Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Natural Heartburn Remedy?

Do you pop antacids like they were candy? I know quite a few people who do. They buy Tums in the super size bottle nearly every week.

Well, there might be a natural cure that can cut down on that expense. I just read it in the local newspaper, and since it costs nothing and doesn't involve any drugs, I think it's worth a try:

When you feel heartburn coming on, simply use both hands to press just below your sternum and continue pressing down to your stomach for about 30 seconds. Do it 3 times in a row.

I'm passing this one on to my Tums-buying friends.

Another cure that seems to work well for some is sauerkraut. Not too handy to carry with you, but if you experience heartburn at home, simply eat a small bowl of sauerkraut. I read that years ago in Germany, people kept a jar of sauerkraut juice on hand for this purpose.

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