic - and of course Big Pharm has the answer in a new vaccination. Methinks that maybe Big Pharm started the scare in order to sell it's new vaccine.
The trouble with this new drug is, like so many of their wonder drugs, it is neither safe nor smart. In fact, also like so many other drugs, it's downright dangerous.
FluMist® is the much-touted miracle that will save you from the flu - that is, if it doesn't give you the flu or kill you in some other manner.
Please watch this important information before you subject yourself or your loved ones to FluMist® or any other flu vaccine.
Just as a point of interest: Last winter one couple in our neighborhood went in for flu vaccinations. Of course they did - she's a retired pathologist and over the course of her career, has been brainwashed into believing that prescriptions and vaccinations are a good thing.
But guess what? That couple no more than got those shots when they both came down with the flu. The rest of us didn't get sick - only the ones who got the shots. Now how silly is it to drive somewhere and pay money to cause yourself to be ill? They were both miserable for weeks.
The rule of thumb I've read is to wait until a drug has been around for 10 or 15 years before using it. That allows time for those early users to report the side-effects so you can at least know the risks before you go forward. That is, if users do report ill-effects, and if the pharmaceutical company producing the drug allows you to know those results.
Be careful - you only have one body.
Yours for good health,
The trouble with this new drug is, like so many of their wonder drugs, it is neither safe nor smart. In fact, also like so many other drugs, it's downright dangerous.
FluMist® is the much-touted miracle that will save you from the flu - that is, if it doesn't give you the flu or kill you in some other manner.
Please watch this important information before you subject yourself or your loved ones to FluMist® or any other flu vaccine.
Just as a point of interest: Last winter one couple in our neighborhood went in for flu vaccinations. Of course they did - she's a retired pathologist and over the course of her career, has been brainwashed into believing that prescriptions and vaccinations are a good thing.
But guess what? That couple no more than got those shots when they both came down with the flu. The rest of us didn't get sick - only the ones who got the shots. Now how silly is it to drive somewhere and pay money to cause yourself to be ill? They were both miserable for weeks.
The rule of thumb I've read is to wait until a drug has been around for 10 or 15 years before using it. That allows time for those early users to report the side-effects so you can at least know the risks before you go forward. That is, if users do report ill-effects, and if the pharmaceutical company producing the drug allows you to know those results.
Be careful - you only have one body.
Yours for good health,
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Flavored water - as bad for you as soda pop
By now everyone knows that bodies need hydration. And almost everyone knows they need water - not just anything that's liquid. But some have not developed a taste for plain water.
Smart manufacturers know that, so they sell pop under a different name: Flavored water.
This is not good news for people who are trying to boost their health by drinking water. Most of that flavored water is either just full of sugar as a can of pop, or full of artificial sweeteners, which carry their own health hazards. Either way, they're NOT good for your body.
If you are among those who don't enjoy the taste of water, try one of these solutions:
Freeze ice cubes with 100%, all-natural fruit juice and add to your water for a little flavor.
Squeeze lemon, or grapefruit into your water for zest.If you must have sweetness, add just a touch of sugar or stevia.
Drink green tea.
Add just a dash of cranberry juice for a touch of sweetness.
Add some crushed mint, lime and stevia.
One of the side effects of flavored water is weight gain. Many manufacturers flavor their water with fructose or High Fructose Corn Syrup--both of which are dangerous to your health.
Moreover, in a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, (June 2004, 2963-72) researchers found that fructose affects the hormones involved in appetite regulation.
A drink high in fructose caused low levels of the hormone leptin, which lets you know that you have eaten enough, and causes high levels of ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates eating.
The bottom line: Flavored water can make you fat and sickly.
Drink real water - feel good!
Smart manufacturers know that, so they sell pop under a different name: Flavored water.
This is not good news for people who are trying to boost their health by drinking water. Most of that flavored water is either just full of sugar as a can of pop, or full of artificial sweeteners, which carry their own health hazards. Either way, they're NOT good for your body.
If you are among those who don't enjoy the taste of water, try one of these solutions:
Freeze ice cubes with 100%, all-natural fruit juice and add to your water for a little flavor.
Squeeze lemon, or grapefruit into your water for zest.If you must have sweetness, add just a touch of sugar or stevia.
Drink green tea.
