Thursday, February 7, 2008

Test drugs killed how many?

I only caught a part of that newscast - a major drug company doing a test on medications for diabetes and heart disease - and a huge percentage of the test subjects died.

Is that OK as long as the percentage was low?

I realize that drugs have to be tested, and I do hate the idea of testing on our 4 legged friends as if they were inanimate objects.

I know! Maybe the people who formulate these drugs, or the ones who stand to become wealthy selling them are the ones who should be the test subjects.

You can bet they'd be a bit more careful if that were the case.

One can hope that the FDA, that entity that's supposed to be protecting us, will crack down a little harder on big pharm after this episode. But I doubt it.

All of us who truly want to be healthy will just have to keep reading and learning about natural cures and preventatives - and fighting big pharm's efforts to ban the sale of vitamins and minerals without a prescription.

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