Saturday, November 29, 2008

Natural, healthy stress relief

To improve your overall well-being and banish stressful feelings, a new report recommends singing. Yep, top of your lungs joyful song!

The report went on to say that there was some importance in knowing all the words to the song - but I have to wonder if that was an opinion rather than a fact. I say that because I hardly ever know all the words to any song, but get great stress relief by singing along to a really rockin' tune.

Better yet - dance! My email holds 4 or 5 great tunes that friends have sent over the years. If I let myself get down in the dumps I click over to one of them and get up and dance with myself.

The dogs look at me like I've lost it - but that's OK.

The Christmas season is here - and if it gets you down, try singing and dancing. You'll feel better both mentally and physically.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Antidepressant medications may trigger suicide!

Just read the news this morning about a young woman who was experiencing anxiety. Her doctor prescribed Klonopin and then gave her free samples of Cymbalta.

5 days later she was dead.

She started feeling bad the first day, but kept taking the pills; within 4 days she began talking about suicide, and the next day she did it.

According to the newspaper, the package inserts with prescriptions for Cymbalta clearly state that suicidal thoughts can be a side effect, but since she was given samples, neither she nor her family had seen a package insert.

Once again, this is a stark reminder to pay attention to your own body. Just because a doctor hands you something does NOT mean that it is good for you. It may be fine for someone else, but not for you.

Any time a medication makes you feel bad, you should quit taking it! This is true even if you begin experiencing headaches or nausea or any of a host of other side-effects - not just if you become suicidal.

Bad feelings are your body's way of telling you this is not a good thing. When you begin experiencing negative reactions after a change in medication it's a clear sign that the medication is harmful to you.

Go back to the doctor and explain your symptoms. Get a different drug if you must, but always remember that our bodies are all individual - one size does not fit all in clothing, foods, or medications.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Home Remedies People Swear By... The raisin cure for arthritis

Several times lately people have mentioned the "raisin cure" for arthritis to me... so I found it for you!

You'll need:

1 lb. Golden raisins
1 pint Gin
Glass bowl
Glass jar with lid

Spread the raisins evenly on the bottom of the glass bowl and cover them with gin. Let them stay there until all the gin is absorbed by the raisins. This usually takes 5-7 days. do stir this occasionally to make sure all the raisins absorb the gin.

After all the gin is absorbed, transfer the raisins to the jar. Put the lid on. Do not refrigerate.

Each day eat 9 raisins. Only 9. This number seems to have some bearing on how this remedy works.

I am fortunate not to have this ailment, but I've heard this from people who do and they say it works wonders. Seems like it's worth a try, as long as you aren't allergic to raisins or gin.

Update on cayenne pepper to stop bleeding

Last time I wrote I told you that cayenne pepper halted a razor nick...

Well, a couple of evenings ago I was playing with one of the dogs and he accidentally tore a little triangular chunk of my skin loose - a little over 1/4 inch long on each side. (Not his fault - mine.)

Because it has so many healing and antibiotic herbs, I first sprayed Schneiders on it. (Sold in feed stores - it's marketed for horses and other livestock, but great for people, too.)

Then, because any time I poke a hole in my skin I generally bleed for quite a while, I got out the cayenne pepper and sprinkled it on my arm. The bleeding stopped instantly! Later that evening I did something to tear it loose so I sprinkled a little more... with the same result. Now, 2 days later, its healing so fast I feel like I can almost watch the progress!

I think I've found something wonderful!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Are Olives a Miracle Drug?

The reading and research I've done over the past few days would lead me to believe so.

One of my clients is about to launch a new product that contains olive leaf, so to give "proof" to our claims of it's effectiveness, I started reading.

I learned that the use of dried olive leaf dates back to the ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean cultures, and is even cited in the Bible. That's a pretty long history of healing!

Clinical evidence has proven the blood pressure lowering effects of carefully extracted olive leaf extracts, and bioassays support its antibactrial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects.

But the benefits don't stop with the leaf. Olive oil offers protection against heart disease by controlling LDL cholesterol levels while raising HDL (good) cholesterol levels. It's protective function in the stomach has a beneficial effect on ulcers and gastritis, and because it activates teh secretion of bile and pancreatic hormones more naturally than precription drugs, it lowers the incidence of gallstone formation.

Studies on rats are now showing that olive oil reduces the risk of colon cancer - rating almost as high as fish oil in that regard.

Every report I read recommended taking two tablespoons of virgin olive oil daily. Of course, they recommend using it to replace other oils in your diet rather than just adding olive oil.

While all olive oil is good, the best is Extra Virgin - because it has not been overly processed and does not contain any other oils. Thus it has higher levels of antioxidants.

I also learned that your olive oil should be kept in a cool dark place, tightly sealed.

Contrary to popular hype, canola oil does not have the beneficial properties of olive oil - and may even contain a dangerous fatty acid. (I've been trying to stay away from that one for years - which unfortunately limits eating out.)

Olive oil burns easily, so for frying, nutrition experts recommend coconut oil. Because of its composition, the heat won't transition the oil into dangerous trans fatty acids.

Yours for good health - and good eating!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coumadin and cranberries don't mix

Just caught this article this morning - and since turkey and cranberries season is nearly here, it seemed like a good time to warn you.

According to the People's Pharmacy, cranberries can increase the anticoagulent effect of warfarin - the ingredient in Coumadin. The combination can lead to serious bleeding problems.

