Thursday, February 19, 2009

Women - avoid stroke by drinking coffee, stopping smoking

This may be tough news for those of us who like to have a cup of coffee and a cigarette, but new studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, show that women who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had a 20% reduced risk of stroke compared to women who had less than one cup per month. Drinking two to three cups per day reduced risk by 19%. Drinking a cup five to seven times a week reduced risk by 12%.

The study went on to say that for women who smoked, the risk was only reduced by 3%. High blood pressure, diabetes, or high cholesterol also neutralized the coffee effect.

This benefit doesn't come from caffiene, but from some other substance which serves as a specific antioxidant - lowering inflammation and improving blood vessel function.

The study, taken over a period of 24 years, cautions that the results only apply to people who are healthy at the start - coffee isn't a cure once you're suffering from illness.

And of course, those who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, or heart problems should still avoid coffee.

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