Anyone who has ever had a muscle cramp in the calf of his leg knows that the pain is excruciating. For that matter, a cramp anywhere in the body can make you wish you'd just pass out so you couldn't feel it.
It turns out that a deficiency of Co-Q10 could be causing the cramps - and the use of Lipitor causes that deficiency. One study revealed that patients suffered a deficiency of more than 50% after using Lipitor for just one month.
Co-Q10 is a naturally occuring and vital enzyme in your body - one whose production diminishes with age, so all of us over the age of 20 should be supplementing with it.
If you're taking Lipitor for high cholesterol, talk to your doctor about a reduced dose, and do start taking Co-Q10!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Why did you catch that cold?
Cold and flu germs are everywhere around us this time of year - in stores, in offices, and at school. They could even arrive on your mail!
So why do some people catch one cold after another while others remain immune?
One answer could be attitude. If you study the Law of Attraction, you know that what you think about you're going to get. So if you go around saying or thinking "I get a cold every year about this time," you certainly will.
But sometimes, they can sneak up on you when you're at your busiest. Some believe that they're one of nature's ways to scream "Slow down!" when you're pushing yourself too hard. (Could it be that when you overdo, the subconscious part of you is wishing for an excuse to take a few sick days?)
Consider the mental causes for physical illness, and the next time a cold bug catches you, try the remedy found in Louise Hay's book: Heal Your Body.
She lists the source of colds as mental confusion - having too much going on at once - and holding on to small hurts.
The cure? Wellness affirmations such as "I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well."
You may or may not be a believer, but I've used the awareness and affirmations in "Heal Your Body" many times with almost unbelievable results.
Why not give it a try?
So why do some people catch one cold after another while others remain immune?
One answer could be attitude. If you study the Law of Attraction, you know that what you think about you're going to get. So if you go around saying or thinking "I get a cold every year about this time," you certainly will.
But sometimes, they can sneak up on you when you're at your busiest. Some believe that they're one of nature's ways to scream "Slow down!" when you're pushing yourself too hard. (Could it be that when you overdo, the subconscious part of you is wishing for an excuse to take a few sick days?)
Consider the mental causes for physical illness, and the next time a cold bug catches you, try the remedy found in Louise Hay's book: Heal Your Body.
She lists the source of colds as mental confusion - having too much going on at once - and holding on to small hurts.
The cure? Wellness affirmations such as "I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are within me and around me. All is well."
You may or may not be a believer, but I've used the awareness and affirmations in "Heal Your Body" many times with almost unbelievable results.
Why not give it a try?
cure for colds,
heal your body,
law of attraction,
Louise Hay,
staying well
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Do you - or your children - get enough sleep?
As adults, we pull ourselves out of bed each morning, even if we haven't had enough sleep, and we trust that within an hour or so we'll be awake and functioning. Some down a few cups of coffee for a wake-up while others grab an apple - which is said to have the same benefit.
Our bodies suffer for it, so we go around foggy-headed, suffer from headaches, and feel generally lousy most of the time. Finally we come down with a cold or flu and are forced to take it easy for a while.
Given enough years of this kind of abuse, we can suffer from all sorts of maladies, because sleep time is necessary. It's when our bodies repair themselves. We need about 8 hours - we should take it!
In kids, it's when hormones that help them grow are released and when tissues not only repair themselves, but grow. Without sufficient sleep time, they can suffer real long term damage.
Inadequate sleep can also lead kids to do poorly in school and exhibit behavioral problems.
This need for sleep can be a real problem for kids who have to get up early to catch a school bus, and who get home late from a long bus ride. By the time they finish eating dinner they should be in bed.
Studies now show that kids between 5 and 12 years of age need 11 hours of sleep each night. So... if they have to be up at 6 a.m. to catch a bus, they need to have lights out by 7 p.m.
But of course, they do want to watch a favorite show, and sometimes there's homework to be done. I don't know what a parent can do about the homework, unless a talk with the teacher about the importance of sleep would get results. But as for the TV - parents need to "just say no." Your child's health is much more important than the "instant gratification" of watching a favorite show.
Even when you send them off to bed on time, often kids have trouble sleeping. We need to remember that they have worries too, and that can keep their minds reeling long past bedtime. Just because those worries seem trivial to us doesn't mean they aren't important to the kids.
