Monday, October 20, 2008

Cold and Flu Season is coming, eat your Vitamin C

Just about everyone thinks first of oranges for a boost in vitamin C - and oranges are good, as are all citrus fruits. But a couple of other food choices are even better.

For instance, just one cup of green pepper will give you 3 times the amount of vitamin C needed for an adult - and an adult actually needs more vitamin C than do children. Other smart choices are broccoli and strawberries - and all dark green leafy vegetables.

The trend toward processed foods and limited fresh fruits and vegetables poses a real threat to families across the U.S. - so make the switch to wholesome foods and help your family stay healthy this winter.

Did you know...? Lack of Vitamin C can cause a condition known as scurvy - it used to be a real threat to sailors who were at sea for months and deprived of fresh foods. The condition, which causes muscle weakness and bleeding gums, could render an entire crew useless. To avoid scurvy, British sailors began stocking their holds with limes, and thus became known as "Limeys."

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