Add just a dash of cranberry juice for a touch of sweetness.
Add some crushed mint, lime and stevia.
One of the side effects of flavored water is weight gain. Many manufacturers flavor their water with fructose or High Fructose Corn Syrup--both of which are dangerous to your health.
Moreover, in a study reported in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, (June 2004, 2963-72) researchers found that fructose affects the hormones involved in appetite regulation.
A drink high in fructose caused low levels of the hormone leptin, which lets you know that you have eaten enough, and causes high levels of ghrelin. Ghrelin is a hormone that stimulates eating.
The bottom line: Flavored water can make you fat and sickly.
Drink real water - feel good!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The Danger from Metformin
Every health professional I've ever spoken with tells me that Metformin is a "good" drug - no harmful side-effects. Unlike insulin, it doesn't take over a bodily function and get you hooked for life, either.
But there is something it does that isn't good - I just read about it yesterday. It seems that Metformin depletes both CoQ10 and Vitamin B 12. Both are vitally important to your body.
So, while the best and safest plan would be to change your dietary habits and eliminate the need for Metformin, at the very least you should be supplementing to replace lost nutrients.
Perhaps some day all doctors will recognize the importance of nutrition and the dangers that pharmaceuticals present in depleting our vital nutrients. Until then, it's up to each of us to do the research and give our bodies what they need.
Yours for good health,
But there is something it does that isn't good - I just read about it yesterday. It seems that Metformin depletes both CoQ10 and Vitamin B 12. Both are vitally important to your body.
So, while the best and safest plan would be to change your dietary habits and eliminate the need for Metformin, at the very least you should be supplementing to replace lost nutrients.
Perhaps some day all doctors will recognize the importance of nutrition and the dangers that pharmaceuticals present in depleting our vital nutrients. Until then, it's up to each of us to do the research and give our bodies what they need.
Yours for good health,
good health,
Vitamin B 12
Monday, May 26, 2008
Save on Mangosteen Juice!
Good news for those of us who love how mangosteen juice makes us feel!
I found a source that's about $10 per bottle less than the cost at my local health food store - or the website I had been ordering from.
The same site has goji, noni, and much, much more to promote natural health.
Here's to feeling good!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Chantix - a blessing and a curse
Last week's doctor column told a sad tale - a gentleman who wanted to quit smoking and was prescribed Chantix. He said the drug worked so fast he couldn't believe it. He quit smoking after nothing else had helped.
BUT, depression was slowly creeping up, and then one morning he awoke feeling such total despair that he thought he'd never be happy again. And he couldn't get help - not from mental health clinics and not from emergency rooms. Finally the doctor who had prescribed the Chantix called in an antidepressant. Right now the jury is still out - if it's going to help, it is taking a while.
What did the newspaper doc say about it?
The side effects are listed right there for all to see. They include depression, thoughts of suicide, and bizarre behavior. That's while you're taking it - and withdrawal symptoms can be just as bad.
So what's worse? Smoking, or not even wanting to live?
I'm thinking that I might try Feel Bach's flower essence "Stop Smoking" formula myself. I know it requires a commitment to take the flower essences 4 times per day, but there are no side effects, and the flower essences cost practically nothing compared to the cost of deadly pharmaceuticals.
Here's to a healthy body and a sane and happy mind...
BUT, depression was slowly creeping up, and then one morning he awoke feeling such total despair that he thought he'd never be happy again. And he couldn't get help - not from mental health clinics and not from emergency rooms. Finally the doctor who had prescribed the Chantix called in an antidepressant. Right now the jury is still out - if it's going to help, it is taking a while.
What did the newspaper doc say about it?
The side effects are listed right there for all to see. They include depression, thoughts of suicide, and bizarre behavior. That's while you're taking it - and withdrawal symptoms can be just as bad.
So what's worse? Smoking, or not even wanting to live?
I'm thinking that I might try Feel Bach's flower essence "Stop Smoking" formula myself. I know it requires a commitment to take the flower essences 4 times per day, but there are no side effects, and the flower essences cost practically nothing compared to the cost of deadly pharmaceuticals.
Here's to a healthy body and a sane and happy mind...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Natural help for arthritic pets
Today Summer arrived in North Idaho - after a cold and dreary "non-Spring." That must mean it's time to celebrate with some good news instead of more warnings.