So how about a nightly relaxation / meditation ritual with your kids? It would do you both good. It might also be helpful to schedule a little one-on-one time with each of them, so they can unload those worries. Sometimes just "getting it out" helps a worry go away.
Other steps you can take:
Most studies show they need 8 1/2 to 9 hours - but when they have to go to school they can't get it! It seems that biological rhythms change so that teens are often unable to fall asleep before 11 or midnight. Their body clocks then dictate that they should sleep until at least 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning. But when school starts at 7:30 they can't do it.
Some schools, recognizing this fact of nature, have changed their hours and now start later. They report kids being more alert and actually able to learn in that first hour, where before they were unable.
To learn more about teens and sleep - and how you can help your own kids, go to
Our bodies suffer for it, so we go around foggy-headed, suffer from headaches, and feel generally lousy most of the time. Finally we come down with a cold or flu and are forced to take it easy for a while.
Given enough years of this kind of abuse, we can suffer from all sorts of maladies, because sleep time is necessary. It's when our bodies repair themselves. We need about 8 hours - we should take it!
In kids, it's when hormones that help them grow are released and when tissues not only repair themselves, but grow. Without sufficient sleep time, they can suffer real long term damage.
Inadequate sleep can also lead kids to do poorly in school and exhibit behavioral problems.
This need for sleep can be a real problem for kids who have to get up early to catch a school bus, and who get home late from a long bus ride. By the time they finish eating dinner they should be in bed.
Studies now show that kids between 5 and 12 years of age need 11 hours of sleep each night. So... if they have to be up at 6 a.m. to catch a bus, they need to have lights out by 7 p.m.
But of course, they do want to watch a favorite show, and sometimes there's homework to be done. I don't know what a parent can do about the homework, unless a talk with the teacher about the importance of sleep would get results. But as for the TV - parents need to "just say no." Your child's health is much more important than the "instant gratification" of watching a favorite show.
Even when you send them off to bed on time, often kids have trouble sleeping. We need to remember that they have worries too, and that can keep their minds reeling long past bedtime. Just because those worries seem trivial to us doesn't mean they aren't important to the kids.
So how about a nightly relaxation / meditation ritual with your kids? It would do you both good. It might also be helpful to schedule a little one-on-one time with each of them, so they can unload those worries. Sometimes just "getting it out" helps a worry go away.
Other steps you can take:
- Do your best to maintain a set schedule - go to bed at the same time every night
- A hot bath just before bed
- Limit drinks with caffeine during the evening - that includes cola drinks and some others.
- Keep the bedroom dark and cool
- Keep televisions and computers OUT of the bedroom - some experts believe that the energy they give off, even when turned off, can disrupt sleep. And of course if they're turned on...
Most studies show they need 8 1/2 to 9 hours - but when they have to go to school they can't get it! It seems that biological rhythms change so that teens are often unable to fall asleep before 11 or midnight. Their body clocks then dictate that they should sleep until at least 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning. But when school starts at 7:30 they can't do it.
Some schools, recognizing this fact of nature, have changed their hours and now start later. They report kids being more alert and actually able to learn in that first hour, where before they were unable.
To learn more about teens and sleep - and how you can help your own kids, go to
children need sleep,
need for sleep,
sleep problems
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Can cheeseburgers cause Alzheimers?
According to research done at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, it just might.
Swedish research Susanne Akterin found similarities between the chemical makeup in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and rats fed a diet with the nutritional equivalent of burgers and fries. In other words, a diet high in calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat.
One of the new Alzheimer's findings is an excessive build-up of a protein called tau in "Alzheimer's brains." It is one of the few common threads researchers have found. At the same time, they found low amounts of arc - a protein that plays a key role in memory storage.
We've long been aware that fast food isn't good for us. Not only does it give us too much fat and calories, but living on fast food means we aren't eating the fruits and vegetables our bodies need. Until now we thought it was about obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
Now it seems that we need to lay off the junk food to protect our brains!
It doesn't look like we're doing a very good job of it. According to one report I read, McDonald's sales increased 8.2% in November alone. And it's not just Americans who are chowing down on burgers and fries - outlets in Europe, the Asian Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East are all doing quite well.
