Monday, November 3, 2008

How to stop bleeding from a razor nick

Most people just stick a bit of tissue on the nick and in a few minutes the bleeding stops,right?

Well, sometimes it doesn't. That happened to my husband a few nights ago. He spent dinner dabbing at his chin to keep the blood from dripping into his plate. When it didn't stop after an hour or so, I went on line to find a remedy - and did!

I used the first one I found: Cayenne pepper. Just a teensey pinch of it, applied twice to the nick, and the bleeding stopped within about a minute and a half.

But not everyone has cayenne pepper on the shelf, so I'll tell you the other remedies I found:

Nasal spray
eye drops

Every household is bound to have at least one of those on hand.

According to what I read, the reason these work is they all act to constrict the blood vessels - shutting off the flow.

I'm glad I found these - I don't get many razor nicks, but sure do get "claw nicks" from a cat who insists she needs to be on my lap while I'm at the computer.

Yours for a happy November,

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