The good news is about my dog Ralph. Or I should say my husband's dog, since Ralph is his best friend.

Ralph came to us in January 2001, when he was a 6 month old pup with a broken leg. His owner didn't want to pay for the surgery so was going to have him put to sleep. We didn't see it that way, so Ralph came to live with us. (His former owner didn't find out he was alive until about a year later.)
Anyway, his leg is a little bit crooked, and as he aged he developed arthritis. Then last year he played too hard and tore a ligament. The vet didn't want to do surgery because it would put too much strain on the other leg, so he prescribed Rymadyl. That's the drug that killed my old dog, so I watched it carefully. Sure enough, one pill and he was throwing up. So they prescribed a different pill - same results.
Being determined to help this best friend of ours, I started searching on line for something natural - something with no nasty side effects that would make life miserable - or kill him. And what I found has made all the difference in the world. From not even being able to even get into the pickup (or his favorite chair), Ralph is now running and playing with the other dogs as if he'd never had an injury. I think the natural elements in this remedy actually have healed his joints rather than just killing the pain.
Whatever the reason, I'm more than thankful that we found it. So if you have a dog who suffers from joint pain, just click here to learn more about Arthro-IonX.
Yours for natural health!
The good news is about my dog Ralph. Or I should say my husband's dog, since Ralph is his best friend.

Ralph came to us in January 2001, when he was a 6 month old pup with a broken leg. His owner didn't want to pay for the surgery so was going to have him put to sleep. We didn't see it that way, so Ralph came to live with us. (His former owner didn't find out he was alive until about a year later.)
Anyway, his leg is a little bit crooked, and as he aged he developed arthritis. Then last year he played too hard and tore a ligament. The vet didn't want to do surgery because it would put too much strain on the other leg, so he prescribed Rymadyl. That's the drug that killed my old dog, so I watched it carefully. Sure enough, one pill and he was throwing up. So they prescribed a different pill - same results.
Being determined to help this best friend of ours, I started searching on line for something natural - something with no nasty side effects that would make life miserable - or kill him. And what I found has made all the difference in the world. From not even being able to even get into the pickup (or his favorite chair), Ralph is now running and playing with the other dogs as if he'd never had an injury. I think the natural elements in this remedy actually have healed his joints rather than just killing the pain.
Whatever the reason, I'm more than thankful that we found it. So if you have a dog who suffers from joint pain, just click here to learn more about Arthro-IonX.
Yours for natural health!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Don't just trust your doctor, do your research
A couple of weeks ago the doctor's column in our local newspaper talked about using Milk of Magnesia to cure acne. A reader had written that they had tried everything the doctors could throw at her son - to the tune of about $5,000 - and nothing worked until he started using Milk of Magnesia on his face at bedtime.
Yesterday a dermitologist wrote a "dismayed" response to that. He claimed that Accutane will cure all acne when used properly for 8 to 10 months. Just keep the dosage low to prevent side effects. He even accused the reader of having made up the story.
So there are 2 differing opinions. People have a right to disagree.
But then... the newspaper doctor responded by saying that physicians are specifically warned not to prescribe Accutane for more than 5 months at any one time. They know that long term use can be dangerous. Side effects include depression, suicidal thoughts, aggressive behavior, inflammation of the pancreas, hearing loss, inflammatory bowel disease, and more.
I think before a doctor prescribes anything he or she should be aware of the risks and use due diligence in preserving a patient's health. After all, they're supposed to be in the business of making people well, not sick.
The bottom line is that some do and some don't. So the only responsible thing for any patient (or the patient's parent) to do is first read all the literature that comes with a prescription, and then go on line and see what else there is to be learned. After all, you and your loved ones are the ones to suffer when you become a victim of an improper prescription.
Big pharm doesn't care if you get sick. In fact, keeping you sick and coming back for more medication may be the unspoken plan.
Be smart - be responsible for yourself - do the research.
Yesterday a dermitologist wrote a "dismayed" response to that. He claimed that Accutane will cure all acne when used properly for 8 to 10 months. Just keep the dosage low to prevent side effects. He even accused the reader of having made up the story.
So there are 2 differing opinions. People have a right to disagree.