More research will be done before our public health officials will make any kind of statement about fast food, but Akterin is quoted as saying that it "can be a contributory factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease."
Hmmm... Go eat an apple.
Swedish research Susanne Akterin found similarities between the chemical makeup in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and rats fed a diet with the nutritional equivalent of burgers and fries. In other words, a diet high in calories, cholesterol, and saturated fat.
One of the new Alzheimer's findings is an excessive build-up of a protein called tau in "Alzheimer's brains." It is one of the few common threads researchers have found. At the same time, they found low amounts of arc - a protein that plays a key role in memory storage.
We've long been aware that fast food isn't good for us. Not only does it give us too much fat and calories, but living on fast food means we aren't eating the fruits and vegetables our bodies need. Until now we thought it was about obesity, heart disease, and high cholesterol.
Now it seems that we need to lay off the junk food to protect our brains!
It doesn't look like we're doing a very good job of it. According to one report I read, McDonald's sales increased 8.2% in November alone. And it's not just Americans who are chowing down on burgers and fries - outlets in Europe, the Asian Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East are all doing quite well.
More research will be done before our public health officials will make any kind of statement about fast food, but Akterin is quoted as saying that it "can be a contributory factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease."
Hmmm... Go eat an apple.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Stress relief: How to let go of anger or guilt

Do you have something on your mind that you just can't let go of - or you feel like it just won't let go of you?
Say there's someone who is annoying you so much that you can hardly keep your mouth closed. But you know if you say anything you'll do damage to a relationship you treasure.
Say you've done something you feel ashamed of - a big thing or a little thing, but it keeps eating at you.
Say you're completely angry with someone you dearly love - so angry that if you try to talk about it you know you'll say more than you mean and really hurt that person.
Say you're just mad at the world and yourself because you've taken on too many holiday projects and you feel worn out and unappreciated. You're doing what everyone else wants done and none of what you want to do, but you're committed because you said yes one too many times.
Here's a simple solution that you won't believe until you try it. It's called "Write and Burn."
Go into a room by yourself and write it all down. Holler, yell, curse, say every nasty thing you want to say - to yourself or to them. Write down how you really feel about the situation and don't leave anything out. Keep writing until you feel like you've said it all.
Then, stick the letter and a book of matches in your pocket and go somewhere that you can burn the thing. And burn it.
You will be amazed at the relief you'll feel. It's as if the burden lifts - you've said it all, gotten it all out in the open, and you can think about other things again.
If you live where you can't possibly burn the letter, there's an alternative that works almost as well.
Say it all in an email. After you write it, read it one more time, and then delete the whole thing. Be sure not to put a name in the send line - you wouldn't want to accidentally send these private thoughts out into cyberspace!
Stress-relief through Meditation - for non-meditators
When you think of meditation do you think of someone sitting cross-legged on the floor making strange noises?
Plenty of people do - but you don't have to do that to get the benefits. Meditation is simply the act of clearing your mind and letting your body release tension - in other words, a great way to banish stress and optimize your natural health!
I'm sure the meditation purists will disagree with me - but that's OK. They can call this exercise something else and it won't bother me a bit. So here's the story...
Years ago I used to try meditating - with no results. No matter how I tried I couldn't sit there and visualize blank paper. When I tried, my mind kept saying "blank paper, blank paper." It was useless. And, even when all alone, I couldn't bring myself to make those strange noises. It felt silly. I was more tense from trying than I was from not trying.
Then I bought a couple of tape sets that brought things into focus. Using two methods together I could do it - and it felt wonderful!
The first set taught me to visualize numbers. Here's how that worked: Beginning with "3" visualize the number while saying it, 3 times. At the same time as you're doing this, inhale deeply and let the air out while saying "3, 3, 3" (I'll admit that I had to learn to breathe correctly before I could do it.)
Then do the same for 2 and 1. Then, after a few deep breaths and mentally saying "relax" the next step is to continue breathing deeply and count backwards from 10 to 1. Then think "relax" again a few times and let go with all your muscles.
That part was hard at first also - because the first tapes I had taught me to begin the relaxation process with my feet and work my way up to my head. The method that worked for me was to begin with the scalp, then the facial muscles, then neck, shoulders, chest, back, etc - ending with the feet. I learned that from a later tape.
