The good news is about my dog Ralph. Or I should say my husband's dog, since Ralph is his best friend.

Ralph came to us in January 2001, when he was a 6 month old pup with a broken leg. His owner didn't want to pay for the surgery so was going to have him put to sleep. We didn't see it that way, so Ralph came to live with us. (His former owner didn't find out he was alive until about a year later.)
Anyway, his leg is a little bit crooked, and as he aged he developed arthritis. Then last year he played too hard and tore a ligament. The vet didn't want to do surgery because it would put too much strain on the other leg, so he prescribed Rymadyl. That's the drug that killed my old dog, so I watched it carefully. Sure enough, one pill and he was throwing up. So they prescribed a different pill - same results.
Being determined to help this best friend of ours, I started searching on line for something natural - something with no nasty side effects that would make life miserable - or kill him. And what I found has made all the difference in the world. From not even being able to even get into the pickup (or his favorite chair), Ralph is now running and playing with the other dogs as if he'd never had an injury. I think the natural elements in this remedy actually have healed his joints rather than just killing the pain.
Whatever the reason, I'm more than thankful that we found it. So if you have a dog who suffers from joint pain, just click here to learn more about Arthro-IonX.
Yours for natural health!
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