I've never experienced gout, but from what friends tell me, it's one of the most painful conditions known to humans. There is a prescription drug that keeps it at bay and my neighbor has been taking it every day for about 30 years.
If you prefer not to take a drug every day for life, or if you're sensitive to drugs, you might want to try natural remedies first.
According to the Journal of Nutrition (June 2003 & April 2006) sweet cherries have anti-inflamatory properties that help against both gout and arthritis.
Both sweet and sour cherries block an enzyme that causes inflammation.
The drawback, as with many natural remedies, is that you don't always get instant relief. It can take two or three weeks of using cherry juice daily before you see a real difference in your pain levels.
However... I had an elderly friend who had been suffering from gout and his doctor hadn't even offered anything for relief. He happened to mention it to a clerk in a grocery store one day and she told him to get cranberry juice and start drinking it immediately. He did, and by morning his pain was gone. He was pretty upset at his doctor for not telling him there was such an easy cure.
Thus, different bodies / different results.
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