By consciously releasing and feeling the relaxation in each part of your body, your thoughts are naturally taken away from whatever else is going on in your life and focused on your feeling.
When you become totally relaxed, just sit there and "feel" it. Enjoy the feeling of your body sinking into the chair, your hands laying relaxed, your feet at rest. If a stray thought tries to wander in, just visualize it being pushed aside and go on with "feeling."
You might stay for 5 minutes, or 25. Do whatever feels right and good.
The first set of tapes I had recommended coming back out of this state deliberately - The method is to count back up to 5 while telling yourself "At the count of 5 I will open my eyes and be fully alert, rested, and feeling better than I felt before." Say it when you begin, then at 3, then a variation of it at 5 - when you do open your eyes.
I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep at night. My mind was always racing ahead to what needed to be done tomorrow or worrying over what I didn't accomplish today. So I did this at bedtime and changed the ending - I told myself that when I opened my eyes I'd be very sleepy and would go to bed and fall asleep quickly - that I would sleep well and wake rested. And yes, it worked.
Banishing stress from your mind and body will go a long way to keeping you healthy - so if you're thinking you don't have time for this because you have so many duties to your work and your family, re-think that position.
You're far more valuable to all of them when you feel good. Not only will you get more done, you'll be a lot more fun to be around.
The hectic Christmas season is a good time to let go of stress, so why not try this right now?
Plenty of people do - but you don't have to do that to get the benefits. Meditation is simply the act of clearing your mind and letting your body release tension - in other words, a great way to banish stress and optimize your natural health!
I'm sure the meditation purists will disagree with me - but that's OK. They can call this exercise something else and it won't bother me a bit. So here's the story...
Years ago I used to try meditating - with no results. No matter how I tried I couldn't sit there and visualize blank paper. When I tried, my mind kept saying "blank paper, blank paper." It was useless. And, even when all alone, I couldn't bring myself to make those strange noises. It felt silly. I was more tense from trying than I was from not trying.
Then I bought a couple of tape sets that brought things into focus. Using two methods together I could do it - and it felt wonderful!
The first set taught me to visualize numbers. Here's how that worked: Beginning with "3" visualize the number while saying it, 3 times. At the same time as you're doing this, inhale deeply and let the air out while saying "3, 3, 3" (I'll admit that I had to learn to breathe correctly before I could do it.)
Then do the same for 2 and 1. Then, after a few deep breaths and mentally saying "relax" the next step is to continue breathing deeply and count backwards from 10 to 1. Then think "relax" again a few times and let go with all your muscles.
That part was hard at first also - because the first tapes I had taught me to begin the relaxation process with my feet and work my way up to my head. The method that worked for me was to begin with the scalp, then the facial muscles, then neck, shoulders, chest, back, etc - ending with the feet. I learned that from a later tape.
By consciously releasing and feeling the relaxation in each part of your body, your thoughts are naturally taken away from whatever else is going on in your life and focused on your feeling.
When you become totally relaxed, just sit there and "feel" it. Enjoy the feeling of your body sinking into the chair, your hands laying relaxed, your feet at rest. If a stray thought tries to wander in, just visualize it being pushed aside and go on with "feeling."
You might stay for 5 minutes, or 25. Do whatever feels right and good.
The first set of tapes I had recommended coming back out of this state deliberately - The method is to count back up to 5 while telling yourself "At the count of 5 I will open my eyes and be fully alert, rested, and feeling better than I felt before." Say it when you begin, then at 3, then a variation of it at 5 - when you do open your eyes.
I used to suffer from not being able to fall asleep at night. My mind was always racing ahead to what needed to be done tomorrow or worrying over what I didn't accomplish today. So I did this at bedtime and changed the ending - I told myself that when I opened my eyes I'd be very sleepy and would go to bed and fall asleep quickly - that I would sleep well and wake rested. And yes, it worked.
Banishing stress from your mind and body will go a long way to keeping you healthy - so if you're thinking you don't have time for this because you have so many duties to your work and your family, re-think that position.
You're far more valuable to all of them when you feel good. Not only will you get more done, you'll be a lot more fun to be around.
