As well all are painfully aware, the medical community isn't always open to natural cures, and my suspicion is that they don't much like prevention. After all, for them to profit, people have to be ill.
Thus I wasn't too shocked at the contents of an e-mail I received today, telling about the long-known benefits of asparagus. Rather that paraphrase, I'll copy part of it here. The message ended with the statement that this bio-chemist believes that a cure is also a prevention, so he and his wife take 2 Tablespoons of asparagus puree each day. Neither of them has cancer, but other aspects of their health have improved.
He ended with "It won't hurt...and might help. So why not do it?" I agree, and since I love asparagus, it will be on my menu more often.
He referenced the existence of an article - "Asparagus for cancer" printed in Cancer News Journal, December 1979. Also note the dates on the case studies ...
From the e-mail:
Case No. 1, A man with an almost hopeless case of Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph glands) who was completely incapacitated. Within 1 year of starting the asparagus therapy, his doctors were unable to detect any signs of cancer, and he was back on a schedule of strenuous exercise.
Case No. 2, a successful businessman 68 years old who suffered from cancer of the bladder for 16 years. After years of medical treatments, including radiation without improvement, he went on asparagus. Within 3 months, examinations revealed that his bladder tumor had disappeared and that his kidneys were normal.
Case No. 3, a man who had lung cancer. On March 5th 1971 , he was put on the operating table where they found lung cancer so widely spread that it was inoperable. The surgeon sewed him up and declared his case hopeless. On April 5th he heard about the asparagus therapy and immediately started taking it.By August, x-ray pictures revealed that all signs of the cancer had disappeared.. He is back at his regular business routine.
Case No. 4, a woman who was troubled for a number of years with skin cancer. She finally developed different skin cancers which were diagnosed by asking specialist as advanced.... Within 3 months after starting on asparagus, her skin specialist said that her skin looked fine and no more skin lesions. This woman reported that the asparagus therapy also cure her kidney disease, which started in 1949. She had over 10 operations for kidney stones, and was receiving government disability payments for an inoperable, terminal, kidney condition. She attributes the cure of this kidney trouble entirely to the asparagus.
I was not surprised at this result, as `The elements of materia medica', edited in 1854 by a Professor at the University of Pennsylvania , stated that asparagus was used as a popular remedy for kidney stones. He even referred to experiments, in 1739, on the power of asparagus in dissolving stones.
We would have other case histories but the medical establishment has interfered with our obtaining some of the records. I am therefore appealing to readers to spread this good news and help us to gather a large number of case histories that will overwhelm the medical skeptics about this unbelievably simple and natural remedy.
For the treatment,asparagus should be cooked before using, and therefore canned asparagus is just as good as fresh.
Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Give the patient 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening.
Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. This suggested dosage is based on present experience, but certainly larger amounts can do no harm and may be needed in some cases.
You must have a pessimistic view on the medical community if you think they purposely ignore potential cures just so people can be ill all the time. First off, this is just one article. And even that, how do you even know that it's real? It was published back in 1979 and we are now just hearing about it?
It's true that asparagus contains some anti-cancer properties to maybe help prevent the risk of cancer, but to say it actually cures cancer is a bit of a stretch that will need a lot more research and confirmation by many other reputable studies to be true.
Don't believe everything you get in email.
Dear Anonymous... First question -Why are you anonymous?
Next, yes I am very pessimistic about the medical community. I have yet to speak with anyone whose doctor talked with them about improving their health through changes in diet. I HAVE spoken with people whose doctors told them vitamins and minerals should be avoided - and that nutrition played no part in health.
I'm well aware that SOME doctors are devoted to curing people, but they are in a sad minority. Some of them are even ostracized by others in the medical community.
The truth is, studies about natural cures are pushed aside - because there is NO MONEY in telling people eat correctly.
Many, if not most, of the pills doctors are pushing today (for financial reward, by the way) are designed to cover up symptoms, not cure diseases. Worse, many carry side-effects that can kill. If everyone read the inserts that came with their pills, a lot fewer prescriptions would be sold.
With the exception of individual allergies, prevention (and possible cure) through nutrition carries no harmful side effects. Plus, the benefits of healthy eating go beyond whatever ailment is being addressed.
Yes. I'm pessimistic. Health care should be about good health, not high incomes gained through keeping people sick.
Another problem with establishing the value of natural remedies is that it can be quite hard to get enough research done on them to establish whether or not they have a significant value or not. Performing these studies costs money and for the large companies there is no financial incentive to do them, so they focus only on researching their own pharmaceutical remedies. From a financial point of view this is what makes sense for them. However many good remedies are being overlooked this way. As a nation we need to find a solution to this (which may involve having more government funded research in this area).