So... if you're taking Coumadin, leave the cranberry juice in the fridge and avoid cranberry sauce with your turkey dinner this Thanksgiving.

Be safe!


Monday, November 10, 2008

Could anti-depressants cause Alzheimers?

I just ran across a good article on depression on Frank Mangano's health site...

It's worth reading if you or anyone you love suffers from depression. The world offers dozens of natural cures - everything from good music to juice supplements, to vitamins and minerals - and none of them will create brain lesions.

Here's to natural health...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Does big pharm control the FDA?

My guess is yes, big pharm does control the FDA. Possibly because so much of the "research" done by the FDA is funded by pharmaceutical companies.

And big pharm does not want the sale of natural health products cutting into its revenues.

Thus my email last night held a message about a new assault on our freedom. It seems the FDA, under pressure from big pharm, is hiring more agents to monitor the advertising from people selling natural health products. Those who dare to say natural products might help someone avoid illness or become well will be subject to stiff penalties, and could be put out of business entirely.

Those who advertise and sell herbal remedies, for instance, must not even mention the name of a disease or a symptom of a disease in their advertising. Talk about a way to get rid of the competition!

I suppose it makes sense. As more and more people realize the benefits of herbs and other natural supplements, and as more and more people are becoming ill from pharmaceuticals, big pharm knows that many will shift from trusting them to mis-trusting them - and will switch to natural remedies with no evil side-effects.

So... they promote the idea that natural products should be regulated because they might be "dangerous" to the public. Never mind that nearly all of the products they sell carry the risk of serious disability or death.

Thank goodness we are all free to do our own research and find out just what good things herbs, vitamins, and supplements such as mangosteen can do for us. I keep a copy of Dr. Tanton's "A Drug Free Approach to Health Care" by my desk, because I know he's done years of research into natural health. It's a great place to start - and if I want to know more, there's always Google.

I firmly believe that every person should research the side effects before taking any medication - and should explore natural alternatives before taking the risk that pharmaceuticals present. Even if it does mean lost revenue for big pharm.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Natural cures for high cholesterol

Yesterday we talked about the dangers of Vytorin. I have learned since then that the drug Baycol was removed from the market after numerous deaths were attributed to its use.

Since all pharmaceuticals carry risk, and since cholesterol drugs seem to carry side effects that lead to death, it seems like it might be a good idea to see what you can do without drugs.

According to the Mayo Clinic site, the first thing to do is reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats in your diet. Unfortunately, that means staying away from store-bought cookies, crackers, and cakes. (unless you read the ingredients and find there are no trans fats)

Next, add some good foods: oatmeal and oat bran, walnuts and almonds (in moderation, of course, because they're high in calories), fish and omega-3 fatty acids (like ground flaxeed), olive oil, and foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols. (Look for this on the labels of margarines, orange juice, and yogurt drinks.)

What else can you do? Research has shown that the following natural supplements can be of benefit. Just remember that each body is different, and what works for one might not work for another.

• B Vitamins
• Carnitine
• Chromium
• Coenzyme Q10
• Garlic
• Grape Seed Extract
• Pantothine
• Red yeast rice
• Royal Jelly
• Soy
• Vitamin C

I always recommend doing your own research. You'll find a myriad of resources on line, as well as in natural health books.

One of my favorites is A Drug-Free Approach to Health Care by Dr. David Tanton. In it, Dr. Tanton outlines the many natural remedies available for all of our common health concerns - and some that are not so common.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cholesterol Drug Vytorin ingredients possibly lethal

Isn't that nice? The FDA is beginning an investigation into ezetimibe and simvastatin, the two compounds found in Vytorin which are designed to lower cholesterol levels.

A 5-year trial was conducted to see if the combined ingredients could "reduce cardiovascular events in patients with a diagnosis of aortic stenosis." The trial found that no, there were no benefits. However, a larger percentage of those treated with Vytorin (as opposed to the placebo group) were diagnosed with and died from various forms of cancer.

Two other ongoing trials will end in 2010 and 2012. I feel for those patients taking part in the trials. Why would anyone take that kind of chance with their health?

Cases such as this are a good reason not to take any drugs that haven't been around for a good long while - unless, of course, your condition is terminal and they offer some relief.

If you're taking Vytorin, you might want to go back to your doctor and ask for something safer. Or, you might want to try treating your high cholesterol with diet, exercise, and some natural remedies. I'll tell you about those tomorrow...

Monday, November 3, 2008

How to stop bleeding from a razor nick

Most people just stick a bit of tissue on the nick and in a few minutes the bleeding stops,right?

Well, sometimes it doesn't. That happened to my husband a few nights ago. He spent dinner dabbing at his chin to keep the blood from dripping into his plate. When it didn't stop after an hour or so, I went on line to find a remedy - and did!

I used the first one I found: Cayenne pepper. Just a teensey pinch of it, applied twice to the nick, and the bleeding stopped within about a minute and a half.

But not everyone has cayenne pepper on the shelf, so I'll tell you the other remedies I found:

Nasal spray
eye drops

Every household is bound to have at least one of those on hand.

According to what I read, the reason these work is they all act to constrict the blood vessels - shutting off the flow.

I'm glad I found these - I don't get many razor nicks, but sure do get "claw nicks" from a cat who insists she needs to be on my lap while I'm at the computer.

Yours for a happy November,