The hectic Christmas season is a good time to let go of stress, so why not try this right now?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Bach Flowers and the mind-body connection
For a long time now doctors have been talking about stress and high blood pressure - but they usually talk about type A executives, driving themselves beyond their endurance to succeed more and more.
Well, the rest of us have stress too. It just isn't quite so visible.
And finally, doctors are realizing that stress can do more to our bodies than cause high blood pressure. It can cause an overall degeneration of many body parts, because after all, those parts are all connected!
Bach Flower Essences can help rebalance our energies to remove that stress and make the ups and downs in our lives easier to manage.
Dr. Bach, of course, talked about how our spiritual self affects our physical self. He believed there could be no true physical healing without emotional and vibrational healing. I personally believe that's why some people who "should" be well continue to be ill, while others with challenging injuries can heal quickly.
Bach Flowers can be preventative medicine - treating emotional upheaval before it takes a toll on our bodies. And they can be healing medicine, working in concert with traditional medicine to allow bodies to recover. Either way, because it's both inexpensive and totally harmless, I think using Bach Flower Essences is an intelligent approach to health care.
If you're interested in trying this natural approach to wellness, here's another book that could help you understand and choose the correct essences: Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies

You'll find Bach Flower Essences in many places around the web, but for fast service and the best prices I've seen, I recommend Feel Bach! More important, they use the same formula that Dr. Bach perfected back in the 30's, while many other manufacturers have chosen to use a cheaper method.
Note: For a selection of books that cover everything from using Bach Flowers for stress to treating pets, just type "bach flower remedies" into the search box at the top of this page.
Yours for stress-free, joyful holidays,
Tomorrow: Meditation
Well, the rest of us have stress too. It just isn't quite so visible.
And finally, doctors are realizing that stress can do more to our bodies than cause high blood pressure. It can cause an overall degeneration of many body parts, because after all, those parts are all connected!
Bach Flower Essences can help rebalance our energies to remove that stress and make the ups and downs in our lives easier to manage.
Dr. Bach, of course, talked about how our spiritual self affects our physical self. He believed there could be no true physical healing without emotional and vibrational healing. I personally believe that's why some people who "should" be well continue to be ill, while others with challenging injuries can heal quickly.
Bach Flowers can be preventative medicine - treating emotional upheaval before it takes a toll on our bodies. And they can be healing medicine, working in concert with traditional medicine to allow bodies to recover. Either way, because it's both inexpensive and totally harmless, I think using Bach Flower Essences is an intelligent approach to health care.
If you're interested in trying this natural approach to wellness, here's another book that could help you understand and choose the correct essences: Illustrated Handbook of the Bach Flower Remedies
You'll find Bach Flower Essences in many places around the web, but for fast service and the best prices I've seen, I recommend Feel Bach! More important, they use the same formula that Dr. Bach perfected back in the 30's, while many other manufacturers have chosen to use a cheaper method.
Note: For a selection of books that cover everything from using Bach Flowers for stress to treating pets, just type "bach flower remedies" into the search box at the top of this page.
Yours for stress-free, joyful holidays,
Tomorrow: Meditation
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Bach Flower Essences - to greet the Christmas season with joy
Do you know about Bach Flower Essences? They could help you enjoy the Christmas season this year.
The use of plants for healing dates back to Biblical times, so there's nothing new about knowing that plants are beneficial. But in the 1930's Dr. Edward Bach identified 38 different plants whose flowers affected not just physical well-being, but emotional well being.
Since modern science has no way to measure and quantify emotional vibration, no scientific explanation exists for why Bach Flower Essences work. But that doesn't matter to the millions of people who use them.
We all know that Christmas brings anxiety to many. Often it's the pressure of too much to do, and expecting too much of our own ability to do it all. Sometimes it's the dread of facing critical family members - and sometimes it's being that critical family member. Sometimes its overwhelming loneliness.
These are all emotional conditions tied to energy and our inner vibrations - and Bach Flowers can help bring things back into sync. The great part is that they're completely natural - there are no harmful side effects, no drug interactions, no worries about who can or cannot use them.
For generalized anxiety, many use a product called Feel5ive - it's Dr. Bach's original calmative formula to be used in times of stress. This is good for facing an important interview, visiting the dentist, taking an airplane ride, etc. It's also a great formula to use for pets under stress.
