Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Adult Acne Linked to Stress

Dermatologists are reporting being "busier than ever" despite consumers pulling back on non-essential services such as liposuction and botox injections.

The source of their increased business: Adult acne, eczema, and warts. These are all hits from the immune system, and all come from the fact that the nervous system and hormone systems work together.

Stressful incidents set off a rise in cortisol that causes a breakout, and now that so many citizens are continually stressed, their bodies are producing more and more.

Doctors recommend over the counter products with salicylic acid or glycolic acid or cortisone products. If those don't work, try benzoyl peroxide. A cortisone injection at a dermatologist's office can help get you through a time when looks are most important - such as a job interview or public appearance.

Meanwhile, some doctors are recommending stress relieving measures such as yoga and meditation or strenuous physical activity like racquetball or weight lifting.

Personally, when I feel stress creeping up, I take a 3-pronged approach. I get outdoors - either to walk or work in the yard. Pulling weeds is definitely a de-stress exercise for me!

Next I engage in negative-energy releasing exercises such as "Big sigh, look up" that I learned from a tape set called "Manifesting Your Life" from Nightingale Conant.

Then, in addition, I turn to Bach Flower Essences, which serve to balance energies without the harmful side-effect of drugs. The product Feel5ive is specially formulated for stressful situations and extreme nervousness. You can take it every day, or when you know you're going into a stress situation.

My system must work, because people often ask me how I can remain so calm and centered when others around me seem to be falling apart.

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