Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Milk of Magnesia better than prescription drugs?

It sure sounds like it. This morning's Spokesman Review included the weekly doctor's column and a reader had written that after years of treatment for skin problems on her face, someone had told her about Milk of Magnesia.

She tried it, and within a week her skin was clear - something she hadn't experienced in a very long time in spite of using expensive pharmaceuticals. She rubs it on her face in the morning and lets it sit while she showers, then rinses.

The doctor included other examples of equally good results - proving that once again, home remedies are sometimes better than anything you can buy at the pharmacy counter. And better yet - they're cheaper and have no destructive side-effects.

If you have a skin rash, acne, or any other type of skin problem, why not give it a try?

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