Treating other emotional situations requires a study of the 38 Bach Flower Essences and their qualities. Some rely on Bach Flower practitioners to help them choose the essences, while others do their own research. Feel Bach! offers a good explanation of each essence on their website, and will send you a quick reference brochure upon request.
If you'd like to learn more, I highly recommend the book I keep handy:
Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice
Tomorrow we'll talk about the mind-body connection. Stay tuned...
The use of plants for healing dates back to Biblical times, so there's nothing new about knowing that plants are beneficial. But in the 1930's Dr. Edward Bach identified 38 different plants whose flowers affected not just physical well-being, but emotional well being.
Since modern science has no way to measure and quantify emotional vibration, no scientific explanation exists for why Bach Flower Essences work. But that doesn't matter to the millions of people who use them.
We all know that Christmas brings anxiety to many. Often it's the pressure of too much to do, and expecting too much of our own ability to do it all. Sometimes it's the dread of facing critical family members - and sometimes it's being that critical family member. Sometimes its overwhelming loneliness.
These are all emotional conditions tied to energy and our inner vibrations - and Bach Flowers can help bring things back into sync. The great part is that they're completely natural - there are no harmful side effects, no drug interactions, no worries about who can or cannot use them.
For generalized anxiety, many use a product called Feel5ive - it's Dr. Bach's original calmative formula to be used in times of stress. This is good for facing an important interview, visiting the dentist, taking an airplane ride, etc. It's also a great formula to use for pets under stress.
Treating other emotional situations requires a study of the 38 Bach Flower Essences and their qualities. Some rely on Bach Flower practitioners to help them choose the essences, while others do their own research. Feel Bach! offers a good explanation of each essence on their website, and will send you a quick reference brochure upon request.
If you'd like to learn more, I highly recommend the book I keep handy:
Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice
Tomorrow we'll talk about the mind-body connection. Stay tuned...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Natural remedies for your eyes
I just came across these eye-related tips in a natural health book ... They sound worth a try.
Two or three carrots a day, raw, cooked, or in juice are supposedly excellent for relieving problems with night vision. Also, blueberries when they're in season and watercress in salads or tea are said to help restore night vision.
Cleaning your eyeglasses: to avoid streaks use a lint free cloth and a touch of vinegar or vodka.
Eye drops: Commercial eye drops and eye washes can actually harm your eyes. The preparations to "get the red out" shrink the veins that cause redness, but that masks a problem. Your eyes are red because they're irritated, so listen to them!
Remove the irritant, get more sleep, or cut back on alcohol - but don't mask the problem with a product that can cause harm.
If you need and use artificial tears, be sure to use the kind that is preservative free. The preservatives can damage your eyes.
For a safe, natural remedy for tired or irritated eyes, try a carrot wash.
Wash a bunch of carrots and cut off the tops. Place a handful of the clean carrot tops in a jar of distilled hot water. Let it stand and when cool use the carrot water as an eye wash.
Or - mix 1 drop of lemon juice n one ounce of warm distilled water and use it as an eyewash. This is said to be particularly effective when your eyes have been exposed to external irritants such as smoke, dust, and harsh lights.
Two or three carrots a day, raw, cooked, or in juice are supposedly excellent for relieving problems with night vision. Also, blueberries when they're in season and watercress in salads or tea are said to help restore night vision.
Cleaning your eyeglasses: to avoid streaks use a lint free cloth and a touch of vinegar or vodka.
Eye drops: Commercial eye drops and eye washes can actually harm your eyes. The preparations to "get the red out" shrink the veins that cause redness, but that masks a problem. Your eyes are red because they're irritated, so listen to them!
Remove the irritant, get more sleep, or cut back on alcohol - but don't mask the problem with a product that can cause harm.
If you need and use artificial tears, be sure to use the kind that is preservative free. The preservatives can damage your eyes.
For a safe, natural remedy for tired or irritated eyes, try a carrot wash.
Wash a bunch of carrots and cut off the tops. Place a handful of the clean carrot tops in a jar of distilled hot water. Let it stand and when cool use the carrot water as an eye wash.
Or - mix 1 drop of lemon juice n one ounce of warm distilled water and use it as an eyewash. This is said to be particularly effective when your eyes have been exposed to external irritants such as smoke, dust, and harsh lights.
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