Friday, April 11, 2008

Water used to be good for you, NOW what can you drink?

Every time we turn around there's some new hazard - now it's water. The basic, life giving substance of nature that makes up most of our body mass.

If you're drinking water from a public supply, you could be drinking recycled prescription medicines. What a horrid thought! Add that to the toxic chemicals from manufacturing plants and run-off filled with fertilizer and pesticides from farm fields that leaches into the aquifers, and your tap water could very well be "health-taking" instead of "life-giving."

And, if you're buying expensive water in plastic bottles, tap water from a public supply could very well be what you're drinking - even if the bottle says "Pure Spring Water." How dare they lie to us that way!

Because nobody is watching, that's how they dare.

Once again, the FDA has turned a blind eye to the health and safety of the American people.

To make it all worse, the plastic in the bottles can leach into the water - especially if you re-use the same bottles, and if you keep the bottles in a warm place. Never, ever drink from a plastic water bottle that's been sitting in a hot car! If you carry water with you, carry it in glass or stainless steel.

To learn more, get your hands on the February issue of Readers Digest. Then, before you choose the water you'll drink, do your research. Big Brother may be watching you, but he's not watching the people who sell you water.

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