But then... the newspaper doctor responded by saying that physicians are specifically warned not to prescribe Accutane for more than 5 months at any one time. They know that long term use can be dangerous. Side effects include depression, suicidal thoughts, aggressive behavior, inflammation of the pancreas, hearing loss, inflammatory bowel disease, and more.
I think before a doctor prescribes anything he or she should be aware of the risks and use due diligence in preserving a patient's health. After all, they're supposed to be in the business of making people well, not sick.
The bottom line is that some do and some don't. So the only responsible thing for any patient (or the patient's parent) to do is first read all the literature that comes with a prescription, and then go on line and see what else there is to be learned. After all, you and your loved ones are the ones to suffer when you become a victim of an improper prescription.
Big pharm doesn't care if you get sick. In fact, keeping you sick and coming back for more medication may be the unspoken plan.
Be smart - be responsible for yourself - do the research.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Is water the only liquid threatened by plastic?
Everyone is talking about the hazards of leaving your water bottle in the car and letting it get warm. That makes the toxins in the plastic leach into the water faster. And storing your plastic water bottles too long is hazardous too.
But what about all those other drinks that come in plastic?
Almost everything comes in plastic, from milk to soft drinks to juices - even some hard liquor comes in plastic. Don't those liquids absorb the toxins from plastic just as easily as water?
It makes sense to me that they must. If I read anything about that, I'll let you know. And in the meantime, if you read about it, please share with us!
Yours for health,
But what about all those other drinks that come in plastic?
Almost everything comes in plastic, from milk to soft drinks to juices - even some hard liquor comes in plastic. Don't those liquids absorb the toxins from plastic just as easily as water?
It makes sense to me that they must. If I read anything about that, I'll let you know. And in the meantime, if you read about it, please share with us!
Yours for health,
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Ever hear of duct tape as a medical remedy?
Neither had I, until I started trying to find a cure for those painful warts on the bottom of my son's foot.
He'd tried all kinds of over the counter remedies - chemicals, freezing, etc. and nothing worked. He was scaring me because he kept carving at them with his jack knife.
Then I read about duct tape. The instructions said to put it on and leave it for a few days, then soak the foot and scrape off the top of the wart. Let it dry out, and do it again.
And... it seems to be working. Although he's still scaring me because he's impatient and scrapes a bit deeper than I think he should.
Sometimes I'm amazed at how the simplest things can do the best job.
I always said that around the house and the barn there was practically nothing I couldn't fix with some duct tape and baling twine - but I didn't know that applied to warts as well.
Send us YOUR unusual cures - please.
Yours for health,
He'd tried all kinds of over the counter remedies - chemicals, freezing, etc. and nothing worked. He was scaring me because he kept carving at them with his jack knife.
Then I read about duct tape. The instructions said to put it on and leave it for a few days, then soak the foot and scrape off the top of the wart. Let it dry out, and do it again.
And... it seems to be working. Although he's still scaring me because he's impatient and scrapes a bit deeper than I think he should.
Sometimes I'm amazed at how the simplest things can do the best job.
I always said that around the house and the barn there was practically nothing I couldn't fix with some duct tape and baling twine - but I didn't know that applied to warts as well.
Send us YOUR unusual cures - please.
Yours for health,
Friday, April 25, 2008
ACE Inhibitors could be causing your cough
If you've developed a nasty cough along with high blood pressure, your medication may be the cause.
I just read a story about a lady whose cough was so bad that she had to carry plastic bags with her in the car - because the coughing made her throw up. When she told her doctor she thought it was the medication he changed it - to another ACE inhibitor that caused the same problem. After that he said he didn't think that was the cause.
A survey of participants on the web site revealed that while over 1/3 of the participants suffered from a chronic cough, only 1 in 4 had been warned by their doctor that the drug could cause coughing.
Do they not bother to learn, or do they not bother to care - as long as you keep on taking drugs?
The site offers personalized estimates of drug risk and interaction concerns - it might be worth you checking into if you're taking prescription drugs.
I just read a story about a lady whose cough was so bad that she had to carry plastic bags with her in the car - because the coughing made her throw up. When she told her doctor she thought it was the medication he changed it - to another ACE inhibitor that caused the same problem. After that he said he didn't think that was the cause.
A survey of participants on the web site revealed that while over 1/3 of the participants suffered from a chronic cough, only 1 in 4 had been warned by their doctor that the drug could cause coughing.