Hi Memory Foam!
Thanks for adding your comments.
It makes sense that no research is being done on the benefits of natural products for prevention and/or healing. Unless someone can find a way to own a patent on vegetables (God forbid!) there simply isn't enough money in it.
I wish all medical research was about health, but money seems to be the only motivating factor.
As much as I do not want any more government interference in any part of my life, I have to agree with you that government funded research may be the only way.
I wish there was a way to grab the government by the lapels and shake it - and tell it to stop spending money on nonsense and start behaving responsibly.
Meanwhile, we consumers are doing our own "research" by trying things and sharing what works. As with pharmaceuticals, the same things don't work for every person, but at least experimenting by eating natural foods isn't going to result in deadly drug interactions or crippling side-effects. At the very least, we'll benefit from better nutrition.
Thanks again, and please do comment any time...
Marte, please understand this. Anonymous is legion. Internet term, please look it up. That said, now for the comment
Furthermore, why would I trust an e-mail from someone that maybe anonymous regardless of the name it gives. Anybody can be Mr. Smith. e just have to take their word for it and a small level of trust.
I am not the first poster, but I would prefer anonymity because I a just lazy to sign up, but this is enough to warrant my attention.
Black and white here. There will always be sickness in this world and it is up to the medical community to find cures. They need money to fund, but still there are 'professionals' bleeding those that can't afford dry. Nothing in this world is free and we have to pay one way or another for it.
We can choose not to use the services of pill doctors. Do we have to be told like children to eat our vegetables? We are adults now and yet we are hypocrites. We should know better and eat right, not until the doctor tells us. So do we blame them for pushing us to buy pills? It's our own neglect that gives these greedy medical professionals market for pills that show no results at times on our bodies.
You want to avoid cancer, than eat right. Don't wait for people to tell you. DIY, enough said. When you start groaning on cancer, than you are at fault. If your bloodline has cancer throughout it's history, it would be you and your future generation's responsibility to purge it in a long run.
So, the next time you tell you kid to eat veges and have little sweets and cookies, remember how many times you have buttered prawns or that home fried food and instant can food you from time to time at lunch or dinner.
; ) I really do sound sarcastic, but it's life.
I am a credentialed member of the "Traditional Medical Community"; I am a R.N. with a BSN and 40 yrs experience including hi-tech I.C.U.,Emergency Room, owned a Home Health Care Company and a Closed-door Pharmacy (provided infusion therapy for patients in their homes/work site). In the course of this expansive experience, I have seen my share of successful drug protocols and the downside of unsuccessful ones. I personally was diagnosed with a condition called 'Interstitual Cystitis', a very painful condition and one that requires a lifetime antibiotic therapy regimen. To miss one dose of antibiotic would cause indescribable pain. Then one day I heard a program on T.V. with a British woman being interviewed for various natural cures, and she recommended 'curly-leaf Parsley tea' for long term Cystitis. I immediantly boiled some Parsley, drank the tea...2 cups 1st day, then 1 cup each day for a week. That was 25 years ago. I got almost instant relief from pain and have not had another bout of Cystitis again. It worked and in the process made me an avid student of Natural cures. You can believe me when I say this ASPARAGUS cure/preventative will be be tried by me and my family.
My thanks to the RN who shared her experience. It always makes me feel good when a "card-carrying member" of the traditional medial community steps forward to say that nature does have a few cures that pharmaceuticals can't match.
Thank you for sharing your experience with parsley. I hope others with cystitis will read and it and get the same relief you experienced.
I think it all boils down to the fact that everyone in both the medical community and the natural health field needs to recognize that each body is different. There is no "one size fits all" to treat the entire human race for any condition.
Thanks again for commenting...
looked up the email on snoops and they say that none of it can be verified and that they cannot find the article from 1979.
I don't know about the 1979 article, but it doesn't surprise me that the medical community has not done research on this.
Do you ever think it strange that people will believe the results of a study over the results of real life people's experiences?
One of the first things I learned in college science classes was that when you set out to get a certain result, you can usually manipulate the study to get that result.
For me the bottom line is that this is good food. No matter what else it does, it provides good nutrition, and bodies need good nutrition.
Therefore, unlike pharmaceutical drugs, it will do no harm. (Unless you're allergic, but that's a different story.)