Do they not bother to learn, or do they not bother to care - as long as you keep on taking drugs?
The site offers personalized estimates of drug risk and interaction concerns - it might be worth you checking into if you're taking prescription drugs.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Water - it's a matter of life or death
How much water do you drink? If you aren't getting at least 48 ounces of liquid every day, you're probably one of the 80% of Americans who are "sub-clinically" dehydrated.
That's an astounding percentage, but it makes sense. I know a lot of people who say they never drink water. The only liquids they drink are coffee, tea, milk, juice, and soft drinks or alcohol.
We can get about 20% of our daily needs from food - especially fruits and vegetables that are made almost entirely of water. But we still need good, clean, water to help purify our systems and wash out the toxins we're exposed to every day - as well as to keep our bodies hydrated.
I've been doing some research for Robin at Renu Herbs, and learned some things I didn't know.
For instance, when you're dehydrated your blood volume drops, and thus your blood pressure drops. Your blood also becomes thicker, and harder for your heart to pump. Dehydration is a major cause of heart attacks!
Pharmaceutical companies would rather you didn't know that you can do a great deal to protect your heart health (and your overall health) merely by drinking adequate amounts of water.
The studies I read said that amateur athletes, and especially older athletes, often fall victim to the kind of dehydration that can put their entire systems into shock - and cause them to literally drop dead.
I don't know many golfers, but I know two men who suffered heart attacks on the golf course. One survived, the other did not.
The reason older athletes are more prone to dehydration is that some diseases and many prescription medications seem to block the body's natural thirst mechanism - so people are dying of dehydration without even feeling thirsty.
In addition, because most of us are going around partially dehydrated all the time, when something happens like a flu bug that causes fever, diarrhea, and/or vomiting, it can push us over the edge.
And when doctors prescribe diuretics and tell people to cut back on fluids - well, that's often the final straw. (Natural health practitioners, by the way, prescribe extra water with a teaspoon of Celtic sea salt every day to reduce edema.)
This would all be depressing if it weren't for the simple solution.
Drink your water!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Water used to be good for you, NOW what can you drink?
Every time we turn around there's some new hazard - now it's water. The basic, life giving substance of nature that makes up most of our body mass.
If you're drinking water from a public supply, you could be drinking recycled prescription medicines. What a horrid thought! Add that to the toxic chemicals from manufacturing plants and run-off filled with fertilizer and pesticides from farm fields that leaches into the aquifers, and your tap water could very well be "health-taking" instead of "life-giving."
And, if you're buying expensive water in plastic bottles, tap water from a public supply could very well be what you're drinking - even if the bottle says "Pure Spring Water." How dare they lie to us that way!
Because nobody is watching, that's how they dare.
Once again, the FDA has turned a blind eye to the health and safety of the American people.
To make it all worse, the plastic in the bottles can leach into the water - especially if you re-use the same bottles, and if you keep the bottles in a warm place. Never, ever drink from a plastic water bottle that's been sitting in a hot car! If you carry water with you, carry it in glass or stainless steel.
To learn more, get your hands on the February issue of Readers Digest. Then, before you choose the water you'll drink, do your research. Big Brother may be watching you, but he's not watching the people who sell you water.
If you're drinking water from a public supply, you could be drinking recycled prescription medicines. What a horrid thought! Add that to the toxic chemicals from manufacturing plants and run-off filled with fertilizer and pesticides from farm fields that leaches into the aquifers, and your tap water could very well be "health-taking" instead of "life-giving."
And, if you're buying expensive water in plastic bottles, tap water from a public supply could very well be what you're drinking - even if the bottle says "Pure Spring Water." How dare they lie to us that way!
Because nobody is watching, that's how they dare.
Once again, the FDA has turned a blind eye to the health and safety of the American people.
To make it all worse, the plastic in the bottles can leach into the water - especially if you re-use the same bottles, and if you keep the bottles in a warm place. Never, ever drink from a plastic water bottle that's been sitting in a hot car! If you carry water with you, carry it in glass or stainless steel.
To learn more, get your hands on the February issue of Readers Digest. Then, before you choose the water you'll drink, do your research. Big Brother may be watching you, but he's not watching the people who sell you water.
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