Just got the aparagus story from a friend of mine in advanced cancer stage. He told me that his PSA drastically went down after few months on this asparagus diet. My friend chose to stop chemo as it appears it made him suffer worst (so many details)to the point he decided enough is enough... I pray asparagus helps him to live better if not longer. Sorry for Anonymous but it's true, the easy way to post...
Thanks for your comment. I hope your friend does find relief - so many times people on chemo are so sick they WISH they wouldn't make it.
In addition to asparagus, more and more good foods are being found to kill cancer cells without making people sick.
I have more articles on the subject on my new blog: www.pharmfreehealth.com/wordpress
My attitude is that when it's good food and can't hurt you, why not go for it?
The reaction of the medical industry does not surprise me. I think most people out there are familiar with the case of the elderly gentlemen that treated his daughter who had a very debilitating bout with MS. It got to the point that she could not even feed herself. He treated her with bee venom. And at the time of that interview she was right as rain. Now, he has documented cases of his treatments, and of all the people he treated, 85 percent of them saw some form of relief most a large part of them saw most of, if not all of their symptoms improve dramatically.
Now, that being said, the AMA declared the data, of results, inconclusive. But if an "accredited" institution, or company does tests or runs a batch of studies and gets 25% positive results, they claim that the results are promising. But to claim 85% is inconclusive, that is just plain ridiculous. So what really is their (the AMA) motivation. Why try to bury a promising treatment.
It just makes no sense. Or does it. Perhaps there really is something to this money making thing.. Well not for the patients.
A very concerned person
Hi Hardy, and thanks for taking time to comment.
Sadly, I think it is all about money and not about cure. We read over and over about the FDA - and their practice of approving drugs that are shown to be harmful and even deadly. Employees who object are simply let go.
I understand the pharmaceutical industry wanting nothing more than to make an extra million. I don't expect them to care about health.
But I'm sorely disappointed with those in the medical profession who choose to mask disease with deadly drugs rather than look for cures through natural means.
I'm thankful that a few renegade doctors do speak out for natural cures. We just need more of them.
Keep spreading the word!
Asparagus do cure cancer. My sister was at the oncology unit when she saw and heard a man with his wife telling the patients there that his fourth stage lung cancer is cured just by faithfully consuming asparagus for several month every day. You have to be there to believe it!!!
Marte, thank you for your courage in standing up for the truth. Anyone who believes that Big Pharma and the FDA are concerned with our health is seriously naive.
I came across this website for the first time today, searching for an answer to the question: "Is this asparagus cure for real?"
I haven't been able to find the original article from 1979. That may or may not be significant, since not many articles from that era are found on the internet.
Most websites are downplaying the article. I found this site to be a refreshing change.
I will continue to investigate!
In addition, to anonymous I am also an RN. I plan on trying the asparagus diet as a preventative as I take a form of chemo and a Dmard for autoimmune diseases. I just want to see if it helps in any way. It certainly cannot hurt. About the FDA, when I was in graduate school, I learned in my chemistry class that the FDA will approve a chemical or product for use or consumption, even though it may be or is harmful if the majority of the public will accept the risks of the product. Of course, I have do not know what segment of the public they go to as I have never seen anything from the FDA asking me about a particular product or food.
Rick - that's all we can do. Continue to investigate. Continue to learn from real people who have had good results.
Not everything will work for every person. But at least when the cure is good food, it isn't going to kill you!
Kathy - No one has ever asked me either. But I sure have to wonder, every time I hear an ad on TV warning of the devastating side effects of some drug, why people are willing to take those chances.
Sure does make doctors cranky when you say "I've read the side-effects. I'm not taking that." Dang! There went a kick-back!
Best success with the asparagus, and thanks for commenting.
Marty.... Thanks so much for your post. I have no faith in the pharmaceutical industry as they scratch the doctors backs to get their backs scrathed in return. I hate it when I'm sitting in the doctors office and see a Rep. come in with their nice little rolling briefcase to introduce a new drug that will eventually cause the patient to get some new ailment that will cause a need for a new medication. I love asparagus and will definitely make it part of my daily regime for prevention and cure. God Bless! From Neicy
my husband died of cancer after a horrible 3 yr. battle... i definitely would have tried the asparagus if i'd only known... he loved the vegetable and what harm could it have done. Maybe it would have saved his life...I will never know...
I have a terrible auto immune disease which keeps me in bed most days... I'm going to try this... what do I have to lose. I LOVE ASPARAGUS!! My question is. Can you just eat it cooked or do you have to puree it and have 2 tablespoons in the morning and at night.. anyone know??
From what I've read the asparagus merely needs to be cooked. I think people puree it and take it by the tablespoon because they don't want to merely eat it as a vegetable.
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